Fireman discusses Molten metal: Need a .avi, .wmv, or .mpg file

Could someone send me a source (other than Google Video or Youtube) so I can download the Fireman discussing the flowing molten metal? It could be an .avi, .wmv, or .mpg file. Need it for my PPT presentation.



I think I may have

what you are looking for but it is on another computer. I don't have any online storage so the best I would be able to do is email it to you.
However, I do have this link to offer you. The downloads are free.

I also have the Nextel footage of inside the trade center but that is to large for me to email. I can put it on a CD and send it to you if you would like.

Good Luck,

I think you should load that

I think you should load that Nextel footage onto and post the link here.

email the fireman / Molten Metal video clip

Thanks Tom,

my email address is
I checked out the question 911 site. The seem to only have the longer videos. I'll be grateful to have you email me the above video! (Your personal settings preclude my being able to email you)


you can download

you can download from in mp4 format... just click DOWNLOAD (FOR IPOD,playstation)

Doesn't that just download Google Video Player? How can one

download actual videos from Google? download

download from almost any video site in several formats,

take care



This works!

Richard Gage