The PA 9/11 Visibility Group Flyer

Click Here (PDF)

Feel free to use any or all of this. It's going to be making its' debut this Saturday at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Come join us if you can.

I wonder...

Who gave this blog a 1.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Show "The FAMOUS Jon Gold!!!" by agent99 (not verified)

World Famous...

Among the 10 people that promote holograms, and such... Ray and Sibel believe the official story? Really? That's funny.

Wow, that takes me back. When did that email chain take place? Like a year and a half ago? SBG was in on it to. You saved it all this time? I'm touched.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Yeah, that's why the Zelikow Commission gave Sibel.... much space in the Report after she testified for 3+ hours...(what did she get, a footnote?)....

And, if she is in such lockstep with the OV, why has she been officially muzzled (poor choice of words for Sibel), I mean silenced, time and time again by the Justice Dept?

Yeah, and everybody here has seen Ray trumpeting the Mineta Testimony:

You're in good company, Jon.....


got it.

'It's worth remembering that Gold is not an isolated case. There is an entire army of lunatics like this, calling themselves the "truth movement". A lot of very good research by people who share a mutual animosity with the movement in general has been defiled by these doublethinkers appropriating parts of it whenever it happens to be convenient for whatever "truth" is being marketed from moment to moment. It is a curious fact that nearly every piece of solid research which the movement chooses to use when convenient was actually done by someone who is generally despised by the movement as someone who is " discrediting the truth." or "hurting the movement", while it's hero figures are innocent of any significant research contribution at all."

slithering like a...

Are there...

Any other distractions you would like to get off your chest in this activist thread?

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

activist thread?

I know clarity and definitions are not really an "area of interest" for you, but could you please define "activist thread"? are these different than other threads?


Thread is about a 9/11 Truth flyer that PA 9/11 Visibility is going to be handing out this Saturday. It has nothing to do with whether or not Gerard Holmgren deserves any accolades within this movement.

If you have any critiques regarding the flyer, feel free to post them. Otherwise, tell Gerard, and by default, Nico, to bite me.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

what the hell is "9/11 Truth", Jon?

again, looking for a definition.
How do YOU define the term?
Are you capable of stating a position on anything?

And your flyer--a sad waste of perfectly good trees.

9/11 Truth...

Is me continuing to do what I do, day in, and day out, until the bastards that murdered 2,973+ on 9/11 are held to account for their actions, in spite of your efforts against me.

I'm done now.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I guess we finally figured that out...

(the above, by Jon, was the first post on this blog).

Show " stop" by Anonymous (not verified)

They're comin'...

Out of the woodwork for this flyer. *pats self on back*

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Thanks for posting this...

....we might rip it off (I mean, pay homage to :) and do a version for our event this weekend, to give as a handout.

Excellent work.


It's just been slightly updated...

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Only 5 Wargames?

Haven't more (as high as 15?) been revealed?

Just asking.

According to Webster Tarpley...

I think, but I don't know if he's sourced on that info. I'm only going with what I know I can find.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."


What I can verify I think... 7 wargames...

Northern Vigilance
Vigilant Guardian
Global Guardian
Apollo Guardian
Amalgam Warrior
Tripod II
Timely Alert II

I updated it to 7. Besides, weren't some of the wargames Webster was talking about outside of the U.S.?

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I don't recall any foreign ones....

....I do know about the Alaska/Russian one, that transferred jets, like the North Carolina one....(I haven't memorized the names)...I'm sure you have Synthetic Terror, but I can look if you want...

I just thought 5 seemed conservative as a's not that important to get the number exactly right...

Okay flyer, but how about including a few brief specifics like:

#2) 414 days delayed, evidence shipped away or gone cold by then.
#4) the exact money amount, (I think less than Clinton's impeachment investigation?)
#5) Not just "where was NORAD" but no jets scambled 'til after it was all over?
#6) Why did leaseholder Silverstein say he & fire chief "pull-it" & watched it collapse?


....might have to be a two-sided flyer....


Show " " by JonGoldsNewFriends (not verified)

It's amazing...

I get attacked from within the movement, and outside of the movement. I can't get a break.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Show "attacked... by your own words" by agent99 (not verified)

Get Smart, Agent 99

I take it you are a total believer in the "official report"?

Just some of the facts are: widespread cancer in the responders, molten steel, melted cars, steel beams hurled hundreds of feet, aerosolized metals, vaporized steel witnessed and video, aerosolized and pulverized concrete, elevated tritium levels, vanishing (vaporized) victims, only sliver fragments of victims on roof tops, EMP - Electro Magnetic Pulse effects on communications, hundreds of eyewitness testimony of ancillary explosions by heroic rescuers and victims, audio of a massive explosion prior to collapse, video of ancillary explosions, audio of ancillary explosions, significant reduction in debris pile, ancillary thermate found in wreckage, vaporization of 200,000 gallons of water, removal of wreckage without investigation, only remnants of fire in one tower minutes after the plane collision, unprecedented history of 3 skyscrapers collapsing secondary to fire, early miscalculation stating WTC building 7 'pulled', towers fall at demolition or free fall speed, foreknowledge of WTC 7 immediate collapse, slow-motion video evidence of plane appendage with smoke and explosion immediately prior to impact of both planes, unprecedented NORAD non response to variant flights, FEMA drill scheduled for same day, military 'exercise' of exactly what was taking place to prevent NORAD response, most of NORAD protection planes sent far away in another 'exercise' to prevent response, prevention of examination of wreckage by those assigned to investigate, seismic evidence of a large explosion, Cheney takes over NORAD response command, Cheney prevents NORAD response, WTC towers designed for 757 collision and fire, 911 used falsely for previously planned war, government fabrication of 'evidence' correlation for starting war, hundreds of people found themselves trapped by locked doors and missing escape routes above and below the impact zone, and not all inclusively, but finally, Bush brands anyone noting any of these facts a terrorist.

Hey, take comfort.... that you must be doing something really potentially effective and threatening to the OV, by creating & distributing this flyer, to inspire such petty animosity......kudos.....

Wear this ridiculous attack like a badge of honor...

Same old same old.

If you weren't effective, they wouldn't bother. Sorry. I know it must be a serious pain in the ass.

Notice, though, that a thread about activism in the real world clearly freaks somebody out, more than usual, even.

This is a great post....

....and one we should all internalize and put into action.

It's all about the Activism, folks. And Jon's piece is a very good one (not to mention cheap to distribute). Probably why it bugs some people so much.

(Funny, casseia, we posted similar things almost simultaneously :) I lke yours better.


Thanks. ;)

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."