"911 Mysteries: Part 1: Demolitions" to be screened in Newton, MA on October 18, 2006 at 7 PM

The Boston 9/11 Truth Committee anouncement:

The Boston 9/11Truth Committee proudly presents an important new film:


Written and Directed by Smallstorm

Featuring construction and demolition experts, survivors and
first responders on the scene deconstructing the myth of 911.

Why were there explosions in the basement of the towers long before the buildings fell?
Why did building 7 collapse if it was not hit by an airplane and suffered only a few small fires?
What was the Bush family's involvement in the company managing World Trade Center security?
Why were there multiple "security evacuations" of the buildings in the weeks leading up to 911?

What if the Twin Towers were brought down by explosives?
What if US officials were involved?

Wednesday October 18, 2006, 7:00 PM
West Newton Cinema
1296 Washington Street, West Newton, MA
(Free parking available around the corner)

Free admission--donations gratefully accepted.

911 books and DVDs will be on sale.
The showing will be followed by a brief discussion period.

For more information call Chris Gruener at 617-965-6552

If you can't make the showing do yourself a favor and watch the film here.