Pastor responds to follow up letter. Truth WINS!!!

Well guys, it did not take long to get a response from my pastor and I must say, I am pleasantly surprised with his response. This is very shocking because this church is what I would consider a very conservative southern Baptist church. It just goes to show, there is no stopping truth! His response follows along with my 2 original letters, in case you missed them:


Blessings *****,

 It's great to hear from you. Yes, I am very aware of the perspective that indicates that the whole WTC disaster may have been an "inside job" to give this country a plausible reason to go to war. There are many inconsistencies within the stories regarding the Pentagon attack as well. I do not disagree with you on this, but Jesus is very specific with me on my responsibilities and focus for this church. It just so happens that the whole WTC incident is not a part of Jesus' plan for FBC****** at this time.

As far as what you should personally do about your concerns, for that I currently have no answer except to say that affecting those around us right now in our sphere of influence is my and I believe God's main concern. I'm not sure if I helped, but I will be praying that you find the answers and the peace that your looking for.

In the Master's Service,

Pastor *****


 1st letter sent 6 months ago:


Dear Pastor ******,

I have been in anguish over the past 4 years over a subject that not many want to talk about these days. I have come to the Lord for guidance and feel He is leading me to write this letter to you. I have an incredible drive in me that I can’t ignore anymore and I feel it is time for me to do something about it. It is amazing how things are lining up in my life to bring this information to you and the good people of FBC *******. As you may know, I am a former member of FBC ***** and a former member of the FBC ******Praise Band. I fell away from the church at a time when it was going through some difficulties that have paved the way for you to become Pastor. During this time I have been on an incredible journey that has led me back to your church. I have been in prayer about this issue and all indications are that I am supposed to pass this on to you for you to consider.

I am not sure where you are in your walk in regards to 9/11, but I am sure you can at least recognize that this event is playing a significant role in many of the policy decisions of the current administration. I feel the Lord is pushing me to reveal what I have learned about this horrible event. I have wept before the Lord many times and cried out to Him asking, “Why Lord? Why me? Why do I see what so many do not?” He is still counseling me on this issue, as it is a heavy burden on my heart. Some of my family has come to realize that the questions I, and many others raise about 9/11 are valid and need to be discussed. Others do not want to hear it and I don’t blame them. I believe that the Lord loves justice and does not want His people to be deceived. I feel the best way to get this message across is for you to watch, prayerfully and with an open mind and heart, the DVD I included with this letter, as there is so much information and disinformation out there.

After attending the “Shroud” event a few weeks back I came to realize you are not afraid of controversial subjects and I commend you for that. This is one of the events that have led to this letter and it is amazing to see the path the Lord is showing me. I have put this off for too long for fear of ridicule, but I am not afraid anymore. I pray that you will consider organizing a showing of this video to FBC ****** in the near future if you feel it is the Lords will. I understand this is the mother of all controversies, but it is too important to ignore. The “9/11 truth movement” is growing rapidly and has now humbly come to your church for your help. If you have any questions for me, or want to discuss this in any way, my door is always open.

God Bless You Pastor,




 Follow up letter sent last night:

Hello Pastor *****,

I'm not sure where to start. It's been almost 6 months since I gave you that letter & DVD, Pastor *****. I prayed over that letter. I really prayed over it, intensely. I don't like to reveal to people the contents of my personal prayer, but I need you to know that I prayed for God to make clear to me if I was on the wrong track in regards to this issue. Since that morning 6 months ago, I have not been able to convince myself that all this is not true. In fact, the more I look into it, the more ridiculous the "official" story sounds. I remember a few months back, you mentioned in a sermon that you were a building inspector. I would imagine that you have some, if not extensive knowledge in building construction and have the mind to understand some aspects of structural engineering. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the design of the WTC, but it does not take long to understand the redundancy of these structures once you see how they were built. Yet, we watched them pulverize into dust like sand castles in 10 seconds. Freefall in a vacuum is 9 seconds. Add onto that the numerous reports of pre-collapse explosions, squibs down the sides of the building, plus a pyroclastic flow and what do you get? Controlled Demolition. I recommend you take a look at the Southwark Towers at that website. If you see little thumbnails at the bottom of the screen, it's the one on the bottom row, 3rd from the left. Its under "Cinema Explosif'" if you are not there. You will notice the pre-collapse explosions, squibs down the sides and a freefall collapse.

I was there at FBC ******* on September 10th of this year where you showed that odd video montage of the CNN news clips "Showdown in Iraq" blended in with clips of the towers falling, blended in with "Saving Private Ryan". Since we all know that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and the "War on Terror" is nothing like WWII, I was not sure what the point of that video was. Once I got passed that line of thinking, I realized that one of the clips you had in that video showed exactly what I am talking about. It was very clear and it was stunning to see it on the big screen. The clip I am referring to is the one that shows a close-up of the towers and the camera follows the pulverizing building down the collapse wave. If you go back and watch this clip (or any clip for that matter), keep an eye on the sections of the building below the collapse zone. You will see huge 'demolition squibs' shooting out about 50 feet or so from the middle of the building. Just like the Southwark Towers. This is what got me, Pastor. Once I realized that these buildings were probably imploded, there was no turning back.

If I am severely misguided, why haven't you counseled me? Why leave a brother in Christ wondering for 6 months? Sitting in church the few times I have attended the past few months has been odd, to say the least. I really felt like I stuck my neck out and was left confused...very confused. It is not easy approaching someone with this information. It's one of the hardest things I have ever done. As I sat there listening to you preach about change and a new direction for the church, where you reach out to the community, I couldn't help but wonder why my anguish has been ignored. I do not like knowing these things. I wish it would all go away. All I want, is to do my job, raise a family, pay my taxes and follow Christ. I don't want this ugliness, but it won't go away. It seems God does not want me to ignore it, which I would gladly do if it would leave me alone.

I am not sure what I want from you. At the very least, I was hoping you could help me cope with some biblical advise. It feels odd telling you this since, I would expect, that's what pastors are supposed to do. I understand that the "War on Terror" very well could be one of the "rumors of wars" that the bible talks about. Once I realized this, that verse made much more sense since the "War on Terror" seems to be a bogus war. I feel like I am rambling on and it is late. What am I supposed to do, Pastor?




"As far as what you should personally do about your concerns, for that I currently have no answer except to say that affecting those around us right now in our sphere of influence is my and I believe God's main concern."

I believe the Pastor is saying God wants you to go spread some truth! There we have it: GOD IS A TRUTHER!!!


(I hope I'm not coming across as blasphemous here)

"I worship God as Truth

"I worship God as Truth only."
-- Mahatma Gandhi

If you believe in God, you believe He is the Truth. Therefore, those who deny the truth about 9/11 are denying the God they so gratuitously profess their faith in.

God & Truth

God is Truth and God loves truth and God is love. No blasphemy what so ever my friend.

-----From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious......very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me........You were right. I know about 9/11 now.

I guess my original post

I guess my original post could be read either way. I should have clarified that I am talking about the OCTers.


I'm lost. What do you mean?

-----From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious...very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me.......You were right. I know about 9/11 now.


Guess what? I don't think the whole "WTC incident" was part of Jesus' plan for MY life, either.

Seriously, it's great that the guy got back to you, but he's not impressing me as a minister. Not because he doesn't want introduce his congregation to full-on Truth About 9/11 at this time, but because he doesn't seem to be offering you much support. What do you think?

I'll reply in a little bit.

I'll reply in a little bit. I have a lot to say about this. I must get something to eat. Please check back in an hour or so.

-----From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious......very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me........You were right. I know about 9/11 now.

I must agree...

I totally agree with you. I was hoping for more advise from him, but it seems he pulled a Pontius Pilate on me and washed his hands of any responsibility. I had a feeling this guy was not a good pastor. He gets all fired up on stage when he does his sermon, but from my experience with him on a personal level, which is not much since he does not seem to want to reach out to me, he seems to not fufill his duty as a man of God once the sermon is over. I don't want to gossip about the guy but what else am I supposed to take from this?

-----From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious......very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me........You were right. I know about 9/11 now.

When I re-read his response

I felt like going a little easier on the guy, but that was before reading YOUR response.

I'm going to think about this some more. In the meantime, I listened to the recent (not most recent) 9/11 Synchronicity podcast from Richard Grove at He includes a speech that MLK Jr made toward the end of his life, condemning the Viet Nam war. It is extremely moving and very applicable to the circumstances of the present day. As I said, I don't consider myself a Christian, but this speech made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. At one point he talks about the fact that people don't want to talk about the immorality of the war, but that "God told (him) this morning what to say" (paraphrasing) and I believe him, lol. He cites some of the really choice stuff from the New Testament. Anyway, I thought of you when I heard it, because it is so obvious that MLK was offering his listeners not only truth, but spiritual sustenance, that is still available now, 40 or so years later.

Martin Luther King

I have heard parts of the speach you are referring to, but I have yet to hear the whole thing. You have the link? I would love to hear it. I am reading Dr. Griffin's book "Christian Faith and the Truth About 9/11", which is amazing in pointing out why Christians, of all people, should be first in line as truther's. I am trying to find verses to apply to 9/11 truth from the bible.

-----From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious...very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me.......You were right. I know about 9/11 now.

Here's a music mix of that

Here's a music mix of that speech. Can make the hair on the back o' your neck stand up and bring you to your knees.

Thanks, FrankV!

That's really cool.


I have heard that one before. It is great!

-----From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious...very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me.......You were right. I know about 9/11 now.


My experience is many so-called christians are the 1st to deny any responsible for moving into action. People in his position are responsible for finding out the truth. Not hiding behind authority figures or the role he sees Jesus's view for his church. Jesus can't talk to him if ain't listening for the right answers.

Let him explore 911 facts. And Jesus will start talking to him about them. Hear no evil, see no evil is a cop out.
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and
hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." Mark Twain

At work, on break....

I agree with you. The thing that got me is he didn't seem to feel the need to apologize about his silence over the past 6 months. He was just like, "Yeah, yeah...I know it was an inside job, but I don't want to deal with it. You are on your own." I wonder how much this guy makes a year from the tithes. Seems to me that we are not getting our monies worth if he does not want to offer me counsel.

-----From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious......very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me........You were right. I know about 9/11 now.&

Realism sets in

NOTE: T-Bone, you have to close the italics in your post above, otherwise the entire thread becomes italicized. Thx.



You said: "I wonder how much this guy makes a year from the tithes. Seems to me that we are not getting our monies worth if he does not want to offer me counsel."

Lily Tomlin said: "No matter how cynical I get, it's hard to keep up."

And decades ago, H.L. Mencken observed that "for centuries, theologians have been explaining the unknowable in terms of the-not-worth-knowing."

Sounds like you pastor may not be worth knowing... :')

Question Authority

Great to see folks getting their minsters to fess-up on their conclusions about 9/11. Everyone in authority needs to answer that question!

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." Mark Twain

E-mail him a copy of my pastors response.

Maybe that will get him thinking.

-----From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious...very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me.......You were right. I know the truth about 9/11

Not sure what I did...

Did I fix it?

-----From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious...very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me.......You were right. I know the truth about 9/11 now"-----

Response toy our question Tbone

Support our March for truth

Tbone my advice to you would be to saturate yourself in God's word and fast for your Pastor. It is by gaining the hearts of the leaders in our churches that we can begin to impact the rest of our brothers and sisters. Be humble, loving, and stay away from anything you cannot substantiate by the word of God or by reliable sources. There are many nut's surrounding this movement that do it more harm than good.
I would encourage you to share what we are doing concerning the walk to DC. We desire to speak in Churches about these issues and what the Christian response should be. Share with him some video's but respect his right to process the info and remember it is a hard transition to have your whole worldview shattered. Truly Satan is the God of this world but greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world. In the end evil will be defeated. But the church must watch, pray and be aware of the times.
Help us get the word out.
God be with you in your struggle for the truth!

Also you can burn a copy of of our Podcast with Michael Wolsey so that you pastor can see there are strong bible believing Christians who are involved in this movement.

Brother Raymond
Real Christians Don't Choose War

Response to your question Tbone

Support our March for truth

Tbone my advice to you would be to saturate yourself in God's word and fast for your Pastor. It is by gaining the hearts of the leaders in our churches that we can begin to impact the rest of our brothers and sisters. Be humble, loving, and stay away from anything you cannot substantiate by the word of God or by reliable sources. There are many nut's surrounding this movement that do it more harm than good.
I would encourage you to share what we are doing concerning the walk to DC. We desire to speak in Churches about these issues and what the Christian response should be. Share with him some video's but respect his right to process the info and remember it is a hard transition to have your whole worldview shattered. Truly Satan is the God of this world but greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world. In the end evil will be defeated. But the church must watch, pray and be aware of the times.
Help us get the word out.
God be with you in your struggle for the truth!

Also you can burn a copy of of our Podcast with Michael Wolsey so that you pastor can see there are strong bible believing Christians who are involved in this movement.

Brother Raymond
Real Christians Don't Choose War