Open Letter to World Leaders

Obviously, if one nation points to the use of false flag terrorism by another country, it let's the cat out of the bag. In other words, raising the subject would reveal the very old, dark, hidden secret that many governments have used to control their populations and whip up war-frenzy against a designated enemy. Since many countries around the world have used this technique, no one wants to reveal the dirty little secret and blow the whistle.

I understand that this is one of the main reasons that non-U.S. countries have refrained from spilling the beans on the fact that 9-11 was an inside job. If they did, this would raise the whole issue of false flags, and their own countryman might start asking if their governments have also killed their own for political gain.

But I would ask the powers-that-be in non-U.S. countries to look at the alternative. If 9/11 is not revealed for what it is, then America - the sole superpower in the world today, with the most powerful armada ever assembled - will unleash world war III and imperial domination for many years to come. Your country may very well be destroyed - economically and militarily - by the U.S.

I also understand that you would like to keep the whole false flag game in your pocket for future use. You don't want to spoil the game.

But you see the obvious slide of the U.S. into a fascism as total as that of Nazi Germany, and you see that the U.S. leaders are driven by not only imperial, but also
apocalyptic impulses far more dangerous perhaps than even Hitler's.

Sure, it would be very painful to reveal the truth about false flag operations in your country.

But the cost of doing so is FAR OUTWEIGHED by the benefit of unmasking the foundation and root of the entire U.S. imperial project, of forcing a re-sheathing of the U.S. sword.

So please consult your advisors. And then act . . . it is, likely, the only way to stop your country from being run over and flattened by the U.S. military juggernaut.

U.S. leaders are driven by

U.S. leaders are driven by not only imperial, but also apocalyptic impulses

Anyone who thinks the elites actually believe in religion is brain-dead.

Remember the Embassy attack in Syria?

Well there were those recent allegations made by Syria about the embassy attack.... did anyone else notice how quickly that dropped from the news?
One would think that this would be a huge news story, with the US responding with contempt to such ridiculous allegations... right?

Unless they're true.

The Hariri assasination was never resolved as well...

this event still has some important question marks associated with it and conveniently led to increased U.S. manipulation of Lebanese affairs.

Thailand Coup

Anyone else notice that there was a coup in Thailand. Did anyone notice that the ex-administration was on record that Thailand was going to support Venezuela for a place on the U.N. Security Council.

What's Your Point?

Re: Anyone else notice that there was a coup in Thailand?

Yes, I did see the news.

Re: Did anyone notice that the ex-administration was on record that Thailand was going to support Venezuela for a place on the U.N. Security Council.

No, I hadn't seen that. But what is your point?

Hey Ray

My point is to watch how close the vote is at the U.N. in a few weeks for the open Security Council seat.

But I can't make up my mind whether the US administration wants Venezuela to win so they can dismiss the U.N. again or they want Venezuela to lose so they can have an ally on the Security Council.

OT: good article!

This piece at Common Dreams, though it doesn't get into 9/11 truth - mentioning it in passing as an opportunity they cynically seized - does smash up the "incompetence" idea about the Bush regime. It says they are competent at pursuing their "secret agenda" and that incompetence is a smokescreen they encourage as a tool to befuddle their opponents.Interesting.

OT. Saw this on a message

OT. Saw this on a message board, regarding WTC 7:


ETH by the way is the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.


"Nach meiner Meinung ist das Gebäude WTC 7 mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit fachgerecht gesprengt worden», sagt Hugo Bachmann, emeritierter ETH-Professor für Baustatik und Konstruktion. Und auch Jörg Schneider, ebenfalls emeritierter ETH-Professor für Baustatik und Konstruktion, deutet die wenigen vorhandenen Videoaufnahmen als Hinweise, dass «das Gebäude WTC 7 mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit gesprengt wurde. "

"In my opinion WTC7 was with the utmost probability brought down by controlled demolition done by experts" says Hugo Bachmann, Professor emeritus for structural analysis and construction at ETH*. And also Jörg Schneider, another Professor emeritus for structural analysis and construction at ETH, interprets the small number of existing videos as indices that "WTC7 was with the utmost probability brought down by explosives".

Ending the political stalemate

I'm not convinced there is any difference between the so-called UN Security Council, and the 'players' who control the puppet-governments. Every now and then a President, (such as Pakistan's) gets the 'squeeze' from both directions, and it's amazing how quickly the 'true' position of their enemies intentions comes right out, Ie.: The Bay of Pigs, 'The Wink,' Nixon on Trial, A spotted blue Dress...

Actually, this narrative ends, when Joe six-pack comes in from a hard day at the auto factory, props his feet up on the 'Ottoman' to watch TV, and chances to see a devistating report:-

"Today, your son, Joe Jr., was killed in action by 'friendly-fire.'
"...Moving to Sports,"- blaugh-blaugh...


Energy conspiracy theory too...

BTW, this darn blinky ad for Conspiracy Clothes probably needs to check out John Cadman's piece about the Great Pyramid's water system. (They may be propogating a little controversy of their own.) The deal is, it deposits Hydrogen in the Queen's chamber, and thus the 'stand-pipe' is greatly misunderstood, as it only entertains a water-flow in it's 'priming' operations, not in it's steady-state after the 'moat' is filled. We don't see the moat because destroying that structure was "the original sin," and the onset of the war against 'free energy'!

"Can we Talk? Can We Talk? Can we talk..."

If you want to remain a free country, you'll have to contribute to the cause. Radio ain't cheap, and every one of these truth supporters needs our support like never before. Don't send a damn dollar to 'Antiwar!' Justine is a pathological liar.

Tell them leftkneejerkers; "No 9/11coverage, I'm pulling my support!"

(even if you never gave them a penny, they won't know.)

9/11 was an inside job!

9/11 was an inside job! Caveman Osama & his 19 flunkies did not defeat our trillion dollar defense system with boxcutters. The real masterminds are in our own government!

i don't think you'll find

i don't think you'll find too much opposition here....go forth brave truth warrior into enemy territories.