99% of 9/11 Truthers Believe Planes Hit The Buildings

I wanted to put this up so any curious, uncommited truth seekers visiting this blog could see it. I believe there needs to be a very stringent and public seperation established by the majority of the 911 Truth Movement from those who have, shall we say, less than stable viewpoints, ie, no-planers. Whether np's are sincere or diabolical, they are harmful to the movement at large. Their ridiculous hooey is easy prey for the mass media to magnify and put before the uninformed sheeple. Their aggressive, insulting blog infiltrations disrupt and distract decent truthers from their quest.

By all means, no-planers, post away. You will only prove my point :)

More like 99.99%

More like 99.99%

Yes, perhaps I was

...too generous. But you never know... their numbers may swell up to 1% :)

you're only proving yourself to be incapable of

understanding simple science.

1. The technology clearly exists to insert/delete video information live and in realtime, as demonstrated by my blog post. Anyone not understanding that this technology exists has some kind of problem.

2. If a plane changes from an "air" environment to a "structural steel / reinforced concrete" environment, the plane's behavior is going to change. It's not going to glide through structural steel and reinforced concrete like it glides through the air. This is simple common sense.

3. The ones doing harm to the Truth Movement are those who won't wake the hell up already and see this

Read the article in my blog. It's a professional magazine. Read how they say we can't trust what we see on TV anymore, including the news. Wake up! People need to learn that they can't automatically trust what's on TV.

The fact that they can do

The fact that they can do things in real time on TV doesn't change the impossibility of a CGI plane with tens of thousands of witnesses and scores of amatuer video seeing the second plane hit the towers.

2. The plane's behavior did change, just not enough to satisfy you and a handful of other people.

explain, specifically, HOW the planes behavior changed

It has already been demonstated in my blog post that a US military site has a article about projecting a plane into the sky.

"tens of thousands of witnesses and scores of amatuer video seeing the second plane hit the towers"

Yeah? where? Where are they? where are the videos? Don't assume anything. Only an unscientific person who doesn't care to find the truth would do such a thing


observable deceleration.

Where are they? the videos, all over the net. The people? All over New York and the world. I have roommates I went to college with that were working in Manhattan and saw the 2nd plane hit.

And many people over and over tell you that, and direct you to the amateur video, but you stake your crazy theory on the idea that all amateur video is faked and all witnesses are lying.

Anything to try to account for your discredited and disregarded No Planes Theory.

where is the proof of "observable deceleration"

no.... an animated gif file cited by fraud Steven Jones is not proof. Besides, there is no deceleration in that silly little clip.

And even if there was, how does that explain...

Why didn't the wings break off? Why didn't the tail break off? Why didn't the nose crush? Why didn't any wreckage fall down? Let's use some common sense here.

"Where are they? the videos, all over the net. The people? All over New York and the world."

Show me. You're the one promoting their existence. Show me.

"I have roommates I went to college with that were working in Manhattan and saw the 2nd plane hit."

And what about the people who saw a missile? Or those who didn't see anything at all? If your roommates saw anything, it was a projection in the sky, as explained in the US military website link I gave in my blog post.

why didn't the wings break

why didn't the wings break off?

They did break off, there weren't any wings still attached to the fuselage in the rubble, right? Same for the tail.

You mean wreckage falling down instead of entering into the tower? The plane was going 600+ feet/sec when it entered the building, why do you expect it to fall down before entering into the tower?

You know where the videos are.

If people saw a missile as you propose, than there was no projection of a plane that everyone saw.

Your assertions contradict themselves at the start. You can't promote the existence of a projection in the sky that everyone was fooled by, and say that people saw missiles.

You've gone around in a circle and reached a dead end.

More, please!

CB, I believe that video editing technology you mention exists, so I guess I don't have "some kind of problem". I also believe that real planes hit the buildings. This is not some kind of impossible dilemma. It's just the facts.

Let the no-planer parade begin. Don't forget to bring your holographic floats, and CGI marching band.

you're a total idiot

a clown. a fool.

Keep those...

cards and letters comin' in!

When you have nothing intelligent to say, hurl personal insults. Straight from the no-planers play-book. Thanks
for supporting my original supposition.

However, I'd rather you show me links to extremely long web pages full of fuzzy pictures and videos, accompanied by half-baked conjecture and pure drivel. That would be even better.

I'm going to go out on a limb here

and assume that this comment you made in another thread was not facetious.

CB_Brooklyn: "Nico, many people don't like you because of your genius level IQ. So they catch you with one little error and claim you are discredited. They must be jealous. I don't know all your work, but I've got a feeling you're right about everything regarding 9/11."

Purty much all I need to know, right there.

The Mad genius Nico Haupt and his Cheerleader

fighting the uphill battle against the limited hangouters.
To be continued...

It's very fascinating that

It's very fascinating that it's now some nobody like "Alex" who is speaking for this movement :)

Do these "99%" also believe that a remote controlled pod-plane crashed into the South Tower, which is supported by Jim Fetzer, not backed up by *any evidence and violating every physical law?
(Ironically the RC theory is luckily opposed by Prof. Jones)

How many of these "99%" then believe that UA175 was able to
trick out military radar and dozens of FAA controller to use warp technology and then crash into the South Tower, though this aircraft was 9.6 miles away at time of second hit?

Alex furthermore wrote:
"...Read how they say we can't trust what we see on TV anymore, including the news..."

Well then why do you believe FOX5 and ABC7 who showed us alleged aircrafts in their live broadcasts? -:

Actually the hardline 9/11 truth speakers who support pro-planes are in the minority compared to who already signed our petition. The rest obviously has no real opinion.

Here are the hardline planehugger speakers:

Prof. "Los Alamos" Jones
Has no evidence against TV fakery.
Believes in some planted aircraft parts.

Jim "HavetoaskJones" Fetzer
Believes in remote controlled planes violating physical laws

Believes in the power of photos.
Apparently they have no video player.

Has nothing but insults and empty drivel

Dem Bruce Styles/911blogger
Louder than Fetzer but also has nothing but insults and empty drivel

Mark Bilk
Only occasionally loud.
Hides at the "Hardevidence" list since months.
Believes in encoding problems however also didn't analyse
any original video quality (available since years!) which doesn't make any CGI better anyway, just the surrounding landscape :)

Eric Hufschmid
Actually too busy with ranting against 'Crypto-Jews'
instead against no-planes.
Obviously too scared to remove some plane photos of his book.

Kyle Hence
Rants when he wakes up every 4 weeks.
In between busy working on new hangout dokus.
Actually believes now in 9/11 TV Fakery but thinks,
it was done on purpose.

Victoria Ashley
Louder than Jim Hoffman, but only when i rarely post at 9/11Truth Alliance.
Has nothing in her hands either besides the typical orwellian 'damage the movement' drivel.

Bill Douglas , 9/11 Visibility
Usually chickens out after 2, 3 replies of any 9/11 TV Fakery debate.
Usually argues that i must be an "agent".

Ken Jenkins
Is spreading "jenk science", but only on demand

Loose Change
actually always too busy conspiring with the Naudet Brothers or doing their endless RE-Re-Recuts :)

Ralph Omholt
Too busy with being silent at "hard evidence list.
Must have inspired DemBruce with his kerosene fireball obsession.

Russell Pickering
Trolls only back for Mark Bilk if he's busy

Mark Rabinowitz
Ex-best buddy of Mike Ruppert
Actually also strangely silent since months

Dick Eastman
Is against anyone and anything anyway who is not talking about Zionism 24/7

The Salter Brothers
Actually retired from planehugging already in late 2005
The only smart guys of the planehugger crew btw.

Who else do you have?
Andy White, Jonathan Gold, Micahyah etc..?
Bring them on.

However nothing but drivel and emptyness and zero response on this TOP 30 list, "Alex" was asking for.

Why do you continue to obfuscate?

"Actually the hardline 9/11 truth speakers who support pro-planes are in the minority compared to who already signed our petition."

Signing a petition in support of a scientific examination of the data DOES NOT MEAN THEY AGREE WITH YOU.

they actual encourage looking at the evidence

instead of ignoring it, like the MSM does with 9/11

"...Signing a petition in

"...Signing a petition in support of a scientific examination of the data..."

...well thanks for signing, but that was actually Rick Rajter, who is writing this paper and he was part of our event at ny911truth some weeks ago :)

That's exactly what we want.
Support of a scientific examination of the data.
What else, moron??

"...Signing a petition in

"...Signing a petition in support of a scientific examination of the data..."

...well thanks for signing, but that was actually st911 member Rick Rajter, who is writing this paper for us
and he was part of our event at ny911truth some weeks ago :)

That's exactly what we want.
Support of a scientific examination of the data.
That's what you and your DemClan never did.
What else??

What's that?

I don't think you understand.

But I'll refrain from calling you a "moron." And I have no idea what a "DemClan" is, or why you would infer any link between me and "it."

Nico, you mentioned something I never realized....

there IS no real evidence for remote control planes! We just assumed remote control since those hijackers certainly could not fly them.

But there IS evidence for CGI! Simple common sense actually.... an aluminum airplane won't fly through structural steel and reinforced concrete the way it does through air, unless it's in the Twilight Zone perhaps...

it didn't

fly through steel and conrete the way it does through air....if F@ckin blew up in a great ball of fire!

didn't you see?

go back to my post about the playing card and the carrot. it quite easily explains how something thinner lighter moving at great velocity can do damage to something far larger and greater in density.

Ah, the bandleaders here!

"Nico", thank you for joining us. You started your post with a personal insult, which was just great. More proof to show new truthers the kind of character "no-planers" display. But it gets even better...

You said:

"Alex furthermore wrote:
"...Read how they say we can't trust what we see on TV anymore, including the news..."

That, not surprisingly, is absolute horse excrement. I never said that, and challenge you here and now to show where I did. So, you either lied, or made a mistake:

1. If you made a mistake in your research on my quotes, this doesn't speak well of your other "research" capabilities. It has happened before, as at least one member will attest.

2. If you bare faced lied, what can I say. I will only mention that you were accused of this earlier today, here: http://911blogger.com/node/2377

I don't want to war with you and the other no-planers. I just want you to go away and do your pseudo-research and insult hurling someplace else. Someplace where the MSM can't find you, and use you as an example of the rest of the movement.

New truthers: starting to get the picture yet? :)

"...I just want you to go

"...I just want you to go away and do your pseudo-research and insult hurling someplace else.
Someplace where the MSM can't find you..."

Go away from where? And where did i insult you?
Is there a second internet?

Can i finally get some answers on this TOP30 list you requested some days ago?
It was you who suggested an 'ultimatum', not me.

MSM is not interested to promote their own grave.

I guess, you never read anything what i wrote.
Washington Post was twice at ny911 events and spoke with me
and never released anything.
Same to William Arkin (WP) who read my posts on his blog.

And i was posting for 10 days at UniversalPictures and they didn't decide yet to start some satire movie against our findings.

Neither NY POST's Andrea Peyser, who was once in our CClist wrote any rant on her column though she's an outspoken anti 9/11 conspiracy author and insisted we should stop talking with her :)

Why also are you so obsessed with my person?
I am alone not with this research, it is years old and it won't go away.

Nico, Nico...

You said "where did i insult you?" Are you not even aware of what you write? Check your own post again.

You also said: "Why also are you so obsessed with my person?"
"Obsessed?". Gees, that's kind of pushing it, isn't it? If you wish, I won't mention your name again, unless it's to respond to you or any reference you make to me. "No-planers" will suffice from this point forward (please note that posts following this one where I refer to you were made BEFORE I wrote this).

Well, before we're getting

Well, before we're getting into the debate what actually an "insult" is, why don't you just quote what it is?

You're also a bit neurotic. You wrote:
"...If you wish, I won't mention your name again..."

I'm actually not interested of reading my name, but your response to
Top 30 Evidence for 9/11 TV Fakery

Hey, you think *this is an insult?

What do you think, you ARE doing?
You're chickening out from some answers, like all fruitloopers do.

Possibly the word "fruitloop" is also an *insult for you?

Look it up, the people who invented that technique must have influenced you :)

Can we now finally get some responses of Alex on this?:
Top 30 Evidence for 9/11 TV Fakery

Breakfast cereal?

Is that a German thing, to insult someone by referring to them as breakfast cereal?

...Corn Chex...

Nope, it's not a german

Nope, it's not a german thing, it's just one of many 9/11 truthling communities :)


And by the way "Nico"...

You called me a "nobody". That must mean you think you're a "somebody".

Is that a "somebody" who lies, or at the very least, make grade-school level research mistakes when quoting people?

Is that a "somebody" who continually insults others, because they have no real point of their own?

If so, I'll just be a "nobody" who tries to get the truth out to the public, in the most expediant and clear way possible,
hopefully without the burden of people thinking I espouse CGI and holograms.

"...that a "somebody" who

"...that a "somebody" who lies..."

Actually you seem to be a first grader, because you never proved, where i actually *lied within the 9/11 TV Fakery research.

Maybe i can help you out, because your first grade brain doesn't even seem to recall what i just asked you.

There is a list of TOP 30 points, which was requested by you.
Can you now finally respond to it and while we're here, find all these alleged "lies" over there as well?

You said: "Actually you seem

You said:
"Actually you seem to be a first grader, because you never proved, where i actually *lied within the 9/11 TV Fakery research."

I never said you lied regarding the TV Fakery claims. Once again you misquoted me, and again you've proven my point. Thank you and good night.

So what do we have right

So what do we have right here?
First Alex offered a real "challenge" some days ago,
then he chickens out, when i presented some updated structure of our findings, though available at http://www.911tvfakery.net anyway.

Then he accused me of lying in my research, but wasn't able to find any lie.

Then after i asked where i exactly lied, Alex fruitloops into the confirmation that i actually never "lied regarding the TV Fakery".

Well then what is your problem?

Since you're going now to bed,
that might also start your reset button.

We know that method of Kyle Hence.
Tomorrow "Alex" will say,
he can't even recall that he was offering a challenge.

But it's HERE, ALEX, and it won't go away!! :)
I posted it even on my bloglines:

Alex/911blogger.com: A Challenge To Nico and All "No-Planers"

And here was my response, so far ignored by "Alex":

Nico, your posts speak for themselves

Nico, anyone with a modicum of discernment can read your posts in this blog and see where you've misquoted, insulted and perhaps, lied outright. Anyone who has been in this forum for a month or two can attest that this isn't the first time. So your attempts at blurring the above issues are obvious and wasted. You done exactly as I'd hoped: demonstrated to the new truth seekers what you and you're "research" is made of.

I did look at your "response" to my challenge, and sorry, it doesn't fit the bill. I asked for a simple, clear presentation of your claims. What I got, yet again, was an excellent way to get a migraine. It is a rambling chaos of fuzzy pictures, half-baked claims and outright lunacy. I accept the possibilty you have something valid to say, somewhere. I just don't want to dig through all the crap to find it. There's too many other viable facts to present to people.

Alex wrote:

Alex wrote:

"...I did look at your "response" to my challenge, and sorry, it doesn't fit the bill. I asked for a simple, clear presentation of your claims. What I got, yet again, was an excellent way to get a migraine...."

Sorry for your migraine, but that's still not the appropriate way to respond to an argument.
Fact is that Alex isn't able to respond to *any argument at all.
He's hiding behind a fruitloop excuse by pushing an aversion technique.
No matter how simple or detailed someone present anything, they will always reject it.

Alex' so called "challenge" was a fraud, a timewaster.
But not that this wasn't a surprise :)

Bye, Nico

Earlier you claimed that I was "obsessed with your person", yet you are the one that keeps bringing up my name.

You take no responsibility for your fuzzy presentation.
Calling those who reject it "frootloops" and "aversion agents" (or something like that) as you have in previous posts, doesn't make your claims any more respectable or valuable.

I'm done bickering with you. If anyone can decipher your "Top 30" presentation and use it to further 911 truth, more power to them. I, for one, cannot.... and it's not a shortcoming of mine.

Why can't some responses be edited?

Where I said "You done exactly as I'd hoped" in the post above, I meant to type "You've done exactly as I'd hoped"

A comment can't be edited when

someone has replied to it.

Any time before a comment is replied to, you are free to edit your comment. As soon as someone replies to your comment, the edit feature is disabled. If someone replies to your comment while you're editing your comment, when you press "Post comment", instead of the edited version posting, you're directed to a page that says "Unauthorized access" or something to that effect.

So, unless you're in a hurry, it's probably best to write exactly what you want to show, using "Preview comment" to fix spelling mistakes etc. before Posting the comment. Especially when 911Blogger is really active.

Thank you, - Ø®£Z-....

...that makes sense.

It was only a typing error... just annoying I couldn't do anything about it.

Reply to Alex

You're welcome.

I agree that it would be nice to be able to edit your comments at any time, but it's a good safety mechanism.

For example, someone can't write a comment about something that you agree with, making you reply with something like "I TOTALLY AGREE", only for that person to edit their original comment and change it to something that you are completely opposed to.

still trying to figure these gizmos

link to bottom pictures specs? witness testimony?

Those are pretty sizeable anomolies, I think that can be agreed on, that would mean somone had to see somthing and say somthing, where are they.

and for the record I don't think you guys shouldn't do the research you do, but I don't like being misrepresented (nico) then at the request of DZ told to correct it and claim you do but you didn't then claim you wrote it a different way when it isn't. That isn't confusion, it's obfuscation, and lying.

see this link

"...That isn't confusion,

"...That isn't confusion, it's obfuscation, and lying...."

Strange, another truthling chat dwarf who can't point out where these 'lies' actually are?
Maybe you are a little bit more intelligent than your friend "Alex".

Please help us out to find all these lies.
Where are they?
Maybe you might help out Alex over here:
Top 30 Evidence for 9/11 TV Fakery

I was going to write a blog

but I accidently clicked out and there was no cookie for it so fuck it. You lied, obfuscated in the very least, the header on the bloglines post here still has the original quote about me, I could give two shits about your site. it's all in the blogs, and it's a waste of time to even do what I was doing anyway.

I think I'll just bring it to DZ's attention.

Those are interesting, pictures

CB The Insulter: those are interesting pictures (sincerely), but I couldn't help but notice there is still a plane there:)

Hey Alex,

Hey Alex,

i thought you are "going to bed"?

This couldn't have been a real plane in *this footage
(where the screenshot is coming from), because it does some fascinating rotation trick, no pilot could explain to me so far :)


Alex, please tell these 99%


please tell these 99% of this movement to show up here.

I'm open for any kind of challenge or public debate.
That also still does include a debate with Prof. Jones on 9/11 TV Fakery, who also refused so far.

Jones also didn't accept my invitation to challenge me at ny911truth at my event and he refused to challenge Morgan Reynolds at the National Press Club.

So please tell everyone else who is less a chicken than Jones, to show up *here.

Since noone was able to debunk anything of our findings i hope that you're not saying that 99% of this movement won't be able to do this as well.

In this case maybe better don't speak for them.
I assume at least some percentages might figure, that our evidence is solid.

They just don't like it :)

Nico, I would estimate 98.9%

Nico, I would estimate 98.9% of the movement is fed up with you and your ilk, so won't bother to deal with you at all. The only reason I ventured into your bizzarro world was to demonstrate to new truth seekers what most of the "no-plane" gang is really like. Thanks for contributing to my cause. By all means, continue.

Alex wrote:

Alex wrote:
"...The only reason I ventured into your bizzarro world was to demonstrate to new truth seekers what most of the "no-plane" gang is really like. Thanks for contributing to my cause. By all means, continue..."

So you are making it to your *cause to distract from the topic, instead concentrating on the people who present it?
Well i help you out.

Here is my bio:

And here are the facts:

And here is where Alex failed to respond:
As requested in his "challenge" at
he asked for "concise proof of your claims".

As a response to this challenge, a simple presentation at
was so far ignored by Alex.

His excuse was a "migraine".

Nico Haupt Is A Liar

I proved that yesterday, as have others SEVERAL times. If you choose to listen to what he has to say, then you are making a big mistake. If you promote information that originated from him, your motives will be questioned.

This isn't a game folks.

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

No migraine for "no building petition"

The rabid planehuggers are getting more desperate.

Now we're having Alex Carson,
who chickened out with a "migraine"
but his migraine didn't stop him from signing a "no building petition" :)

Is that the way to respond seriously to an issue?
It just shows how immature many of these planehuggers are:

The No Buildings Theory Petition

Planehuggers' desperate satire attempt:
"No Building Petition"

Then we have Able Danger hangouter Jonathan Gold who is still counting peas.
Maybe he should sign this petition which is matching his IQ as well :)

"Able Danger Hangouter"...

Is Able Danger A Hoax?

Written by me.

Yet another lie from the man who doesn't know how to do anything else.

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

Anything Else You'd

Like to lie about Nico? Feel free. At this point, it's entertaining.

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi


In your world of lies, what color is the sky?

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

I think, Jon Gold has a

I think, Jon Gold has a general problem to understand what a "lie" is.

If the person who makes a true statement genuinely believes it to be false, and makes the statement with the intention that his audience believe it to be true, then this is a lie.

Since i am not disputing the existence of the story about Able Danger, but its importance i am not lying.
The existance of an alleged surveillance unit of any kind is not evidence for 9/11 Inside Job, therefore a limited hangout.

What the confusion of 2 persons depends (deMasi + Bellone), who BOTH worked together on the promotion of an article on alleged sightings of WTC BlackBoxes, this confusion doesn't turn into a 'lie', BECAUSE both names had been attached to it.
One half of this team was investigated for fraud, where i linked an article twice.

Jonathan Gold is desperately counting peas while working with Insiders together (Weldon, Phucas), as laid out here:

"Able Danger" vs. Curt Weldon- Propaganda Hoax or Truth?

via http://911blogger.com/
May 24, 2004

Rep. Curt Weldon's office just called me for my lunch appointment...

Have front page article, will travel.
Jon Gold | Homepage | 05.22.06

Curt Weldon linked to Moon


"...You'll recall that, when I wrote my Gadflyer article, Rep. Curt Weldon's office claimed that he didn't speak at the coronation of Sun Myung Moon. First his secretary said, "I'm telling you, he didn't go." So I sent her some links. She then said Weldon planned to attend this awards show, but couldn't make it due to his schedule. ..."



Curt "Able Danger' Weldon's latest embarrasment:
"Bin Laden died in Iran

Friday, March 17, 2006 6:40 a.m. EST
Curt Weldon: Bin Laden Is Dead

"Perception Management" -Pt.1

"The existence of Able Danger, and its
purported early identification of the 9/11 terrorists,
was FIRST DISCLOSED publicly on June 19, 2005 in an article 'Missed chance on way to 9/11' by KEITH PHUCAS (kphucas @timesherald.com ),
a reporter for The TIMES HERALD, a Norristown, Pennsylvania daily newspaper."

The head of Mr. Phucas on a platter:

Keith Phucas Letter
"...I'm for a war against the Iraqi regime, and for
the first time in my life, I'm supporting a Republican

Neocon journalist deceives '9/11 truthling':
Keith Phucas From The Times Herald Interviews Jon Gold
Friday, May 12, 2006

More on Keith Phucas
(*thx to Alex Constantine)

"No doubt, high technology will continue to play a key
role in the nation's security and its new war." -
Keith Phucas
http://tinyurl.com/mxbd8 (zwire.com)
High spies
KEITH PHUCAS, Times Herald Staff 10/01/2001

[Back in June, Edward Reese sat in his Lockheed Martin office in King of Prussia reminiscing in broad terms about how his pioneering work on a large computer system for a classified satellite program had helped keep the Soviet Union in check during the Cold War.

In order to keep the nation safe from the Soviet threat, it had been crucial for the United States government to keep an eye on Russia's fighting capability from space. The U.S. intelligence agencies had to stay a step ahead of the U.S.'s communist nemesis.

"You don't want to be surprised," Reese said. "You don't want another Pearl Harbor."

Little did he know how prophetic his remarks would become a few months later.

On Sept. 11, the terrorist hijackings of four commercial jet airliners - since dubbed this generation's Pearl Harbor - destroyed the World Trade Center towers in New York City, heavily damaged the Pentagon outside Washington and killed more than 6,000 people at last count...

...Looking back, the Cold War engineers, along with
thousands of their GE colleagues, associate defense
contractors and government counterparts, had fought a
long, bloodless war not with big guns, but with long
hours, teamwork, extraordinary technical ingenuity and
business acumen.

"We won the Cold War with technology," Gispan said.

Just as the attack on Pearl Harbor tested America's
resolve on Dec. 7, 1941, the new war to eradicate
America's terrorist enemies will compel a shocked
nation to find more effective ways to defend its

No doubt, high technology will continue to play a key
role in the nation's security and its new war...

The background of Times Herald-
how Robert M. Jelenic and JRC (Journal Register Company) took over

Alex Constantine wrote:
"...Journal Register Co, owns the Norristown paper
that Keith Phucas works for, w/ CEO Robert Jelenic,
brought in by the investment firm of Warburg Pincus to
run the ailing newspaper chain..."

...i furthermore found this:
7 months after the first attack on the Twin Towers (February 26, 1993)
the takeover of independent papers began...

AJR, May 1999
Continuation of The Selling Of Small-town America

...Kathy Morris, controller at the Times Herald in Norristown, Pennsylvania, from 1993 to 1996, recalls the time Jelenic demanded a monthly bottom-line figure by 8:30 p.m. on a Friday night--two days early...

...While Journal Register may have merely chipped away at some papers, the Times Herald in Norristown, a suburb of Philadelphia, got the ax.
On JRC's first day at the helm, September 27, 1993--still known there as "takeover day"--the company fired 25 employees...


Journal Register Company is a leading U.S. newspaper publishing company. Journal Register
Company owns 27 daily newspapers, including the New Haven Register, Connecticut’s second
largest daily and Sunday newspaper, and 338 non-daily publications...

I haven't spoken to either...

"Jonathan Gold is desperately counting peas while working with Insiders together (Weldon, Phucas)"

Curt Weldon or Keith Phucas for months. Another lie?

This just keeps getting better and better.

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

Just Remember Folks...

When given the opportunity to speak to elected officials or journalists about 9/11 Truth, make sure you decline.

You don't want Nico saying you're a "limited hangouter".

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

Incidentally Nico...

Are you insinuating that I am conspiring with Weldon and Phucas to hurt the 9/11 Truth Movement?

If that's what you're insinuating, then that is blatant disinformation.

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

I am insinuating that you

I am insinuating that you are working with Weldon and Phucas to spread limited hangout stuff and their disinfo into the 9/11 Truth Movement.

That's what you're insinuating huh?

Is this like that time you investigated dz, and got everything wrong?

Let's see if I can explain this to you in a way that maybe you'll understand, not that I care because you're a lying disinformationist, and you have no place on this board, and I hope that 911Blogger.com will consider banning you immediately.

I have been involved with the 9/11 Truth Movement since long before Rep. Weldon ever came onto the scene in June 2005. As I showed you with my previous posting, I have always been leary of him, and his stance regarding 9/11.

However, he is one of the few individuals in Washington D.C. who was asking questions about 9/11.

Hey, guess what? He happens to be a Representative from Pennsylvania. Guess what else Nico? I happen to live in Pennsylvania, and I happen to live in his district.

Imagine that. A member of the 9/11 Truth movement who lives in the district of a Representative who is asking questions about 9/11, tried to get that Representative to take it a step further, and cover everything having to do with 9/11 Truth. That's crazy.

On top of that, I took it upon myself to contact the reporter who was covering Rep. Weldon to see if he would be willing to cover 9/11 Truth.

Hey guess what? He did, and as a result, two front page stories having to do with 9/11 Truth made it into two consecutive Sunday Editions of my local newspaper.

That is crazy. Why would the 9/11 Truth Movement want something like that to happen?

So you see Nico, you stating that I am, "working with Weldon and Phucas to spread limited hangout stuff and their disinfo into the 9/11 Truth Movement" is another blatant lie, and is itself, disinformation.

Oh yes, I definitely think it's time for 911Blogger.com to ban you, and delete any and all information posted by you.

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

Oh, and will you look at this?

On June 13th of this year, I posted a story entitled, "Rep. Curt Weldon Says There May Still Be WMD In Iraq, Total Bullshit"

I dunno, but that doesn't sound like someone who is working together with Rep. Weldon.

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

Oh, and Nico...

Rep. Weldon cancelled his lunch with me. I never met with Weldon outside of the Town Hall Meeting that I attended with Dave Slesinger. Why didn't you post that information as well?

I'm betting because it didn't coincide with your lying disinformation, but that's just a guess.

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

"...as a result, two front

"...as a result, two front page stories having to do with 9/11 Truth made it into two consecutive Sunday Editions of my local newspaper.
That is crazy. Why would the 9/11 Truth Movement want something like that to happen?..."

I don't know what you're talking about.
You obviously tried to say, 'why would the MSM want something like that to happen?'.

MSM is pushing 9/11 hangout stories since Day 1.
Therefore the complete Able Danger story fits their agenda.
Same to the real 9/11 perps.

In case there was no typo, i don't know what the '9/11 Truth Movement' has to do with your articles. That was your thing only...

You furthermore posted an interview with Phucas on your website. I guess that is all we need to know.

Um Nico?

Both articles had to do with the 9/11 Truth Movement. I was the focus, and Dr. Griffin was the focus in one, and the latest Zogby poll was the focus of the other.

Why wouldn't the 9/11 Truth Movement want exposure in two consecutive Sunday Editions of a local newspaper?

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

In Case You Hadn't Noticed Nico...

I post ALL interviews I have on my site. Does that mean I'm collaborating with Daniel Strong, or Opie & Anthony, or Ron & Fez?

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi


I have just proven again that Nico Haupt is a lying disinformationist.

Is that the kind of person we want posting 9/11 information on 911Blogger.com?

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi


are you able to focus at all?

I pointed out, that Able Danger is representing limited hangout stuff.

If Jonathan Gold would stop counting peas or concentrate on real smoking guns, he wouldn't wonder why he is getting criticized for what he is doing.

What about a statement that it becomes counterproductive to push any hangout stuff (Sibel Edmonds etc...) to work on a real breakthrough for this movement?

But maybe Gold likes the vibe of an orwellian cult where almost everything is declared as "truth" no matter how inane and off-topic it is.

Wasn't it also Gold who declared Scott Ritter recently as a "truther" but even more bizarre you photoshopped yourself into a photo with Ritter for any unexplained reasons? ;-)

I Did What?

First of all, here is the photo that Nico is referring to.

Yeah, I really did a good job of "photoshopping" myself in didn't I. You can't even tell the difference...

That photo was created by me because I asked Ray McGovern and Scott Ritter about why talking about Government complicity and 9/11 is taboo, and I wanted a picture to go along with the post. You know, like 911Blogger.com does ALL OF THE TIME.

Also, please show me the time, and place where I referred to Scott Ritter as a "Truther".

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

Ban Nico


"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

Good Day


"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

fortunately there's people who's check facts..

for themselves. That's how I proved that Steven Jones is a fraud. And SJ being a fraud is far more serious than any "lies" Nico may or may not have made.

I hope this blog...

I hope this blog has provided sufficient testiment to the absurdity, lies, "mistakes", obfuscation and general loonyness of those in the no-plane gang. I trust it has demonstrated the importance of my original supposition: that the 9/11 truth movement publically establish that we are completely apart from them.

I am done responding (unless I see another "mistaken" quote attributed to me). No-planers, you've been doing most of my work for me, anyway.

Alex wrote:

Alex wrote:

"...I hope this blog has provided sufficient testiment to the absurdity, lies, "mistakes", obfuscation and general loonyness of those in the no-plane gang..."

No it didn't.
Because Alex didn't prove to us the "absurdity, lies, "mistakes", obfuscation and general loonyness"

Instead he got a migraine and signed a "no building petition".

Now *that looks like an obfuscation and loony to me :)

Thank you, Nico...

I had to respond to thank and congratulate you for actually getting a quote right. Miracles do happen. Perhaps it's a beginning of a new Nico, one that doesn't make convenient "mistakes" (some simply call them lies), as referenced multiple times by myself and other members in this blog.

Way to go!

Geesh, I got sucked into bizzarro world again. Must - get - out....

But Alex still didn't prove

But Alex still didn't prove to us the "absurdity, lies, "mistakes", obfuscation and general loonyness" of the findings of 9/11 TV Fakery.

Instead he signed a "no building petition".

You're damn right, and you

You're damn right, and you should to "no planes" is such a limited hangout! Just go the whole hog is what I say.

No-plane theory, the forbidden subject

in the 9/11 "truth" movement.

How ironic.

Maybe we should call it the "9/11 politically correct truth movement"?

That's right it’s about

That's right it’s about truth, what's real as apposed to what's horseshit. What you push is horseshit so there's no irony involved here.

So a "no building petition"

So a "no building petition" is about the truth ?

Nico, don't even bother responding to Dem Bruce

he is obviously nothing but a provocateur. I've put him on my "ignore list" and life at 911blogger has been so much better ever since!



He doesn't provoke me :) If

He doesn't provoke me :)

If DemBruce is so convinced of his "no building petition",
maybe he should also convince Jim "Pod" Fetzer
and Steven "Los Alamos" Jones to sign it.

That really would prove their *credibility :)

We can be happy, that DemBruce, Alex Carson and Daniel Strong are not leaders of st911, otherwise if these buildings didn't exist, Jones would have a major problem to sell his "thermite" story :)



this would be a good blog to

this would be a good blog to have at near the top of the site---

under a link that says "typical diversion thread"

that would be for newbies who were researching

to see how some people try to operate and add in strawman statements----you could put commentary in it too

A reply to Alex

I wanted to put this up so any curious, uncommited truth seekers visiting this blog could see it.

Sounds good, and I'll say this for 'any curious, uncommited truth seekers visiting this blog'. If someone has come this far (visiting 911blogger.com and going past the front page) then they must have, IMO, atleast opened their eyes a little bit. They must have atleast let some light in, picked up on some aspect of that day as strange or peculiar, and they must be willing to look a little further. How many roads are out exist on which to 'discover the truth'? How many 'smoking guns' are out there? People are going to go where their instincts tell them. I believe most of us found ourselves here because something about that day didn't seem right-- our instincts kicked in and told us otherwise (big generalization, yes). That said, I believe NPT doesn't block a single one of the many 'smoking guns'. At times it adds too or gives certain points a new perspective and at other times it just fits in. Whether or not one chooses to examine the evidence and ask the questions, is ultimately up to the individual.

I believe there needs to be a very stringent and public seperation established by the majority of the 911 Truth Movement from those who have, shall we say, less than stable viewpoints, ie, no-planers.

Here you advocate for segregation? Aren't we all in this together? As stated far more eloquently before, NPT is a multi-facaded beast, including: 1) physical anomalies/impossibilities observed during UA175 impact on WTC2 (~4 videos, here's one) 2) UA175 flight path contradictions during final maneuvers (extensively modeled here) and 3) AA planes missing from flight database on 9/11 (lots of research done here for starters). I think NPT has much to stand on, is quiet stable, and, as stated earlier, it takes nothing away from the 'smoking guns'.

Their ridiculous hooey is easy prey for the mass media to magnify and put before the uninformed sheeple.

Who cares about the M$M! Do you think you're going to wake people up by having Keith Olbermann reach through the TV and connect the dots for them? Get out there and influence people, open someone's eyes and challenge them to took at something from a new perspective-- and use alternative media! Drop the M$M like the bad [brainwashing] habit that it is. If any real change is to happen, I don't believe the M$M will be a part of it (netflix or torrent this oldie). People are either going to open their eyes, or not-- uninformed sheeple should apply 99% of us here, prior to exposure, and [most of] our eyes are open now.

Their aggressive, insulting blog infiltrations disrupt and distract decent truthers from their quest.

Here's some more aggressive, insulting blog infiltration to disrupt and distract-- and cause a migraine or two:

If you're really curious....

start here take a break and go back therehead over here paying particular attention to this, , and for sure this. Maybe it will become apparent how little of a distraction NPT is from all of the other 'smoking guns'. So many more to link to, this is just my take. If one is really curious, they'll investigate beyond this post.

By all means, no-planers, post away. You will only prove my point

Did I prove your point?

Preview, not post

i butchered the tags in the last paragraph... here it is again:

If you're really curious....

start here take a break and go back there-- seriously, losta content at that site with a unique presentation. Seat belts on, head over here paying particular attention to this, this, and for sure this. Maybe it will become apparent how little of a distraction NPT is from all of the other 'smoking guns'. So many more sites to link to, this is just my take. If one is really curious, they'll investigate beyond this post.

By all means, no-planers, post away. You will only prove my point

And here, I ask again, did I prove your point?

Shep, I have no more to say...

Shep, if you've read the above posts from a prominent no- planer and other posts from his sidekicks, and question my motives for wanting the movement to "segregate" them, I have nothing more I can say to you.