Zwicker Was on Mike Newcomb's show today

Sorry for the short notice...

23 August 2006
Interview: Barry Zwicker will be the guest on the Mike Newcomb Show on Air America Radio
8 AM-9 AM/PT (10 AM-11 AM/CT; 11 AM-Noon/ET)
Listen via live stream over

Toll Free : 800-989-1480

Update: MP3 now available here:

we will rehost it soon.

if you havent read Zwickers

if you havent read Zwickers book yet, do yourself a favor and pick it up. THE best 9/11 book yet.

Zwicker's new book

Chris, I think I pre-ordered the book a while back, but so far it's a no-show. Is it in major bookstores yet?

it wasnt in my local

it wasnt in my local bookstore, but i had them order it for me and it came within a couple of days. i dont know if any major bookstores will be willing to stock this book without requests for it, cowards that they are. (on a related note though, the same bookstore that ordered Zwickers book for me had 3 copies of Ommissions and Distortions in the political section. i made sure to move them to the front of the shelf so everyone would see them.)

Chris... I do the same thing...

There is a huge Borders bookstore just a couple of blocks from me. They actually do my work for me as the past few months, they always have DRG's "The New Pearl Harbor" always displayed prominently in the Politics section. I help out a bit by turning all Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity's books backwards. :-)

I have read Zwicker's book as I have stated in earlier posts before I registered on the new site. It is a GREAT read. I also had to order it from Borders as it was not in stock. Got it in a couple of days and read it within a couple of days. HIGHLY recommended. I have been meaning to post a review of the book on Will get to that later today.

Not the best 9/11 book. I have to put DRG's first two books up there. But it does rank as a close third. Definitely order the book. It will be well worth your money and your time.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

The chapter on Noam Chomsky is classic

Noam used to be a big hero of Zwicker's. Zwicker admits to owning at least 14 of Chomsky's books. In this chapter, Zwicker rips Chomsky a new one.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey


I check out the local Borders about twice a month. The only 9/11 truth book I have seen is Ruppert's Rubicon. Plenty of Ann Colter's venom-laced pornography though. I haven't seen anything by Griffin or Zwicker. Speaking of Ruppert I see he got his sorry yellow ass out of Dodge. Say Mike, don't let the door hit you in the ass you coward. He plans to be a "Citizen of the World". Please Mike, save it for your groupies.

Maddog... have you ever been robbed?

I have been. Twice my apartment was robbed within two weeks after moving to a major metropolitan area. A year after that I was held at gunpoint. This I am sure is nothing compared to what Ruppert has had to go through in the last few years since his "Crossing the Rubicon" book came out. You can call him yellow if you want. But put yourself in this guy's shoes. I normally enjoy reading your posts, but believe you are on the wrong side of the argument on this one. Have you read "Crossing the Rubicon"? When the truth about 9/11 does come out this book will be heralded as one of the best that conttradicts the official story. Apologies to you if you have published a book, video, or other that addresses 9/11 as well as Ruppert has done.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

Ruppert robbed himself. He

Ruppert robbed himself. He was under investigation as main suspect No.1


I have Ruppert's book. I was also a subscriber to his FTW web site. I was a Ruppert "groupie" until he gave his infamous "Elephant Talk". I was warned about him by other activists but wouldn't listen. I remember e-mailing him many times suggesting alternative energy sources but never received a reply. I finally got a return e-mail from him when I quit his web site after he gave his elephant talk. It was a nasty one. I was told I was stupid and didn't know how corrupt these people were. I was also told the 9/11 truth movement didn't have a chance. I was told my best bet was to run and hide. I am sorry Bubba, but I have no use for this man. I am not a quitter like he is. I would lay my life on the line for the success of the truth movement. I expect the same from others. As I stated in a previous post my two mentors now are Malloy and Tarpley but I will drop them like a bad habit if they cut and run. This is not some game. The fate of the entire planet hangs in the balance. No one who knows the truth about 9/11 can cut and run. I will not accept it and neither should you.

Check this out. This is what we are dealing with. (The men who knew too much? article)

Well said... n/t

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey


I am both gladdened and saddened by your post. Yes, for
some this is indeed a life or death choice that we make by opposing the gov't, and some of us know it. Few know the true
terrors the gov't may use against us. I am a tin foil hat wearer, proud to be so. Since 1994 I have undergone gov't law enforcement surveillance and torture, as I was (am) a witness in a high profile
criminal investigation and they wanted to know what I may know. I came to be a truther while in attendance at a conference against non-lethal weapons (aka slow kill weapons or emf weapons). I have also been subjected to cointel tactics. I have come to believe that the best way to expose
these government crimes is to support the 911 truth movement, as the evidence is strong. In fact, we are in danger of much more than false flag events, the cognitive liberties of mankind - our God given right to THINK for ourselves, is in peril. 911 as an inside job is hard to swallow. Use of thought modifying weaponry is even harder to believe. Yet is is a reality. I
personally urge all reading this post to visit the website . There
you will find info on the latest psychotronic
weaponry. This is about more than 9/11, although that in itself is cause for every man, woman and
child to stand up against tyranny. The very cognitive liberties of mankind are at stake here. The website developer of mindjustice is the recognized expert in these weapon systems world wide (recognized by the UN) - Cheryl Welch. Please look into this.


his chapter on Chomsky is

his chapter on Chomsky is better than anything i have ever read on the subject of gatekeepers in general, but Chomsky specifically. he completely has Chomsky pegged. this chapter should be converted into a webpage that can be easily spread around to his fans.

Zwicker's book is now available... n/t

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

My bookstore report.

Local Border's had no Zwicker, but a couple of DRG's, including the new one.

Local B&N was much more interesting. They only had Crossing the Rubicon, but what opened my eyes is that I stumbled onto all of the new OCT/debunker books. I got sick when I saw the cartoon book and wouldn't look at it. The new Kean/Hamilton book is out and it is a decent amount of material. They are playing it as the cool hard hitting inside look at the Commission. We will need a DRG breakdown. Lastly, I flipped through the Popular Mechanics book. All of you who were worried about this being a big, beefed up version of the magazine article can rest easy. This thing is a lightly fluffed up book, I don't think even 100 pages of text. No Sibel Edmonds, no ISI, no wargames, no information about how timelines switched several times, and a lot of other stuff omitted. The thing that we really need counter is that they claim the only internal NORAD intercept from the Cold War to 9/11 was Payne Stewart's flight and that all others were offshore. I don't believe it, but if it is true, we probably have to throw out the intercept arguments.

i find that extremely hard

i find that extremely hard to believe, that the Payne Stewart incident happened to be the only intercept. there is no way that can possibly be true.

I thought this guy was anti-demolition?

Confessions of a Controlled Demolition Convert

…. And why I now believe the WTC was demolished.

By. John Albanese

Crisis In America

“Were the twin towers, and/or building 7, of the World Trade Center complex brought down by controlled demolition?”

This has been the question I’ve been asked to respond to at each and every forum and speaking engagement that I have participated in over the last several years. Regardless of the fact that my speaking engagements usually coincide with public showings of my film “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime” which deals with much of the heavily censored history associated with 9/11 – with nothing at all to do with controlled demolition – it would appear that my personal opinions on this matter remains important to much of my audience. Despite my lack of expertise on this subject, it would appear that my audience demands that I publicly take a position on controlled demolition.

For years I have explained to my 9/11 compatriots that I am agnostic on the issue. Possessing no advanced degrees in physics or structural engineering, I never felt that my opinions were relevant. And while I might document historical events associated with 9/11 in my films, the job of expressing opinions on the issue of complex and catastrophic building failures, physics and engineering, was simply not within the realm of my particular area of expertise, therefore rendering my opinions on the matter as insignificant and in many respects inappropriate.

Many within the 9/11 Truth movement regarded this sense of humility as betrayal, accusing me of attempting to censor “the truth” and not towing the party line on controlled demolition. Some of the accusation went even further.

David Ray Griffin and Moral Responsibility

I am in the process of reading David Ray Griffin’s newest book “Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11” for the second time. Apart from outlining the evidence of U.S. government complicity in the attacks of 9/11, this book also challenges its audience to understand the “demonic forces” ever-present in world events. Taking this discussion out of the realm of mythology and rejecting the fundamentalist evangelical approach to theology, Griffin makes a very eloquent case for viewing USA foreign policy, global warming trends and humanity’s sordid history of “War Systems” from a realist’s standpoint - as a product our own intellectual creaturely creativity - in direct conflict with the divine.

I have come to the conclusion, after reading this book, and reviewing USA foreign policy in Guatemala, and Iran, and Indonesia, and Vietnam, and Cuba, and Chile, and on and on and on, that advanced degrees in physics and structural engineering is not necessary to read the obvious writings on the wall.

And, if we wait DECADES (as we did with all of these other crimes) to determine the horrible truth – that YES the USA did indeed orchestrate terrorist attacks all over the world, for over a century, as a tool of imperial design – and if we WAIT decades for the ultimate evidence to emerge, as it has now, that the USA has launched one false flag operation after another throughout its sordid history – and if we WAIT decades for the books to be thrown open and the government to finally admit its guilt (as it has done now with its crimes against humanity that are now long buried in our history, for which no one living can now be held accountable),…. it will be too late.

All evidence points at 9/11 as a false flag operation. And all evidence appears to point at the controlled demolition of 3 buildings in the WTC complex, for the following reasons:

There are simply too many eyewitness accounts from members of our emergency services – police and firemen – of multiple explosions occurring in rapid succession immediately preceding the collapse – far below the impact/fire zones. The sheer number of witnesses who immediately (and separately) referred to these explosions as being “like a controlled demolition” or “like bombs going off” is inexplicable in its scope – but, even more damning, inexplicable in that these eyewitness accounts were intentionally suppressed by our government, have remained uninvestigated, with the evidence at ground zero (a crime scene) quickly removed and shipped to China.

47 core columns in each of the two towers appeared to simply disintegrate, despite no damage from fire or impact from the planes. When one considers the inherent strength of an array of 47 core steel columns, with multiple redundant weight-baring support beams in place, it is simply inexplicable to explain their total and catastrophic failure – in two buildings – in nearly identical fashion.

Even if we are to believe that these 47 core steel columns were unable to withstand a progressive top-to-bottom collapse, and failed accordingly, certainly (at the very least) these lower floors, with their 47 steel columns and redundant weight baring support beams, would have offered up some resistance, and slowed down the progressive collapse. Yet, both building fell in approximately 10 seconds, at near free-fall speed. This is simply impossible.

Many people have asked me what authority an aging theologian like David Ray Griffin may have in areas such as these. Like myself, he has none. But, the one thing 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina and Iraq has taught me is that if this world is to survive the Bush administration, it is time for all of us to recognize what is increasingly becoming painfully obvious.

I am no stranger to psychological resistance, and denial. I can understand why many Americans simply summarily dismiss the idea of our own government’s complicity in 9/11. It is simply too horrible to consider. It is simply too staggering a concept. It appears, on the face of it, too improbable. None of us want to embrace a legacy so dark.

But, it is perhaps time for Americans to learn the lessons of the past, and consider the dangers of what David Ray Griffin refers to as “demonic forces.” The darkness is indeed ignorance, and Americans can no longer afford to embrace the darkness – and ignore the horrible truth.

better late than never. its

better late than never. its ashame too, because his film was pretty good, but was severely lacking in CD coverage.

I disagree

Not every film has to focus on CD. He said himself that he wanted to focus on timelines and historical events.

I think you can also see that people have been dogging him on the issue, which I think is wrong.

A demolition gatekeeper?

Since he was acting like a demolition gatekeeper, he should be dogged. PRESENT ALL THE EVIDENCE, not just some.

That's stupid

Everyone's a critic.

No one can cover every aspect of all the evidence in one film. And you are a perfect example of divisiveness in the movement by referring to people who make quality films exposing 9/11 as "gatekeepers" because they do not include the content that you want them to.

Dogging people who are trying to help may discourage them from working with us. Is that what you want?

And where does it stop? Do we then have to include content on the "no-plane" theory because people are dogging our film makers?

Why withhold likely the biggest smoking gun, WTC-7?

You argument is laughable. Why exclude/censor WTC-7 from a lengthy 9/11 truth video. That's just asinine, at best. It's the biggest smoking gun of 9/11!

and thats why the "there

and thats why the "there isnt enough time to cover all evidence" excuse is pure bullshit. your telling me the fact that the CIA,DoD,Giuliani etc. had offices in this building and it came down in an obvious controlled demolition doesnt at least warrant a mention? not enough time? this isnt about badgering a fimlmaker to include pet theories like "no planes", this is about something that im guessing 80 something percent of 9/11 truth activists believe is important. the number is higher than 80% concerning WTC7, im sure. not everyone believes hard,provable information like the ISI/CIA type stuff. sadly, some people wont believe anything they read in regards to 9/11, but thier eyes CANT lie. ALL relevant evidence.......

its nice to have opinions

But you really should make your own film.



How many films do we need?

How many films on demolition do we need? I applaud the fact that his film educated people on the more ignored stuff.

not a film, 5 f*cking

not a film, 5 f*cking minutes would have been nice. or maybe at least a mention of what was in WTC7, if your so scared CD isnt "safe" enough to report on.

John couldn't spare 30 seconds for a WTC-7 clip?

John couldn't spare 30 seconds for a WTC-7 clip? It's not like it took a long time for it to implode near free-fall speed!

How about another 15 seconds to show shyster Silverstein saying they "pulled-it"?

Where's your film?

Since you are such an expert on the subject, why not invest your money and time and efforts on making the superior 9/11 film?

Great strategy cursing at someone who makes a sincere effort to educate people on 9/11.

first of all, use a name.

first of all, use a name. second, i never said that i was an expert(most people here are not,including the guy who made the film,hence his reversal on CD), im only an activist. as far as the cursing, grow up. jesus, i even used a * instead of actually typing fucking. and i wasnt "cursing" AT him if you'll read closely.

exactly, it was clearly a

exactly, it was clearly a tactical desicion and in my opinion a mistake. ive said this hundreds of times, but what it so bad about presenting ALL evidence? the burden of proof is on THEM not us. no time to play it safe.......

Your opinion

Yes, but your opinion is not really worth anything. Albanese's film, on the other hand, has reached people all over the world and educated them on 9/11. Why should anyone value your opinion over his?

I value Chris's opinion over Albanese re: WTC demolition!

I value Chris's opinion over Albanese re: WTC demolition, that's for sure! Chris & other sharp truthers were onto CD long before Albanese. Stop make excuses for him, he blew it.

ouch. you got me there

ouch. you got me there "Anonymous"(get a name already). i guess NOBODY is allowed to have an opnion unless they themselves have made a film? is that the rule here now? where is your film again?

I don't have one

Which is why I defend and appreciate the good, sincere, hard work of those who do.

Its a good solid film, and no one owes you any explainations or apologies.

im sorry Anonymous, i cant

im sorry Anonymous, i cant hear anything you say until you make your own film(and get a name). isnt that your standard?

Geez Chris, you've got some

Geez Chris, you've got some great things to say but you too quickly loose control of your temper and end up coming off as a rabid jerk. It ain't a pretty sight. I'd work on that if I were you, dude. Unless, of course, you actually enjoy being the guy everyone rolls their eyes at :/

that tends to happen when

that tends to happen when your attacked from all sides over a simple comment. i make one comment and you bastards all pile on. i do indeed have a short fuse, i wouldnt lie about that, but i dont get angry over nothing. some Anonymous douche thought he could put words in my mouth and i didnt let him. rabid jerk? is that what we call people who simply want to defend themselves now?

Modern skyscrapers don't implode by themselves

Albanese, why did you previously think WTC-7 imploded just like a controlled demolition? Because of some burning desks & chairs scattered on a couple of floors? Come-on, man!

Typical 9/11 activists - attacking their own

Maybe you should reread his editorial. He answers that question.

The Expertise Problem

"I have come to the conclusion, after reading this book, and reviewing USA foreign policy in Guatemala, and Iran, and Indonesia, and Vietnam, and Cuba, and Chile, and on and on and on, that advanced degrees in physics and structural engineering is not necessary to read the obvious writings on the wall."

You make a good point, Anonymous. The "expertise" argument may never be won by 911 Truth, if only because most experts in these areas (structural engineering, for example) are terrified to say what they know is true. Five years of propaganda has conditioned the country well for the globalists. Until we get a notable expert in the field to come forward, the ad hominem attacks will continue to muddy the water.

I think general activism is useful, in this sense. If we create a climate in which experts feel less threatened and more willing to come forward, we will have done a done a good thing.

No Longer Deserving Of The Title.

I think PCR has offered us some curiously wise words in this area: Any "engineer" who can not see the obvious, or is too scared to voice his thoughts.... is no longer deserving of the title.

This is the very same premiss of my challenge to pilots. Can't see the obvious or are too scared to talk, I'm not going to join them in the dangerous sky they now infest.

Although one may have to earn a degree to get the initial title, respect is a well that must be constantly maintained.

Feel free to repeat your comments at my blog, I'm working on a project there.
"The truth shall make you free." Why not make the truth free? We live on a priceless blue pearl, awash in a universe of fire and ice. Cut the crap.

My experience among the non-converted.....

MY experience among the non-converted is that Controlled Demolition is the weakest evidence.

Granted, to us it appears very obvious and a smoking gun. As it should!

But, to the uninitiated, the idea of controlled demolition seems "tin-foil-hat" to the extreme. They just associate it with some wild-assed specualation, like pods and no planes. Even Albanese himself admits he did not believe it. Even Ruppert has admitted that he did not believe it for years.

So, when you claim it is the strongest case to make, that is just preaching to the choir.

I know some people who are just BARELY able to grasp LIHOP. MIHOP is unthinkable to them. And, controlled demolition is Area 51.

Get it? Its just the way it is.

A film like EGLS at LEAST gets people to look at the possibility of LIHOP with strong cross-over evidence of MIHOP. It is a primer. Background. Historical evidence. A foundation.

I know Chris thinks he has all the answers on how to educate people, but, I value the variety of different approaches and Chris is a bit too passionately immature about insistance that artists refoect HIS approach.

again asshole, from a

again asshole, from a previous response:
not everyone believes hard,provable information like the ISI/CIA type stuff. sadly, some people wont believe anything they read in regards to 9/11, but thier eyes CANT lie. ALL relevant evidence.......

all the answers? sorry, you seem to be the one claiming that, i sure never claimed it. get a name, and then use my name, until then, keep it our of your posts.

you are obnoxious

Your comments are obnoxious.

Not everyone believes controlled demolition either. Some peope want films on hostorical evidence. Its just another approach.

Having an opinion is one thing. But being belligerent about it is something else.

Your wrong Chris - almost no

Your wrong Chris - almost no one considers himself as experienced enough to say how collapse
of twin towers should look like (if it wasn't CD) - especially sceptics, who belive that "experts"
can explain everything.
Historical evidence, exposing motive is more convincing for them, sceptics, as because they can search
for themselves that it's true. CD is for belivers and ppl who doubt already.
...and for some... they're so ignorant they will stand after Bush to the last moments (which will come soon we all hope).

This was a healthy discussion

I think this thread perfectly demonstrates why Albanese chose to release this editorial at this time. People have been using his silence on CD as a weapon against him.

And, my opinion is that anyone who would attack an Albanese or a Paul Thompson or a Ruppert or any of the other contributors to this movement, because they do not perfectly reflect YOUR ideals as to what should or should not be said, is actually hurting the movement.

Nico Haupt would be a perfect example. You either support his "no plane" theories, or your are ruthlessly attacked by him.

Albanese has set the record straight on his opinions about CD. But, until such time as you can personally contribute something to this movement, other than attacking and criticising his efforts, I suggest you focus on the positive.

With all the attacks coming from Popular Mechanics and FoxNews and their ilk, we do not need all these backseat drivers in the movement attacking our own.

from a previous reply: this

from a previous reply:
this isnt about badgering a fimlmaker to include pet theories like "no planes", this is about something that im guessing 80 something percent of 9/11 truth activists believe is important. the number is higher than 80% concerning WTC7, im sure. not everyone believes hard,provable information like the ISI/CIA type stuff. sadly, some people wont believe anything they read in regards to 9/11, but thier eyes CANT lie. ALL relevant evidence.......

backseat driver? why, because i dont have as much time or money to spend on a film like Albanese? wheres your film "Anonymous"? does that make you a backseat driver too? i think his film is great, this is constructive criticism. you need to stop taking these "attacks" so seriously. you are acting like an emotional child right now. nobody is attacking anyone here.

well said



"I think this thread perfectly demonstrates why Albanese chose to release this editorial at this time. People have been using his silence on CD as a weapon against him."

As they well should have!

I don't need to trust you nor Albanese to contribute to the truth movement.

so don't watch his films


Jesus, you guys, stop beating up Albanese.

It's nice to have at least one film where I can say "see, you don't even need to get into physical evidence arguments to prove it was an inside job" and point straight to EGLS and, to a lesser, extent WKJO. We need a couple of these movies. The douchebags I fight with on other boards laugh at S. Jones and say that things like NIST and this Implosion World report eat up the skeptics because they really believe these people with the credentials are THE experts. As Ruppert says, it gets into a pissing contest over experts on physical evidence. Don't get me wrong, I don't think WTC 7 is anything other than what it looks like, but when you have one of the world's foremost demolition experts publish things like this, it's hard to rebut.

Anyway, cut the crap and leave the Loose Change speculative stuff to those guys.

oh, i get it. cave in to the

oh, i get it. cave in to the other side. good advice. (insert sarcasm here)

all these hateful comments

all these hateful comments end up doing is pushing people to want to do less and less work for the community.. people always questioning each others motives, taking everything they say out of context, putting words into peoples mouths, and of course extreme judgementalism.. all these things make people trying to bust ass want to give up and go back to not caring like everyone else.

i would be lying if i didnt say that i have been having major considerations for giving up and moving on, for exactly this type of hateful crap.

and we wonder why others dont want to put their face forward.. i wouldnt want to either.

is there no room for any

is there no room for any type of criticism here? i criticize, not attack, not slander, i criticize a film and get attacked by all sides for it. this isnt the first time this has happened. its as if you cant say anything about any 9/11 film/paper/activist without getting shot down as being "hateful" or whatever. i make one comment about how it was a tactical mistake to leave CD out of EGLS(a film i happen to like), and i get shit on for it. again.

i wasnt responding to

i wasnt responding to anything which you said, relax guy.

oh, i thought you were

oh, i thought you were because it was right under my response. my fault, im still trying to figure this out,haha.

Constructive Opinions are Nice

But - hammering me on this issue like its the Spanish Inquisition is bullshit.

Really Chris - just scrolling through this board made me sick to my stomach. You are entiled to your opinion - but how many posts from you do we need?

Thanks for your input. I'll take it under advisement.

Relax, Mr. Albanese

John, you were wrong to poo-poo on controlled demolition for so long, okay? So let's just "pull-it" & move on.

did he really 'poo-poo' on

did he really 'poo-poo' on it, or did he just choose to abstain from the subject because he didnt feel he had the necessary expertise to comment on it? isn't there a difference?



Eyeballs are all that's needed, really.


tell that to the 'conspiracy

tell that to the 'conspiracy smashers', 911myths, and popular mechanics.. none of them can touch the things which arent control demolition related, and they can confuse the issue enough to convince regular people that near-freefall speeds happen all the time..

im a big CD advocate, but im also a realist, and i know that CD alone has never convinced anyone i know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

anyways, just putting in my 2 cents, best wishes.

CD does bring newbies into the fold, though.

Yes but controlled demolition does bring newbies into the fold, though.

Why EGLS has no need to talk about CD.

"Yes, but controlled demolition does bring newbies into the fold, though"

Equally if not more so for conversations that touch lives in other real and tangible ways. I've had success bringing people into conversations about controlled demolition only AFTER patiently taking the time explaining why they may reject simple phrases and concepts for illogical reasons. Like the Skinnarian stuff that wafts through our education "system".

The fix we are in is that this IS arduous, and designed to be so. It makes many who posses rock solid proof and evidence of the crime throw their hands up from the get go. "No one is going to believe this", or "I'll be attacked and loose everything before I can make it to the finish line". That sentiment is as common as dirt.

Make films about controlled demolition without ever mentioning 9/11, and I've got a dollar you'll bring more into the fold with that kind of sugar.

I've criticized these films sure, but far less for their choice in how they wish to approach the subject and more for the accuracy of whatever it is they use. It doesn't seem to make sense to point out what something 'lacks' when examining its quality should be of far more interest. The definitive telling of the real 9/11 is going to take days and days and days. Even the highly abridged version.

One-Way quantity, is the tool of FOX and CNN. We'll not soon compete with that.

I'd rather have fifty unique, non-repeating, and diverse quality films and stories.... each with occasional mistakes. Rather than one definitive attempting impossible perfection. Thanks John, you're on my bookshelf.

dz, i know a lot of smart

dz, i know a lot of smart people that say that cd is all that they need to see...

ya, it really depends on

ya, it really depends on your audience..

i had a guy with a degree in physics email me about seeing one of our adds on rawstory.. he wanted to thank me and say that after seeing WTC7 he knew instantly something was wrong..

on the other hand, my layman friends dont find CD conclusive, altho some of them definately started looking into things after that.. this weekend i offered to show the new 9/11: Press for Truth movie, and got a bunch of ppl that so far hadn't wanted to attend any of my screenings..

to each his own..


Opens up a WHOLE NEW demographic.


Everyone who watches it.

is Press For Truth available

is Press For Truth available to watch anywhere online?


That I know of.

in your opinion

try publishing that opinion for peer review among real physicists and structural engineers.

my film does not poo-poo anything

My film does not poo-poo controlled demolition.

My position has always been agnostic.

Grow up.

on the one hand you guys are crying "aren't opinions allowed!!!"

but any opinion that you do not agree with (like my agnostic appoach to CD) is grounds for a witch-hunt and burning at the stake.

I Respect You Tremendously

For the film you made. I think it was a FANTASTIC contribution that should be pushed by this movement 1000x more than it has been. I admire your willingness to take the time to have made it. I admire the fact that you took a chance with your own life with the creation of this movie. Putting your name out there is EXTREMELY dangerous, and you did it with a ridiculously powerful movie to boot. Hats off to John Albanese, REGARDLESS of whether or not Controlled Demolition (one of the two points used most in hit pieces) was in the movie or not.

John, your film is great.

The anonymous ones posting here are just plain scared thanks to films like yours and Avery's. They post here as Anonymous due to the fact they are in most likelihood, government paid shills. As chickenshit and as morally corrupt as their ultimate leaders. Let them post as it is quite entertaining to listen to them try to defend the "official story". As with all wars, one side will be tagged as being on the wrong side of history. These will include shills here, as well as the MSM and of course, those in the govt. that are complicit, or know the real truth and have no balls to speak out.

That is why we need an "on notice" board to track all those that should be tarred and feathered when the real truth comes out. Just a matter of time and the energy of those that seek justice.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

listen Jon, im not gonna sit

listen Jon, im not gonna sit here and allow some Anonymous asshole to attack me for pointing something out. it started with ONE post and some Anonymous asshole had to keep taking snipes. your movie was great, with or without CD, i just happen to think you made a tactical mistake in leaving WTC7 out and thats all i said.and for the record, your self righteous posts make me sick to my stomach as well.

Chris is only guilty

Chris is only guilty regarding caring too much regarding the injustice being done in this country... and refilling his coffee cup a couple more times than he should during a nice work-filled day. :-).

Remember folks... your job comes first... If you can't feed yourself, your spouse and your kids, you are not doing anyone any good.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

HAHA, and i dont even drink

HAHA, and i dont even drink coffee, this is natural rage.

Of course tempers are peaking!

John, of course tempers are rising. There are 3,000 cops, firemen, & office workers who were annihilated on 9/11, plus two illegal wars with hundreds of thousands more murdered! The culprits are trying like hell to beat the rap.

You can take some criticism under these circumstances, can't you?

Yes - i was there

Yes - i was there. I saw it. My wife attempted suicide 3 times.

I suggest we direct our anger at the real enemies.

Does "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime"

Make people question what happened? Does it make you cry? Does it make you angry at those who "annihilated" 3,000 cops, firemen & office workers? Yes.

Criticism is not what John Albanese receives for the most part. From what I've read on these boards, he receives a lot of attacks. Mostly from Nico, and friends of Nico, and a few others, but it is not criticism.

He is a regular joe schmoe who made a movie in an effort to try and help this country. He does not deserve attacks.

Those in our Government who were complict in the attacks deserve our anger. Not each other.

If Albanese is a regular

If Albanese is a regular "Joe Schmoe" we could use a hell of a lot more "Joe Schmoes" as part of this movement.

A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

"Pull-it" already?

"but when you have one of the world's foremost demolition experts publish things like this, it's hard to rebut."

Mr. Larry Silverstein rebutted it totally, in fact, he "pulled-it."

Perhaps a concise video w/both CD + ISI/PAK, NeoCons...

Ladies & Gentlemen: Perhaps a concise video w/both CD + ISI/PAK, NeoCons... would be very successful?

well - if you guys are done kicking my ass.....

..... my lunchbreak is over.

Maybe later we can reconvene and you can take turns slapping me around.

There is indeed a new version of my film in the works, and it looks very strong. The project is held together - financially - by spit and glue, with most of the financial burden on my shoulders - but, don't let that interupt you from offering your generous opinions.

The new version of the film will take a clear position on controlled demolition - but - again - it is ostensibly a film about the timelines, ommissions, official lies, inconvenient facts, foreknowledge, air defenses, strange coincidences, and, of course, an entire section devoted to Chris' opinions. In this context Controlled Demolition will simply be one facet of the total picture.

Oh - and there will also be a very short segment on junk science as well. I indeed mention the no-plane theory, and the initial rushes are very very funny. It will be the one piece of comic relief that this whole sad subject needs.

Keep up the good work and please try to be more tolerant of each other. I could be dead tomorrow, and I would hate to think you would all be suspects.

John Albanese... a true patriot

Keep up the good fight John. I, for one of many, cannot wait to view your next film. Make sure to post it on a paying site. I would pay to view it as I am sure would others.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

Damn you, Albanese...! I

Damn you, Albanese...! I watched your video yet again... Now can't get the soundtrack out of my mind... Whistling it now as I type this... "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime..."

(Big tongue in cheek)

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

Here you go...

Best wishes to John Albanese

Best wishes & good luck on the new video! Of course everyone here eagerly await its release!

Towers of Deception sounds wicked

Towers of Deception sounds wicked, I'm definitely going to buy this.

Here it is on amazon;

Zwicker not for beginners

A word of advice to people looking to purchase Towers of Deception: It does not spend as much time as other books trying to prove 9/11 was an inside job; for the most part, it assumes you already believe that to be true.

So, I would not recommend it for a beginner. Make sure you read at least Griffin's books first, for a good synthesis of the research. If you want to begin at the beginning, then read Ruppert, Ahmed, Chossudovsky, and Thompson, at least.

Zwicker does something a little different than the others, because he is a media critic. His emphasis is on the rhetoric and psychology of 9/11 reportage. Why do many people hold on to certain beliefs that are demonstrably untrue, and how does the media perpetuate belief in the 9/11 myth? These are discussed in the book.

Most people will want to read Zwicker for the Chomsky chapter, which is fine. I have some questions about his reading of Chomsky. Maybe I'll post them on a blog sometime.

absolutely. when i said it

absolutely. when i said it was the best book ever on 9/11, i should have qualified that. its the best book overall on 9/11 in my opinion, but not the best at laying out exactly why 9/11 was an inside job. like simuvac said, he is a media critic, and i think this is the main reason why its my favorite book on 9/11. the guy gets it, and he knows how to explain to the average person why a story like 9/11 has been pushed under the rug and why there has been a total media blackout(except for the usual political exploitation of it).the chapter on the psyhcology of it all was amazing. i feel that this is the book you give to the most hardened official story believers you know. Zwicker breaks it down perfectly.

Yes, before reading this, "A New Pearl Harbor is a prerequisite

Any new truthers out there definitely need to read "The New Pearl Harbor" prior to reading Zwicker's book. Not a mandate of course, just doing you a favor. If hundreds of thousands of patriots can serve time in an illegal war in Iraq, you can do your part in investing $40 to purchase Griffin's book and Zwicker's. For the MTV generation, Zwicker also includes a DVD... that I have yet to watch.

I do believe that in order for the world to notice, another million match march on Washington is going to be required to force the MSM to pay attention. I plan to be at GZ on 9/12 and look forward to meeting all of you there.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

I tend to prefer 'The 9/11

I tend to prefer 'The 9/11 Commission Report: Ommissions and Distortions'.. i like it more because it is more recent, and specifically shows all the ways in which the 9/11 commission failed..

i think 'the new pearl harbor' gets pushed so much because it was really a door opener for a ton of people (was for me as well).. i find his 2nd book to be more focused on the failures of the 9/11 commission, and that should piss anyone off..

DZ.... good point. Just as long as they read one of the two n/t

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

DBLS... this book is all good.. you will finish it within a day.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

New WTC Complex Photos Re: Building 7

Previously unseen photos provided to us by a fireman who was at ground zero on 9/11 highlight the implausible implosion of WTC Building 7 in comparison with buildings closer to the towers that sustained significantly more fire and debris damage yet did not collapse.

Zwicker is owning that interview.

Excellent interview. Newcomb is giving him a fair shake, and plenty of talk time.

New Photos of WTC 7

New this morning: Alex Jones has new photos of WTC 7 and surrounding buildings that were given to him by a fireman. They are huge and extremely clear. Be sure to click on each one of them to enlarge them.

Yes, I saw them...

Amazing how little damage WTC7 suffered.

Popular Mechanics liars & fabricated DNA reports!

I just listened to Charles Goyette & a caller tear the Popular Mechanics guest a new one regarding the fabricated DNA results from the Towers & the Pentagon! (They could not have obtained viable DNA samples from either site, believe me.)

Goyette got a bit angry at the PM phony, but what do you expect when a fraud is boldfaced-lying to you, trying to cover-up for mass murderers!

Alex Jones

Johnathan Mosley is currently on Alex Jones:

Dr Fetzer has called into that interview...

and he and Alex are mopping the floor with that Mosley guy.


Moseley said he doesn't believe Northwoods existed...

Great stuff, lol

These guys are really sticking their necks out for fascist mass murderers... can't wait to hear the Jack Blood interview.

Request it at your local library!

Go to your neighborhood library and request Zwicker's book. My librarian noted it had not been reviewed by any major publication, which is why they hadn't bought a copy yet. She said the library would probably buy it!

Sorry off the point but

Sorry off the point but tonight on CNN,

Also off the point, but...

Check out the latest CNN poll. Apparently Bin Laden is still plotting another attack against the U.S., or so most people in this country believe:

Alex Jones versus Moseley.

Alex Jones versus Moseley. somebody has got to get this audio up here. i assume hes wiping the floor with him.

Zwicker Interview NOW AVAILABLE !!!



Know thy enemy.

Just traveling home from the road, spent time with the family back in PA. My middle brother is a Limbaugh/FreeRep junkie, and always get a read from him on the right-wing anti-9/11 propaganda of the week. I had him considering it for quite a while, but now he says he's "unsure".

His latest: "This 9/11 stuff is wrong - if Bush really did any of this, the NYT would have been all over him."

So, that's the latest scam - attacking all guilt to Bush himself, and buying into the ideological political theater as the excuse for 9/11 truth being the scam. I.e., if the Left doesn't attack the admin over it, it didn't happen.

The NeoCons made sure they had control of msm!

It's not in the NYT or other msm because the NeoCons made sure they had nearly total control of the msm before they perpetraited 9/11. (Trust me, they did not want to get caught.)

I'm sure they have very high moles & gatekeepers in most all msm, & that combined with the fear factor is very powerful!

Look at CNN for example! It's like the CIA broadcasting company now!

I Wrote A Piece A While Back About This...

You can read about it here...

That piece is rather old. Something I made while I was heavily researching 9/11.

Accidental debunking of 9/11 Conspiracists

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:05 PM

By HARRY EAGAR, Staff Writer

So, I was interviewing musician Harry Davisson, and when I finished, he started interviewing me.

Had I thought about the way the World Trade Center towers collapsed? Didn’t I find it suspicious? Why did they fall down and not over? Etc.

Of all the reporters in all the newsrooms of the world, I told him, you picked the one least likely to help you promote conspiracy theories. You see, the orthodox explanation of how the catastrophe played out was written by my brother, Tom, the engineering professor, and his grad student, Christopher Musso.

But I told Harry I’d look at the counterarguments again, and I did. They had gotten more intricate than the last time I’d checked, but no more persuasive, and I forgot about it.

Tom gets numerous e-mails challenging his analysis, but he’s found it not worthwhile to debate these people, so he just deletes them. But he called me a few weeks ago, because one e-mail caught his eye. It was headed “Not a conspiracy theorist,” and it came from Carroll D. Sanders of Hawesville, Ky.

Sanders wrote Tom that he’d wondered if he could reproduce the kind of fire that destroyed the towers, and he had succeeded in creating a very hot aluminum fire in a series of experiments at his place in Kentucky.

“It’s 18 acres,” Sanders told me later. “I can blow stuff up without bothering the neighbors.”

The conspiracy theorists claim a jet fuel fire couldn’t have gotten hot enough to melt structural steel, so the building must have been brought down by a controlled demolition.

That’s a misconception to start with; it didn’t have to get that hot. To see why, read Tom’s article in the Journal of Materials (all over the Web), or you may have seen “NOVA’s” TV treatment with his explanation.

But, in fact, Sanders figured out a simple way – several simple ways – to get aluminum to burn. All it takes is bare aluminum, rust and heat.

With a researcher’s true curiosity, Sanders tried various sources of “rust” – iron oxide – including meat. Unfortunately, there was a lot of meat available on Sept. 11, 2001.

He wrote Tom that he got better results with beef liver than with beefsteak. That’s what held Tom’s finger off the delete key.

There have been other college professors weighing in but getting it wrong, notably Steven Jones at BYU, a physicist and archaeometrist, whatever that is.

“Even a guy in Kentucky can figure it out,” Tom told me on the phone.

Carroll Sanders is, however, not just any guy in Kentucky. He’s been in Ripley’s Believe It or Not three times for his chain-saw art: once for carving the world’s smallest chain-saw sculpture, a three-fourths-inch high squirrel; once for carving his initials with a chain saw on the head of a pin; and once for carving the initials of his favorite bluegrass musician, Ally White, on his toenails with a chain saw. He carves mantels for a living.

Sanders tells me he did not set out to debunk the conspiracy theorists. He just wondered whether he could reproduce the conditions of that day.

He remembered, as a boy sitting in a school bus, seeing a tractor-trailer rig crash, with its aluminum trailer burning furiously.

On days he can’t work with his chain saw, due to an arm injury he suffered as a boy, he experiments with ways to ignite aluminum fires.

Sometimes, he’s too successful. A contraption made from a 12-inch drill casing, rusty bolts and aluminum turned into a “hydrogen cannon.”

“I won’t try that again,” Sanders told me. “My eyebrows have almost grown out again.”

But as he’s gotten further along, Sanders has gotten interested in debunking the likes of Jones. Over the past few weeks, as we’ve chatted on the phone, Sanders has discovered that he can get aluminum to burn without even an initial flame. All he needs is sound.

These are kitchen experiments, using what he’s got around the house. When he needed an impact, he shot at a steel plate with a muzzle-loading frontier rifle. The sound experiment involved a deep fryer pan of agitated, molten aluminum, rusty bolts and, for the sound source, rock music turned up loud.

Now, none of this is telling Tom anything he didn’t already know (except I don’t believe he’d thought about liver), but it does show up the conspiracy theorists. Sanders doesn’t have the money and fancy equipment that Tom has at MIT, but he does have the scientific attitude.

Tom describes the conspiracy theorists as using “the reverse scientific method.” In that one, you decide on your result first (“Bush did it”) and keep framing explanations till you get what you want.

Sanders continues to experiment.

Harry Eagar is a staff writer for The Maui News. He can be reached at “Off Deadline” is an occasional column allowing staff writers to step back and reflect on issues of the day or to just talk story.
August 23, 2006

TV News Lies: "Destroying Bliss -Meeting with an Old Friend"
ScrewLooseChange about Judy Wood leaving st911
Debunking the Debunkers of the Debunkers of the Official Collapse Story
Alternet on hangouter Peter Lance's fight with NGC
Coming Soon: 9/11 Truth Radio in Canada!
Judy Andreas on John Stadtmiller....RBN
Jolly Roger: Moonlanding fake, 9/11 aircrafts real
Was 9/11 an inside job? - PR Web (press release)
Popular Mechanics Radio Schedule to Discuss 'Debunking 9/11 Myths' Book
NM 911 Truth Santa Fe Political Tour Thursday 10AM
John Albanese apparently switched to pro CD evidence
PrisonPlanet with new WTC7 photos
08/23 -Zwicker on Newcomb Show
Carol Brouillet posting 9/11 anniversary event on C|Net
Debunking 9-11 Myths Podcast
David Griffin in Amsterdam

How does this debunk anything?

It seems like the entire article is aimed at proving/disproving: "...if he could reproduce the kind of fire that destroyed the towers, and he had succeeded in creating a very hot aluminum fire in a series of experiments at his place in Kentucky."

So in essence he is saying that the fire definitely brought them down because "he had succeeded in creating a very hot aluminum fire in a series of experiments at his place in Kentucky."?

Does that make sense to anyone?

I wrote: Your writing about

I wrote:

Your writing about a guy in Kentucky¹s experiments setting fire to aluminum seems unrelated to Steven Jones experiments regarding thermite and analysis of the structural steel in the towers. What am I missing? Did the guy in Kentucky set fire to structural steel as well?

Harry Eagar wrote:

Ke aloha no!

He got thermite-type reactions. The buildings did not collapse because structural steel burned or melted, but because it deformed, but, yes, Sanders did melt steel and created explosive reactions.

Also, Sanders' experiments disprove the contentions that 1) the aluminum couldn't have ignited; and 2) that the fires weren't very hot.

Dutch plane scare--breaking news.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (CNN) -- Dutch police said Wednesday that 12 passengers were in custody after a Northwest Airlines flight bound for Mumbai, India, returned to Amsterdam when several people on board aroused concern.

The latest news about it

The latest news about it says that suspicious passengers tried to USE CELL-PHONES ON THE PLANE, but it didn't work. I guess they only work on September 11th...


Popular Mechanics kook editor-in-chief Jim Meigs on Deadline Live w/ Jack Blood now!!



toll-free number 800-259-9231

direct link to streams..

direct link to streams.. requires windows media player:

I think

Alex Jones has finally let the pressure get to him. He sounds crazy and seriously needs a vacation.

haha, i wanna hear it. did

haha, i wanna hear it. did he at least rip that Moseley guy?

I'm talking about Deadline Live

and Jack Blood interviewing the editor from Popular Mechanics. Alex Jones called in and sounded like an 8 year old w/o his medicine. Yelling, getting angry, and screaming are all viable speaking techniques if done right, and done sparsely, but by Alex has just sounded like an idiot lately (on this interview and on his own radio show). It's the equivalent of me typing in ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME.

The mosley interview is from last week (just re-airing it i think) and was pretty useless. He did get Mosley to admit that Jones didn't call for violent revolution.

alex jones is on, and is

alex jones is on, and is grilling this guy.. its a bit over the top, but he did have a good response to the claims that the payne stewart response was 1hr 20 min instead of just 20min.. wonder if he has that posted somewhere..

Not sure when today's show

Not sure when today's show will be posted, but here's the link to Jack Blood's archives:

does anybody have any good

does anybody have any good pictures from that Russian plane crash from yesterday?

thanks, thats perfect.

thanks, thats perfect. notice the bodies didnt "vaporize" either, haha.

stop using stupid arguments

you keep discrediting yourself.

What has failed landing of Tupolev in common with full speed smash in WTC or Pentagon????

And there was many airplane crashes in which no bodies were found. One was some crash in
South Asia which nose-dived from great height and hit water - not even a whole seat was found
even though many divers looked for a long time.

By using wrong arguments you won't convince anyone important.

yawn. get a name then bitch.

yawn. get a name then bitch.


Chris, chill out a little. I'm at least as peeved as you by people who post anonymously (I think only registered users should be able to post) but "get a name then bitch" just escalates the tension here, doncha think? This is meant to be a gentle prod from someone who enjoys reading your posts in general.

dude, the guy has been

dude, the guy has been badgering me all day. i come back literally hours later, and hes still taking snipes at me. im not gonna stand for that.

How do you know that's the same Anonymous?

The grammar in that post is pretty distinctive and I haven't seen anything like it today.

I think you would do well to take arguments (even from shills) at lot less personally.

I don't know if you noticed, but in another thread, dz politely asked Erin S. Myers to cut down on the swearing, and he graciously assented. Personally, I find the use of four-letter words quite helpful when talking about 9/11, but as dz pointed out, it intimidates and turns off some people who might otherwise participate here.

so now my "cursing" is the

so now my "cursing" is the problem? jesus. i agree i probably shouldnt indulge the shills by arguing with them, but the guy was goading me. trust me, i can tell its the same Anonymous.


No, your cursing is not the problem. It's the hostility level that instantly goes to 11 when there's even a small possibility someone might be insulting you. It's not good for you and it's not good for the board. Swearing itself isn't the issue in this case (although apparently our benevolent overlords would like it if we cut down) it's calling people "bitch" and "asshole" -- that is, reacting to their posts by lashing out verbally in a way that innocent bystanders really don't want to see. It's also an inducement to flame wars, which are a huge waste of time and bandwidth.

Personally, I've never heard of a plane crash that didn't leave some recognizable debris -- usually enough that they can at least take a stab at reconstructing the plane (although I suppose not all countries do that.) I'd like Mr. Anonymous to cite some sources. I bet he's far less eager to do that than to get your blood pressure to spike.

Submitted by Chris on Wed,

Submitted by Chris on Wed, 08/23/2006 - 6:56pm.
i should also clarify that i wasnt calling him a bitch, i was telling him to get a name THEN bitch,as in bitch about me.


"although apparently our benevolent overlords would like it if we cut down"

i should also clarify that i

i should also clarify that i wasnt calling him a bitch, i was telling him to get a name THEN bitch,as in bitch about me.

Oh, I see

Okay. You do realize that's not how it read, though, right?

"Get a name, then bitch"
"Get a name then, bitch"

Commas can be our friends.

yes, thats why i clarified.

yes, thats why i clarified.


That's it, I've done said my piece.


Grammar, what a, bitch.

yeah, and it doesnt help

yeah, and it doesnt help that i become dyslexic when typing either,haha. every single time i try and type american, it comes out amercian first. literally every single time. i had to go back and re-type the first one. im not joking.

adopt a poetic style, works

adopt a poetic style, works for me

Keep up the good work John

Keep up the good work John Albanese! I have passed your film on to many people, as I feel it lays out a solid "who done it" and why. Not everyone is going to be receptive of the CD aspect right off the bat. Don't let the criticism get to you, there are plenty of films out there that go in depth about WTC-7 and CD. If it is in your next film then thats great, as there is now even more evidence to run with.

Why someone would want to attack someone who has obviously put their life on the line for the movement is beyond shillery. I hate to see so much elitism in the movement.

Question OT

Sorry, but I have tried a search, but have not been sucessful.

Recently Dr. Jones released a new document:

However, today the link is broken....

I tried going out to the site to locate it but no such /energy/ link anywhere.

Does anyone have a valid link?



Thanks DZ!

John Albanese is a brave man

As one of his many armchair critics, I think we should applaud John Albanese for his new-found support for CD.

We are all, at the end of the day, comrades-in-arms in the greatest struggle against tyranny in the Western world since WW2. When T-Day comes, we will stand shoulder to shoulder and say with pride Yes, I was there.

absolutely, i thought his

absolutely, i thought his film was great already but this can only make it better.

New Terror Scam in

New Terror Scam in Netherlands and Germany?
Wed Aug 23 2006

Wicked thought Chris - what

Wicked thought Chris - what chance of a conversion on the Pentagon from some of the local boys on 911blogger?

on this site? it seems like

on this site? it seems like about half the people on this site like to stay away from discussion of the Pentagon. at least the discussion of what hit the Pentagon anyway. personally, i always say present all the evidence/unanswered questions you can,and that would include what hit the Pentagon and how it was able to hit in the first place. i understand people dont want to get labeled as saying a missile hit the Pentagon, but that doesnt mean we shouldnt talk about it at all.

I get suspicious when anyone

I get suspicious when anyone tries to stop us from talking about anything.
I don't know about you, but I can't wait for those 85 videos of the 767.
OK Andrew, give it a rest. :-)

im right there with ya, i

im right there with ya, i personally dont think it was Flight 77 myself.ok, im done with the Pentagon stuff now too : )

Focus should be on why, not what hit it...

Just as Zwicker said. The primary focus needs to be "that anything was even able to hit the Pentagon" - not what hit it. Debating what hit the Pentagon is a waste of time and is secondary.

as far as conversion though,

as far as conversion though, i dont think anyone here needs to be converted. nobody really knows what hit the Pentagon. maybe it was Flight 77, maybe it was an A-3.

It certainly was not flight

It certainly was not flight 77. You going soft on this or something?

HAHA, no, not a chance.

HAHA, no, not a chance.

its a moot point

What hit the pentagon is not the real question, the question is How in the world did anything hit the pentagon in the first place!

Every foreign (and domestic) military expert worth a damn in the world sees right through this.

The ENTIRE debate is a distraction from the real question.

Not logical

What a candidly anti-intellectual statement. I assume you are joking, so I won't get my briefs in a bundle, but seriously, rationality demands that we be continually willing to question our own assumptions. Several lines of 9/11 inquiry will likely be shot down in years to come, and maybe some unexpected ones will bear fruit. But just because I don't think what happened at the Pentagon is that compelling, doesn't mean that there is a devide between us. We need subject oriented compulsion just as much as we need people with a broad scope. But, as everyone in this place keeps saying, we both think that 9/11 was an inside job.

tin foil hats

I am both gladdened and saddened by your post. Yes, for
some this is indeed a life or death choice that we make by opposing the gov't, and some of us know it. Few know the true
terrors the gov't may use against us. I am a tin foil hat wearer, proud to be so. Since 1994 I have undergone gov't law enforcement surveillance and torture, as I was (am) a witness in a high profile
criminal investigation and they wanted to know what I may know. I came to be a truther while in attendance at a conference against non-lethal weapons (aka slow kill weapons or emf weapons). I have also been subjected to cointel tactics. I have come to believe that the best way to expose
these government crimes is to support the 911 truth movement, as the evidence is strong. In fact, we are in danger of much more than false flag events, the cognitive liberties of mankind - our God given right to THINK for ourselves, is in peril. 911 as an inside job is hard to swallow. Use of thought modifying weaponry is even harder to believe. Yet is is a reality. I
personally urge all reading this post to visit the website . There
you will find info on the latest psychotronic
weaponry. This is about more than 9/11, although that in itself is cause for every man, woman and
child to stand up against tyranny. The very cognitive liberties of mankind are at stake here. The website developer of mindjustice is the recognized expert in these weapon systems world wide (recognized by the UN) - Cheryl Welch. Please look into this.


Nice Post Cheryl.

I like your feedback. Most truthers spend their time trying to figure out what hit the Pentagon or what hit the Towers. I leave that stuff to the pros. Like yourself I understand that this situation is a matter of life or death as I stated before. We can't get taken away or distracted with powerful personalities such as Ruppert. We can't let egos destroy our movement. My focus is who is really responsible for 9/11. Who are the "Puppet Masters" and what do they have in store for us. Sure, we can blame the neocons ect but they are just puppets. Who is the "Man Behind the Curtin?" I think I have found the answer to this question but even on this site I would be hesitant to post my findings for fear of loosing all credibility. Alex Jones touches on it in some of his films. Aaron Russo talks about it to some degree in his new film "America: From Freedom to Fascism." I think most people, even truthers have to find out for themselves. It is quite serious as you well know. These people are beyond evil and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

You Want To Read About Pain?

Click Here

I don't know about you, but reading about her pain makes me VERY angry.

Is your cell phone spying on

Is your cell phone spying on you? Are the whistleblowers being killed?
Note: A version of this piece appears today on BradBlog. This version has additional information.

Is someone murdering people who know too much about NSA wiretapping?

Two whistleblowers -- one in Italy, one in Greece -- uncovered a secret bugging system installed in cell phones around the world. Both met with untimely ends. The resultant scandals have received little press in the United States, despite the profound implications for American critics of the Bush administration.

Listen To This!

Here's what you do. An action: Consider EVERY electronic device around you, as a means to speak DIRECTLY to the f*cks who would use your free speech against you. Tell them you know they are wrong to use any such methods.

Tell them. Tell them they are the scum of the earth. Tell them they will not win. Tell them that you know this Corrupt Administration will be CRUSHED for violating the good people of Earth.

Tell them. (At least they're finally listning. And I mean, finally. :-)

"The truth shall make you free." Why not make the truth free? We live on a priceless blue pearl, awash in a universe of fire and ice. Cut the crap.

DailyKos diary on Paul Craig Roberts

Has Paul Craig Roberts gone

Has Paul Craig Roberts gone "over the edge"?

Yes. It appears that Dr Roberts has turned into a true tinfoiler.
No. He's asking the questions that we all should demand answers to.

Votes: 26

what a ridiculous way to address such an important topic/person. KOS is horrible.

Well, Chris, perhaps asking

Well, Chris, perhaps asking if Dr Roberts "has turned into a true tinfoiler" was meant to underline how ridiculous it is to label someone a tinfoil hat based on his or her critical attitude to OCT. ;-)

i dont know, based on KOS

i dont know, based on KOS history of playing it "safe" with 9/11, i find that hard to believe. it is in Markos best interest to keep his followers in the dark about 9/11. bootlicker that he is.

OT...but related....Randi Rhodes...and the media

I do plan on reading Zwicker's TOWERS OF DECEPTION...

Regarding media - On a road trip today, I listed to the 8/14/06 edition of THE RANDI RHODES SHOW. Thompson was her guest as they discussed THE TERROR TIMELINE and 9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH.

Although Randi Rhodes should be applauded for discussing these issues, I am frankly fed up with these left-wing hosts going "only so far". ANYONE who sees WTC 1, 2, and 7 know in his or her heart that the methodical collapse of those buildings were assisted by and brought down by explosives - which begs the question, "Who placed the explosives in those buildings?" Anyone shying away from these FACTS is in psychological denial.

Ms. Rhodes likes to pride herself on being so progressive and only talking about FACTS. Well, Randi Rhodes needs to shape up or ship out when it comes to discussing 9/11. I'm fed up with "the establishment", the media, and so-called civilized institutions trying to play like 9/11 WAS NOT an inside job. We all know it was and the citizenry should be demanding answers.

All of this is really so, so simple. Why do people have to make everything so complicated. WTC 1, 2, and 7....look at these collapses. People need to stop trying to pretend something happened other than what really did happen.

Considering the depths and degree of denial in which Americans and others are willing to frolick, we can see that civilization is on a fast-track, downward spiral.

Randi Rhodes

I agree. Randi Rhodes is nothing but a left gatekeeper. It would be far better if she wouldn't even mention 9/11 on her show. She is just feeding the beast.

Paging Terry Wrist

Everything you wanted to know about suicide bombers for peace.

your racist views wont fly

your racist views wont fly well here. i suggest you try the rightwing zombies at Powerline or something.

Comments, and random...

Man, the new comments are awesome! Great work guys...

What do you guys think about this... a little kooky in the end, but quite interesting and well done ... the 911 stuff starts in after a few minutes...


that was great!

They Want Your Soul

It's a little out there... getting into the bio chips and the transhumanism stuff... as well apocolyptic Christian stuff...still a good watch tho... I couldn't take my eyes off it, personally, and had to share.

that was an excellent

that was an excellent fact-filled video! i was there was a better version kickin around.