travellerev's blog

9/11 families criticized for 'silent' settlement in negligence case

I would really like to know what these people were told not to tell.

Five Maryland families, all of whom agreed to an out-of-court settlement with the airline industry over their loved ones' deaths on Sept. 11, are drawing some pointed criticism for agreeing to keep silent about what they learned during the course of the lawsuit.

The families, who chose not to receive money through the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund, say they pursued a legal route in hopes that their suits would give them a better understanding of the security breakdowns that allowed the tragedy to occur.

9/11 families criticized for 'silent' settlement in negligence case
Jason Rhyne
Published: Monday October 8, 2007

Five Maryland families, all of whom agreed to an out-of-court settlement with the airline industry over their loved ones' deaths on Sept. 11, are drawing some pointed criticism for agreeing to keep silent about what they learned during the course of the lawsuit.

The families, who chose not to receive money through the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund, say they pursued a legal route in hopes that their suits would give them a better understanding of the security breakdowns that allowed the tragedy to occur.

But whatever knowledge they gained, they're not allowed to talk about it.

All you need is a crazy rich guy with a private army. part 4

Erik Prince’s connections read like a who is who of the 9/11 suspects and war profiteers.
If like me you have come to the realization that the official conspiracy theory about the events of 9/11 is impossible and that the body of scientific evidence proves that 9/11 was an inside job than you have to wonder how the perpetrators and planners could realize their ideologies. You have to wonder about how they could form a cadre of men prepared to ruthlessly kill Americans to further their own greedy agenda. This is one possible way.

I edited the post to include the connection to the PDF I created. It is a visual representation of all Princes connections.
I will update the PDF as my research continues.

A small victory

The last couple of days I've been getting hundreds of hits on my blog
When I checked the referrers I found that someone had put a comment with my blog link under an article on Greg Palast's website. It was linked to "What you ought not to know". And today I found that CNN of all news moguls had put a link to my Blog. It is with regards to the warmongering of the French but never the less Both links are heavily used and I have seen a huge rise in hits on my 911 for beginners and 911 video pages. link and open: From the the blog.

I got past a left wing gate keeper and a mainstream news Mogul at the same time yahooo!!!
Keep spreading the truth

"We Are Going To Hit Iran. Bigtime"

UPDATE: This diary entry was pulled from Daily KOS. Here is a good substitute:
Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran

(Normally, I wouldn't put something this far off topic (9/11) on the front page. But with so much hardware stacked up around Iran, what exactly is stopping this administration from using it? Will the pretext be False Flag, or realizing the "surge" of skepticism sure to follow what Peter Dale Scott would call a "meta-event", will Bushco merely declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a "terrorist" organization, and flatten Iran's infrastructure? Perhaps the declaration would follow the strike. Some of the features of a "meta-event": a) the immediate identification of the perps. b) support from the corporate press in stamping the guilt of the original perps into the public consciousness, no matter what kind of contrary evidence comes up later (in the case of 9/11, unprecedented support). c) the involvement of "Double Agents" or what Peter Lance coyly calls "Triple Agents", like Ali Mohamed, who was sheep-dipped into "al Qaeda", trained at Fort Bragg, and was an asset of the CIA, FBI and the US Army. The principal author of the fabled "al Qaeda" training manual is American citizen, Ali Mohamed, currently living off your tax dollars in "some kind of custodial witness protection". The American Intelligence asset tied to the 1993 WTC bombing, the murder of Meir Kahane, the US Embassy bombings, and who knew more about the 9/11 plot than the patsy Moussaoui.

JFK, Martin Luther King, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, none of these "meta-events" had a Truth movement like the 9/11 skeptics. Just think about that for a minute. -rep.)


(posted at Daily KOS)

I have a friend who is an LSO on a carrier attack group that is planning and staging a strike group deployment into the Gulf of Hormuz. (LSO: Landing Signal Officer- she directs carrier aircraft while landing) She told me we are going to attack Iran. She said that all the Air Operation Planning and Asset Tasking are finished. That means that all the targets have been chosen, prioritized, and tasked to specific aircraft, bases, carriers, missile cruisers and so forth.

I asked her why she is telling me this.

Her answer was really amazing.

Maccabee's diary :: ::

She started in the Marines and after 8 years her term was up. She had served on a smaller Marine carrier, and found out through a friend knew there was an opening for a junior grade LSO in a training position on a super carrier. She used the reference and the information and applied for a transfer to the United States Navy. Since she had experience landing F-18Cs and Cobra Gunships, and an unblemished combat record, she was ratcheted into the job, successfully changing from the Marines to the Navy. Her role is still aligned with the Marines since she generally is assigned to liaison with the Marine units deploying off her carrier group.

Read more:

Chatter about an "incident" on West Coast at all time high

By Wayne Madsen
Editor, Wayne Madsen Report

Aug 23, 2007, 01:14

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Chatter picked up by WMR's sources in the nation's capital and in California point to unusual events that could be a prelude to a 9/11-like false flag "incident" during the Labor Day weekend, possibly one focused on the San Francisco Bay Area.

The FBI in Seattle, as well as the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WJAC), have asked for the public's help in identifying two men spotted aboard Washington state ferries exhibiting unusual behavior. A number of ferry passengers have reported the two men showing strange behavior.

911 Special effects

I send this letter to both the pilots for 911truth and the ae911truth sites.
I there is anybody here from either sites or some of the other scholars for 911 truth they are cordially invited to help me on the subject.

This is the letter:

Together with my husband I ran a SFX company for 18 years.
Nothing glamorous, no big blockbusters, just a lot of hard work, long days and nasty deadlines.
We worked primarily in the advertisement world and did what is called table top SFX. We made moving models, computer animated in the real world, in preparation for the compilation of the filmed material with film editing software.

Still, we kept abreast of all the latest big screen effects and we always if only for the fun of it analyzed the sfx movies we saw.
After we stopped with our company in search of a more relaxed lifestyle, I was able to become a full time 911 researcher and I now run a blog (see signature).

I am also working on analysing what was obviously one of the most spectacular SFX productions of all times: the events of 911!

I try to put the events together from an SFX engineer's point of view.

A comment I placed under the Weimar article on the Buzzflash site was placed immediately

I thought I would copy my comment here in case it get's canned again.

Let me introduce myself.

I am a 51 year old white woman not prone to conspiracy theories. I don't believe in aliens, do not posses crystals or throw the I Ching. I am connected to the Internet with the fastest broadband connection I could find and spent 6 hours a day researching for articles I write.
When I grew up in Holland I was taught in History class that the Dutchman Marinus van der Lubbe, the guy whom the Nazi's alleged to have been the sole perpetrator of the fire that gave Hitler his dictatorial power, was in fact a patsy. Marinus van der Lubbe was a of low intelligence and did not have access to the building, but they told the German people that he was a dangerous communist and he was hung for the crime.

All you need is a crazy rich guy with a private army

Dear 911 truthseekers,

I have been a member of this blog for 7 week and three days.
I have had a good long skulk, but it is time to become more active on this blog.
I love this blog because of it's activity and the amounts of current information, and because it is a real community with a very important purpose.

I have seen the films done my homework and picked my fights.

They are:

1/ WTC 6. I have found enough information on this building to make the case for planned explosions in the building and when this has occured. I want to publish this information and give you all a chance to pick it appart, but before I do this I would like to find a first responder and ask her some questions.
Her name is Patricia Ondrovic. I found her name on the killtown blog were she gave an interview. She testifies to the fact that she saw explosions in the foyer of WTC 6, but there is some confusion as to when she saw them. I cross reverenced her with the Times 911 files (statements of the first responders.) So I know she is for real. She may not be prepared to speak or correspond with me and in that case I will lay my case before you all.