davidschandler's blog

Physics for 9/11

In my retirement I have been recording the entire highschool math curriculum for homeschoolers (and adults returning to fill in the gaps for themselves). Over the last couple of years I have added a physics course. (See it at https://mathwithoutborders.com.)

Now, as a service to the physics-interested 9/11 Truth community, I have created a 5-chapter subset of my physics course for free download. It covers measurement, motion, forces (Newton's Laws), energy, and momentum. The math level is algebra and some trigonometry, no calculus. (If you need to supplement your math background, I have that available too, at the above mentioned site!) To download the short course, go to https://911speakout.org/physics-tutorial/ and follow the link.

New Video--CIT: Deceptive Interview of Sgt. William Lagasse

A few months ago I wrote an analysis of the CIT interview of Sgt. William Lagasse. It occurred to me that so much of what he said pointed to a standard south path of the plane, yet on video he pointed to a path north of the CITGO station. This was puzzling to me and should have been puzzling to any honest investigative reporter or researcher. The big breakthrough for me was being pointed to the older PentaCon video by CIT, which is less edited than the more polished National Security Alert (NSA) video. There were cryptic statements near the end, where after drawing the line on the photograph Lagasse commented that the angle was wrong. And when Craig Ranke pointed out the location of the light poles Lagasse violently objected, that they were actually farther to the north, along the path he had drawn. Making sense of the chaotic information was a puzzle that seemed worth solving, and as I dug in, it all became much clearer.

I have had very little traffic to my article with this analysis, but the issue in growing increasingly relevant as the new generation of CIT followers has made headway in infiltrating high profile groups. Putting this information in video format puts it before the eyes of a larger audience, and links to the article gives the opportunity for a deeper dive. So I have posted the video on Odysee https://odysee.com/@davidchandler911:c/LagasseInterview:5 and embedded it at the top of the article itself: https://911speakout.org/interview-of-sgt-william-lagasse/.


New Critique of the CIT Interview of Sgt William Lagasse

Previously on my website (https://911speakout.org) I posted an analysis of Craig Ranke's interview of Albert Hemphill that displays the deceptive interview techniques used to slant the interview toward a predetermined outcome of supposedly supporting the CIT North of CITGO hypothesis.

I have now added a second ananysis: the interview of Sgt. William Lagasse. Lagasse is CIT's star witness. It seems that email correspondence between Lagasse and Dick Eastman prior to CIT's interview may have been the origin of the North of CITGO hypothesis. In that email correspondence Lagasse makes the erroneous statement that he was standing on the "Starboard side of the aircraft." I say erroneous because the word "starboard" is used three times in that correspondence. It is first introduced by Eastman. Lagasse, who exhibits a fondness for using jargon, then uses the word, but the context shows he has port and starboard reversed in his mind. Therefore he is really saying he was on the left side of the plane, which is consistent with a South of CITGO flight path, which is consistent with the trail of physical evidence.

AA Flight 77 at the Pentagon

New video by David Chandler.


Until now I, and a number of others in Scientists for 9/11 Truth, have maintained, that the evidence supports the theory that the Pentagon was hit by a large plane, consistent with a Boeing 757. New evidence that emerged in connection with the Denver conference on the Pentagon Evidence adds significant support to the theory that the impacting plane was actually AA Flight 77.

The logic of making this specific identification is:

The data from the flight data recorder (FDR) recovered in the Pentagon shows a remarkable correspondence with actual “facts on the ground,” leading us to conclude this is an authentic record of the plane that entered the Pentagon.

Presentation by Colorado 9/11 Truth


For this year’s 9/11 anniversary presentation, Colorado 9/11 Truth is pleased to present Richard Behan, author of the upcoming book, Fraud and Apocalypse: the Backstory of George Bush’s Global War on Terrorism, to be published by Ryan Grim’s Strong Arm Press. Much of our own focus has been on the physical evidence at the World Trade Center that proves 9/11 was an orchestrated event that took high level planning and preparation. Richard Behan’s work comes from a different angle. He gives us a peek behind the curtain in the months leading up to 9/11.

Did you know that when George W Bush entered office, he had a standing offer from the Taliban to arrest, extradite, or assassinate Osama bin Laden (based on his prior embassy bombings and the Cole bombing)? This offer was turned down by the Bush administration four times in the months leading up to 9/11 and one more time after 9/11. Richard Behan’s research is entirely based on publicly available documents. Without the backstory we don’t have the full story.

Announcing: Conference on the 9/11 Pentagon Evidence


Conference on the 9/11 Pentagon Evidence

University Park United Methodist Church (East Fellowship Hall)
2180 S University Blvd, Denver, CO 80210

May 4, 2019 / 9:30 am – 5:00 pm


GoFundMe -- https://www.gofundme.com/conference-on-the-911-pentagon-evidence
[This is an expensive event. If this effort is meaningful for you, please contribute.]

Scientists for 9/11 Truth and the International Center for 9/11 Studies will be sponsoring a “Conference on the 9/11 Pentagon Evidence” on May 4 in Denver, Colorado. To date we have one co-sponsor: Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. Other groups are invited to co-sponsor this event.

The 9/11 Truth Movement’s strongest and most rigorously verified evidence-based theory is the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center.

Explanation of the Evidence at the Pentagon on 9/11

Wayne Coste's epic analysis of the evidence at the Pentagon (originally a 5hr 40 min video Powerpoint) is now available in easily digested chapter-by-chapter form narrated by David Chandler (me). You can find it at http://911speakout.org/wayne-coste/ and/or as a YouTube playlist here:

Wayne started this project when he was on the other side of the fence, convinced that no plane hit the Pentagon. He was working on a compilation to prove that case and ended up convincing himself otherwise. Anyone who snaps back with a dismissive response in the first 10 minutes has no business commenting. This represents a massive effort and deserves careful consideration and study.

Blink Comparator shows Plane at the Pentagon

In March 2002, five frames from a Pentagon surveillance camera (which we shall call Camera 1) were released. It showed a smoke trail but no apparent plane. Any plane would have had to be hidden behind a foreground obstruction, and it seemed intuitively implausible to many people that a 757 would fit behind that obstruction. This series of frames did much to launch theories of the Pentagon attack asserting no plane, or a small plane rather than a 757, or a missile. More frames from the same camera and a second series of frames from a nearby camera (which we shall call Camera 2) were released in 2006, but they did not get the attention they deserved. The Pentagon had become a contentious issue in the 9/11 Truth Movement by then and many of us were focusing our attention on the World Trade Center and seeing the Pentagon as a diversion.

New Kinematics Lab Kit based on the Motion of WTC 7

Kinematics Lab

In discussing my measurement of the freefall of Building 7 with one (reluctant) physics professor, the professor at one point protested, “I’ll take your word for it, for the sake of argument, but I have no way to confirm your claims for myself.”

That comment astounded me because I see the motion of the building as such a straightforward measurement. But upon reflection I recalled all the time and energy and collaboration that went into gathering all the necessary materials and information for the measurement: a suitable video, an appropriate software tool to make measurements on the video, calibration data, knowledge of video formats, etc. I realized that even with the requisite knowledge base and skill set, it would take a very motivated person to reproduce my measurements. I therefore collected together all the bits and pieces that went into my measurement and present them here as a kit that can be used by a physics teacher or handed to a motivated physics student as a lab assignment (or performed by a science-literate layman). The skills that will be learned in the process will serve a physics student well for other projects that might involve using video as a measuring tool.

Links to a zip file with the lab materials and links to the necessary software can be found at http://911speakout.org/?page_id=222

Refutation of Dave Thomas Critique of my North Tower Analysis

I have been reluctant to enter into mudwrestling events with debunkers and propagandists for what I see as blatant disinformation. I don't see these debates as productive. They are not about deepening the inquiry into events but rather fending off ever-morphing attacks by people who engage in deceptive argumentation. I have better uses for my time. I find that ignoring them works just as well and allows me to get on with my life.

However one hit piece by Dave Thomas has been the source of repeated questions in my in-box from people who sense something is wrong with his analysis but are not confident enough of their grasp of the physics to be sure. Rather than continuing to write individual explanations in email responses I have now posted a refutation of the attack on the http://911SpeakOut.org "Articles and Links" page here: http://911speakout.org/wp-content/uploads/Response-to-Dave-Thomas.pdf.

I hope this helps.

--David Chandler

9/11 ... So What?

[Also posted here: http://911speakout.org/wp-content/uploads/911-so-what.pdf ]

The evidence that we were lied to about 9/11 is straightforward and blatant. It has been researched, verified, and laid on the table for all to see. It is really not hard to convince most honest, open minded people who are not in denial, if you focus on the evidence. But where can they go from there? They can sign a petition, sure, but that is not enough.

The other side of the coin is another big question: what do we have to do to "win" on 9/11? Is it a matter of convincing a large number of people, or certain key people, or winning court battles, or politically maneuvering to bring pressure on the government to open a new investigation? All of these are worthy goals, but how likely is it, really, that a new investigation would not be just another whitewash, or that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld will ever go to prison or flee to Paraguay? The larger question is, would such a victory really bring resolution to 9/11? I don't think so.

9/11 did not just happen. 9/11 was a premeditated shock and awe event that was instrumental in a larger plan. It allowed the administration to immobilize the population through fear and manipulate their outrage displaced toward the designated enemy. 9/11 provided cover for a protracted attack on our democratic values and an orgy of outrageous national behavior that defined the entire Bush administration, much of which continues today. 9/11 brought us the fiction of "preemptive" wars as a fig leaf for naked military aggression, the fiction of "illegal enemy combatants," to pretend the Geneva Conventions did not apply, and the fiction of "enhanced interrogation" as though that were any different from torture pure and simple. It brought us routine drone assassinations, the expansion of secrecy, the unleashing of the NSA to conduct universal surveillance, the destruction of nearly every one of our civil liberties, attacks on journalism and the murder of journalists, paranoid fear of immigrants in general and Arabs in particular, and the demonization of Islam as a uniquely violent religion. This list is far from complete.

The 9/11 Truth Movement has uncovered overwhelming evidence that the destruction of the World Trade Center was a crime that required long-term inside access to the buildings, access to military-grade demolition materials, and the ability to coordinate the demolitions with the hijacker scenario, the elaborately staged fumbling of what should have been routine interceptions, and a massive cover-up that began on the day of 9/11. Uncovering the evidence for all this has been a remarkable achievement of the 9/11 Truth Movement, but to address 9/11 fully, we must look beyond the mere fact of government involvement and look at the crimes against democracy that were begun on that day.

This brings us back to the original question. Once people become conscious of the fact that 9/11 was a lie, how can they channel their response? Their essential response must be to demand our democracy back. This can take a thousand forms. We must call for an end to the war on terror, which is in reality an endless reign of terror. We must call for the end of drone assassinations. We must work to end the death-grip of the military industrial complex on our society. We must work to end the dominance of the fossil fuel industry over our government. We must work to end economic polarization of the nation and the influence of money on politics. All of these, and many more areas of potential activism, are responses to the larger crimes against democracy that were launched on 9/11. All of these can be energized by people who have become conscious of the truth of 9/11. Consciousness of the truth, is empowering. It changes who we are and how we understand and interact with the world. As we raise consciousness of the truth we incrementally change the social and political landscape. That is why we must continue to speak out.

Jeff King 1946-2012

Jeff King, an early scientific voice in the 9/11 Truth Movement, died on June 19 after a lengthy battle with amyloidosis and multple myeloma. He studied physics and engineering at MIT, left for a number of years, then re-enrolled, finished with a degree in Biology (with a combined course of study later labeled Biomedical Engineering), then went on to medical school and became a physician.

Jeff was a neighbor and a good friend. You may know of him through his online name, Plague Puppy (http://www.plaguepuppy.net/). Some of his thinking about 9/11 was speculative and out of the mainstream of the 9/11 Truth Movement, but I knew him to be extremely inquisitive, well read, independent in his thinking, and non-dogmatic. He was one of the early influences in my getting involved with the 9/11 Truth Movement. He was a gentle and caring person, beloved by his patients.

He is probably best know for the talk shown here: http://www.plaguepuppy.net/public_html/Confronting%20the%20Evidence/

He will be missed.

--David Chandler

Analysis of Rocket Projectiles from WTC2

I have uploaded to YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvw0_i1rGns) an analysis of the acceleration of a projectile that races ahead of the surrounding falling debris. I had discussed this object before but due to the difficulty caused by a moving camera I had not previously measured the motion directly.

The object (apparently a perimeter wall unit) raced ahead of its neighboring debris, but its acceleration was about 1/3 of gravity. This is an indication that it was kicked downward initially by an explosion, after which the air resistance partially canceled the effect of gravity as it approached terminal velocity. As it fell, however, there was an outburst of white smoke, at which point the projectile changed directions, slightly, and accelerated downward for about a half second at 1.5 times gravity. It then fell back to continued acceleration a little under 1 g.

The acceleration of the projectile is unambiguous proof that very energetic material was applied to the wall unit. What I found particularly surprising is that the ignition of the material in an unconfined space where it was free to expand three dimensionally would provide sufficient thrust due to expanding gasses alone to cause what was probably a 4-ton wall unit to accelerate 50% faster than gravity. The fact that the unit continued to accelerate close to freefall thereafter is an indication of an ongoing thrust capable of largely canceling the effect of air resistance.

Joint Statement on the Pentagon: David Chandler and Jon Cole

Overwhelming Evidence of Insider Complicity on 9/11

If you watch our videos and read the links on our site (http://www.911speakout.org) you will understand why we assert that the weight of the evidence points to the fact that 9/11 was orchestrated by insiders…

* with access to high tech military-grade nano-energetic materials (aka nano-thermite)
* with access to the infrastructure of some of the most highly secure buildings in New York over an extended period of time
* with the expertise to accomplish the most difficult demolitions in history
* with the ability to manage public perception of the event despite numerous contrary contemporaneous eyewitness reports
* with the ability to coordinate the take-downs of the twin towers with the airplane flights
* with the ability to coordinate with the military to not intercept the airplane flights
* with the ability to stage a highly coordinated cover-up, starting on the day of 9/11 itself
* with the ability to prevent ANY investigation for many months

9/11 Analysis with David Chandler Now Available

Cover Art for 9/11 Analysis
The new DVD, "9/11 Analysis with David Chandler" is completed and will start shipping on Monday Jan 3. It can be ordered at http://www.911speakout.org. It is available as a single DVD in a standard DVD case or in inexpensively priced bulk packs (in sleeves) in quantities of 25, 50, and 100 for mass distribution (marked "Not For Resale for Profit"). Contact davidchaler@gmail.com if you would like to order in wholesale quantities for resale or if you would like to feature the DVD on your web site.

The DVD is based on the many short analysis videos David Chandler has posted on the internet over the last several years. On the DVD these are woven together with an explanatory narrative (and at one point a little physics "chalk talk" is thrown in). This DVD is accessible to the general public, but it also has the potential to arouse interest in and address the questions of the science-educated segment of the public.

Production team: David Chandler (producer, narrator), John Parulis (videographer, editor), Laurel Burik (publicity), Steve Wilson (business manager)