bbruhwiler8's blog

WeAreChangeLA teams up with KPFK Pacifica Radio for a solid 9/11 Truth pilot “Counter Intelligence Digest”

On Friday April 11th KPFK Pacifica Radio, 90.7 FM Los Angeles & 98.7 FM Santa Barbara, aired a ‘test run’ of the pilot “Counter Intelligence Digest”, a new pivotal radio interview and commentary show created with the collaboration of WeAreChangeLA (WACLA) and KPFK.

The pilot, which features guests Peter Philips of Project Censored, Peter Thottam of the LA National Impeachment Center, and Cosmos of, has received positive feedback from KPFK’s listeners. KPFK Program Director, Armondo Gudiño says that he “digs it.”

The show is hosted by Chris Bayard Condon, who is first alternate on KPFK's station board as well as on the WACLA meetup, and Katy Kurtzman, who is a founding member of WACLA. The Executive Producer is Christine Blosdale, a senior producer at KPFK. The pilot targets a range of listeners, from those who are altogether new or barely informed about 9-11 to the seasoned 9-11 Truth activists who need a lift from truther burnout.

Truckers strike - RALLIES. <-- solidarity and outreach opportunities

APR 28th in D.C.
MAY 1st in NYC
MAY 5th SHUTDOWN nationwide

Dr. Bob has alerted me to this incredible opportunity for outreach and solidarity with many powerful groups including TRUCKERS OF AMERICA.

From Dr. Bob:
JB of would like to invite ALL 9/11 TRUTHERS and all patriotic citizens to join with the TRUCKERS OF AMERICA STRIKE on Washington D.C. Monday, April 28 and in New York City, Thursday May 1st. The People of the United States will be demanding their country and government back immediately, from the murdering, thieving, lying rich elitist criminals that are in current control.

This is a huge opportunity for outreach and solidarity.

Thousands of Semi's legally screwing up the normal flow of D.C. traffic and tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of marchers demanding our police and military obey the oaths they took to defend the Constitution and help us restore it and physically arrest these criminals. The Longshoreman, the teamsters and a vast amount of European Press will be there. Maybe groups of the American Media that needed the courage to tell the truth will get the guts and follow the Europeans lead! I know it is short notice, but help us out if you can. It may seem an impossible task to restore the Constitution, until you think of what our forefathers had to endure inventing it.

If you live on the east coast please print your flyers by the thousands, put on your smiles and be a part of these incredible historical events.

PART 2: WeAreChangeLA --> 4-11-08 <-- freeway blogging

After having our First Amendment rights violated by the CHP (see Part 1), we came back out to a new location and MADE HISTORY!

Freeway blogging is so much fun, especially when you do it in groups! Standing by yourself with a truth sign is admirable, but I recommend you do whatever you can to get more people out there with you. Each additional body with you makes an exponential difference in the perception your audience has toward your message. We have strength in numbers. Make huge banners and stand together.

PART 1: WeAreChangeLA --> 4-11-08 <-- freeway blogging

We reached out to hundreds of rush hour drivers with our beautiful brand new banner (5' x 21' CHECK IT OUT!!) until the CHP showed up an hour into our truth action.

The CHP officer violated our First Amendment rights by insisting that we leave the bridge. We reluctantly complied, but that's not the end of the story... Stay tuned for what happens next in PART 2!

Special thanks go to...
- Sofia
- Tom Tvedtan
- A K Dewdney
for their support!

Come see the banner in person at the WEST COAST CONVERGENCE on Sunday, May 11, 2008 in San Francisco! We need you there!

9-11 Truth Movement CONVERGENCE MARCH in San Diego (Next one May 10th)

This was an amazing march in San Diego. We were honored to have Luke Rudkowski from and Cosmos from to help lead the march. If you have never been to a large 9-11 Truth march, then you have no idea what you are missing.

The 9-11 Truth Movement is growing in numbers and it's growing in solidarity. Come join the first ever WEST COAST CONVERGENCE in San Francisco. We meet in Panhandle Park then march down Haight Street to Golden Gate Park! This will be a phenomenal experience. Meet folks from all over the West coast, from Vancouver down to San Diego and all the fantastic people in between.

Expect a visibility experience like never before with an empowering convergence in solidarity!

NY Sun: U.N. Official Urged Commission to Study Neocon Role in 9/11

(This seems to be a somewhat misleading headline. What Falk actually did was make this comment on Kevin Barrett's radio show: "there should be an official investigation of the sort the 9/11 commission did not engage in". Mr. Falk has not used his newly-minted position as a UN official to form or suggest a new 9/11 Commission... yet. Is the NY Sun pulling a "pre-emptive strike" on any possible moves by Falk? In an echo of the Ahmadinejad report, Lake is eager to bring up past comments by Falk using the Holocaust as a metaphor for the treatment of the Palestinians. -rep.)



U.N. Official Urged Commission to Study Neocon Role in 9/11


WASHINGTON — A new U.N. Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On March 26, Richard Falk, Milbank professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University, was named by unanimous vote to a newly created position to report on human rights in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. While Mr. Falk’s specialty is human rights and international law, since the attacks in 2001, he has devoted some of his time to challenging what he calls the “9-11 official version.”

On March 24 in an interview with a radio host and former University of Wisconsin instructor, Kevin Barrett, Mr. Falk said, “It is possibly true that especially the neoconservatives thought there was a situation in the country and in the world where something had to happen to wake up the American people. Whether they are innocent about the contention that they made that something happen or not, I don’t think we can answer definitively at this point. All we can say is there is a lot of grounds for suspicion, there should be an official investigation of the sort the 9/11 commission did not engage in and that the failure to do these things is cheating the American people and in some sense the people of the world of a greater confidence in what really happened than they presently possess.”

Mr. Barrett, who is the co-founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, said in an interview yesterday of Mr. Falk, “I would put him on a list of scholars who are sympathetic to the 9/11 truth movement.”

He added, “Unlike most public intellectuals today, he is both honest and very, very knowledgeable in that he understands the probable reality of 9/11. He understands that the evidence that it was a false flag operation is very strong.”