betsy's blog

OpEdNews: HORROR is the only word to describe these last eight years and we must never minimize or repress this truth.

An excellent starter article to share with those who can't or won't go there re 9/11 truth. --Betsy


Original Content at
October 25, 2008

HORROR is the only word to describe these last eight years and we must never minimize or repress this truth.

By W. Christopher Epler (Bill)

Lest we forget, here’s a sample:

(1.) 9/11 is the capstone of Bush/Republican treason. The evidence is now overwhelming that far from coming from Bush/Republican ineptitude, it was the DIRECT RESULT of Bush engineering (almost certainly with the help of, let's just say, certain Middle Eastern friends).

To be point blank about 9/11 means answering two simple questions:

(a.) What political party MASSIVELY "benefited" from 9/11? Duh

(b.) What Middle Eastern country MASSIVELY "benefited" from 9/11? Duh.

(2.) Why were only high profile Democrats sent anthrax in the mail? (a rhetorical question)

Get Your Dollars Out Now! FAST!!! By Adrian Salbuchi

Edits: Blog Topics - "Bildergerg" to "Bilderberg"; "trilateral commission" to Trilateral Commission"

Get Your Dollars Out Now! FAST!!!

By Adrian Salbuchi

03/10/08 "ICH" -- - The events of the last two weeks have clearly revealed that the global financial, monetary and banking system imposed on the world by the power structures promoting "globalization" is fundamentally flawed, unviable and immoral in its effects upon the most all of Mankind. After allowing a small cabal of shady characters to illegitimately accumulate vast amounts of wealth and power over markets, corporations, industries, media, armed forces and entire nations, like the World Trade Center towers on 9/11, this entire System is now in free-fall, collapsing into itself in one massive implosion.

Cyber Security Expert: Hackers Planning To Steal Election For McCain Paul Joseph Watson

I read this yesterday and took it with a teaspoon (not quite a grain) of salt . . . but it didn't weigh too heavily on me until I heard the tail end of a talk show last night on Sirius discussing this, and how Rove has been stealing elections since his college days, which most of us reading this know already. Spoonamore apparently is one of just a few people who is aware of the whole rigged elections plan; not just a compartmentalized piece . . .

Sounds like Spoonamore is a dead man. And now I see how easily martial law could be implemented here.


Cyber Security Expert: Hackers Planning To Steal Election For McCain

Spoonamore says electronic voting machines represent national security threat, Israel, China and Russia have capability to rig presidential outcome

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stephen Spoonamore warns in a new interview that electronic voting machines represent a national security threat and that hackers are already planning to steal the 2008 presidential election for John McCain.

Will Wall Street's Meltdown Turn America Into a Police State? By Scott Thill September 30, 2008

Will Wall Street's Meltdown Turn America Into a Police State?

By Scott Thill

"Raw capitalism is dead." -- Henry Paulson, U.S. Treasury secretary

"Can't we just all go out and say things are OK?" -- President Bush, to congressional leaders during bailout negotiations

30/09/08 "AlterNet" - -- I'm not much of an Army Times reader, but after reading that a brigade was shipping from Iraq in October to serve as "an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks" in the homeland right before the election, my antennae perked up. Same as they did when I read that an electoral college doomsday scenario exists in which Dick Cheney casts the deciding vote that gives McCain-Palin the White House.

Mad Dog Palin By Matt Taibbi,, AlterNet

I know how Taibbi is viewed in the 9/11 truth movement . . . but setting that aside for a moment, this is pretty funny, pathetically funny. I have faith he'll come around to 9/11 truth one day . . . it may take a lot of Palin-like moments, but it'll happen.

Mad Dog Palin
By Matt Taibbi,

Posted on September 27, 2008, Printed on September 29, 2008

I'm standing outside the XCEL ENERGY CENTER in St. Paul Minnesota Sarah Palin has just finished her speech to the Republican National Convention, accepting the party's nomination for vice president. If I hadn't quit my two-packs-a-day habit earlier this year, I'd be chain-smoking now. So the only thing left is to stand mute against the fit-for-a-cheap-dog-kennel crowd-control fencing you see everywhere at these idiotic conventions and gnaw on weird new feelings of shock and anarchist rage as one would a rawhide chew toy.

Why the Bailout Vote May Fail By David Swanson September 29, 2008


Original Content at

September 29, 2008

Why the Bailout Vote May Fail

By David Swanson

Today's vote on the Paulson Plunder Act of 2008 may fail. It should. You should help block it by phoning your representative right now at (202) 224-3121 and promising to vote for them in November only if they vote NO on this grand larceny today. We do have a chance at winning on this and blocking this bill. Here's why.

RUDY - A Former Giuliani Pal Begins to Talk . . . Future Whistleblower of Sorts?

What might he know, if this is for real?

Why and why now? Good questions.

I spent four years in federal prison. During that time I received dozens of requests for information and interviews on the subjects of Rudy Giuliani and the Giuliani Administration. Most were from news outlets: magazines, newspapers and television. Some came from people wanting to write about Rudy and wanting new information or to confirm existing facts. A few were from average Joes and Janes wanting some question answered. How they got my name or why they were writing me, I have no idea.

With one exception, and that was just days before I left prison, I never responded to a single request. Sure there were probably hundreds of times that I read an article, heard a newscast or saw a commentator pontificate on some point relating to Rudy Giuliani with which I wanted to respond, elaborate or correct. But I never did.

McCain and the POW Cover-Up Thursday 18 September 2008

This makes me sick.

In regards to 9/11 . . . "They would never . . . " ?? Of course they would. More evidence of a pattern whereby the ends justify the means, no matter the human or collateral cost.


McCain and the POW Cover-Up
Thursday 18 September 2008

by: Sydney H. Schanberg, The Nation

Upon return from Vietnam, John McCain greets then-President Richard Nixon. (Photo: File)

John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books.

9/11 MOVIES - Wayne, PA - FREE Screenings - Every Third Thursday of each month (TONIGHT!)

Okay, here we go again!

The summer hiatus from the 9/11 movies showing in Wayne is over. Back in business! The third Thursday of each month - FREE screenings.

On September 11, 2008, with only two days' notice, 40 people showed up in Wayne to see "Zero: An Investigation into 9/11" - not too bad.

It was shown recently in Germany, and just last Friday, 9/12 (Thursday, 9/11 U.S. time) to 30 million viewers in Russia.

Please pass this around to anyone you think might be interested in seeing these movies that lives in the Philadelphia area . . .

Also, if interested, please consider signing up to our Meetup group (listed below) to receive future emails re scheduled movie showings.

Any voluntary donations will be collected for 100% donation to John Feal and his FealGood Foundation.

Thank you -

Betsy "9/11 Movies, Wayne, PA"

9/11 MOVIES - Wayne, PA

FREE Screenings - Every Third Thursday of each month.

Thurs. 9/18/08:
5pm - ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11

Pakistan Invades America -- "Without Permission" By M. Junaid Levesque-Alam

Warning: SATIRE

Pakistan Invades America --
"Without Permission"

By M. Junaid Levesque-Alam

17/09/08 "MRZine" -- -- The U.S. State Department lodged a sharp protest over ongoing Pakistani missile strikes and ground raids today, saying the Islamic Republic was violating American sovereignty.

"We will try to convince Pakistan . . . to respect [the] sovereignty of the United States -- and God willing, we will convince," State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters.1

The controversy stems from the Pakistan Army's recent decision, leaked in a prominent Pakistani newspaper, to mount intensifying air attacks and new ground assaults against extremists hiding in American safe havens across the ocean.

American papers reported that under the new policy, the Pakistani military will no longer seek America's permission in killing Americans, but will inform American diplomats about these killings as a friendly gesture between close allies.2

Cornell Alumni Magazine, September / October 2008 - And Nothing But the Truth By Farhad Manjoo '00

September / October 2008...And Nothing But the Truth

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

In his first book, a former Daily Sun editor-in-chief and longtime scribe contemplates the slippery slope of a 'post-fact society'

By Farhad Manjoo '00
Illustrations by Marty Blake VIDEO of 9/11 Truth Protesters at Ground Zero on 9/11/08

Yea! We (9/11 Truth activists in NYC) made the news.

Please see this glorious video filmed by an uncensored (oh, the irony) Russian news group yesterday
at Ground Zero, and other locations nearby as we marched through the streets.

Author aims to spark political awakening By Bret Hayworth (New 9/11 book: "Guests of the Nation" by Mike Palecek)

Author aims to spark political awakening
Few read his books, but Mike Palecek won't give up
By Bret Hayworth, Journal staff writer

SHELDON, Iowa -- Mike Palecek of Sheldon had his first book published in 2000, the same year he unsuccessfully ran for Congress.

The book sold a handful of copies.

He went back at it, wrote another.

Sales were about 100.

Palecek keeps returning to the well. With the recent release of "Guests of the Nation," in eight years he has written 11 books -- one nonfiction piece plus 10 fiction books that draw heavily on his own life, liberal politics and distrust of government, especially when in conservative hands.