Freethinking Citizen's blog

Vote for Questions in the Republican Presidential Debate!

Do you want the Republican candidates for president to be asked a question about 9/11 in the debate coming up on May 3 on MSNBC? You can help make it happen!

Members of can submit questions for the candidates, and anyone can vote on them. The top 20 most popular questions will actually be asked in the debate.

I submitted a question that could create some interesting fireworks on stage between Rudy Giuliani and Rep. Ron Paul, both of whom are scheduled to be in the debate. My question is the following, for Giuliani:

Rep. Ron Paul has called the 9/11 Commission Report a "charade" and supports a new investigation. Millions of Americans agree with him, including 9/11 victims' families. Do you agree, or do you believe the government has been fully honest about 9/11?

If you want Giuliani to be asked this question Thursday night and have to squirm and sweat under the Klieg lights, please vote for this question and encourage anyone you know who believes in 9/11 Truth to vote for it. If it gets enough votes to make it into the top 20 questions, it will be asked in the debate, with millions of Americans watching! ...