The View

Rosie O'Donnell Blogs About 9/11 First Responders

on todays taped show
which will air friday
we had two 911 first responders
both horrifically sick

their lungs no longer function
that tuesday in september
in they went to the smoking pile
inhaling the toxic mess

Support Rosie Today

Today is the day the First Responders were supposed to be on The View, although I'm not sure that this was ever confirmed, please keep your fingers crossed. My local news station is reporting that Rosie may be announcing her departure soon.

A quick excerpt from Rosies Blog:

folks it will get noisy soon

Please keep your eyes and ears open. Also, not sure how we missed this, but check out Professor Steven Jones presenting his X-ray spectrometry evidence from samples taken at the WTC site. They dramatically show a PERFECT MATCH for the highly specialized compound "thermate" (used for cutting through steel) found in the WTC debris:

Trust Busters,1,538392.story?amp;ctrack=1&coll=la-headlines-west&cset=true&ctrack=1&cset=true

Until recently I had never watched "The View," a spirited little gabfest on ABC that is, apparently, trying to destroy America. Of course, I'm referring to co-host Rosie O'Donnell's remarks suggesting there was some sort of conspiracy behind the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on 9/11 and that the British—in an incident involving the detainment of 15 of its sailors by Iranian forces—might have intentionally been trying to provoke Iran as a prelude to some larger action, a la the Gulf of Tonkin. "Google it," Rosie told her viewers.

Rosie's latest nemesis

As Donald Trump can tell you, the best way to get your name in bold face is to start a public spat with Rosie O'Donnell. Even for someone who has fallen as far off the importance radar as former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. On Friday, he wrote on his Web site, "Where are the repercussions for Rosie O'Donnell's hateful, idiotic accusations that President Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks? And her ignorant parody of the Chinese language? Or her comparison of conservative Christians to Islamo-fascist terrorists? Why has ABC not suspended her from The View? Why has she not been frog-marched up to some radio show to apologize?" (an obvious reference to Don Imus' penitent appearance on the Rev. Al Sharpton's program)

Rosie hasn't taken the gloves off yet. You might want to tune into today's broadcast of The View to get her unfiltered reaction. But over the weekend, she posted this lyrical response on her haiku-styled, no-capital-letters Web site:

Rosie Prepares To Strike Back For 9/11 Truth

Insider Scoop: Ground zero heroes Impacted by toxic dust cover-up to appear on The View Tuesday

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, April 16, 2007

Contradicting reports that Rosie O'Donnell is set to cease her vocal stance against the Bush administration and the 9/11 cover-up, we can exclusively reveal that Rosie is preparing to strike back by featuring interviews with 9/11 heroes and first responders, themselves victims of a government cover-up that allowed them to breathe deadly toxic dust at ground zero.

The View To Cover The First Responders This Week

via Rosie's blog

Kim writes:

Do you watch ER? Last night’s episode addressed the serious health issues that 911 1st responders are having. “World Trade Center Cough”, leukemia etc. Only other time I’ve heard of it is from you!

its real and true
we will have someone on this week
talking about the numbers
the illness
beyond tragic


go Rosie!!!

Deniers of 9/11 and of the Holocaust Are Two of a Kind

These guys are just begging for a slew of responses from us over their contribution to the silly "Holocaust-denier" straw-man attack. Don't give them any slack on this one -- post in the comments section!


Deniers of 9/11 and of the Holocaust Are Two of a Kind

25 Nisan 5767, 13 April 07 12:51

by Steven Zak

( It is a given that television networks put profits above pride, but ABC has reached a new low in its sponsorship of Rosie O'Donnell. The daytime talk show host recently joined the world of "truthers" - people who believe that 9/11 was an attack staged by America's own government.

On ABC's popular The View, O'Donnell lent her expert opinion that it is impossible for the World Trade Center's building 7 "to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved." To say otherwise, she added, "is beyond ignorant." (When she isn't offering instruction on the fine points of structural engineering, O'Donnell entertains by hanging upside-down from a rope.)

Riveted On Rosie

O'Donnell returns to 'View' amid a firestorm of criticism from O'Reilly and other conservatives


April 10, 2007
BY DOUG ELFMAN Television Critic

Let's tally the slurs Bill O'Reilly has hurled at Rosie O'Donnell: She's "Tokyo Rosie," "siding with Iran," "rooting for Iran" and "helping the enemy" while "actively supporting Iran against her own country and Britain."

Wow. What has O'Donnell done? Did she supply rocket launchers to terrorists? Not quite.

"Rosie O'Donnell is saying that our country, America, all right, attacked itself to launch the war on terror," O'Reilly has said, among other things.

Wrong. O'Donnell very clearly said she doesn't believe the U.S. government had anything to do with 9/11.

9-11 Truth on The View. Rosie O: Another Unexpected Hero.

April 7, 2007 at 07:09:18

9-11 Truth on The View. Rosie O: Another Unexpected Hero.

by Timothy Riley

The Truth will not change. Perception of the Truth continuously grows. While Rosie may not get on the View, some great nuggets of truth have been leaking out to the people

Rosie O'Donnell is a small test case for the 9-11 Truth movement. If right-wing pressure succeeds in getting Rosie villainized, kicked off the View, and blacklisted for simply asking questions about what really happened on September 11th, then it could have a chilling effect on some other Truth tellers and embolden the real rightwing enemies of freedom and liberty.

Help the turning tide now. Support the 9-11 Truth Movement to clue in the mainstream. Call and write ABC Disney to protect Rosie from falling victim to the political hacks planted inside that corporate behemoth. Here is an easy petition link to

Video Archive Of Recent Attacks On Rosie O'Donnell, 9/11 Truth

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This is an archive to view recent video clips of mainstream media whores attacking Rosie O'Donnell and others for questioning the US government and the official version of 9/11.

(Thanks goes out to We The People Radio Network for uploading these videos)

A similar archive can be found at this link:

(Thanks to 911Blogger member StopLying for this page)

If anyone has any related videos they'd like to add to this archive, please post them here.

O'Reilly Mafia Threatens O'Donnell Over Sex Scandal

Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.

ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future broadcasts.

The policy of mafia-like intimidation directed at anyone who discusses 9/11 truth on behalf of O'Reilly is a common and disturbing theme.

The curious tale of the 'other' WTC tower

Kevin Brooker, Calgary Herald

Published: Monday, March 26, 2007

Now that Rosie O'Donnell is trying to table it on The View, I guess we can talk about it here.

First, a news quiz: If, some time after the collapse of World Trade Center towers 1 and 2, a 47-storey office building in a major American city also came crashing to the ground, do you think you'd know about it?

Of course, you would.

Call ABC for Rosie

You know that you’re doing something right if Bill O’Reilly makes you the subject of his evening’s hate fest. In a courageous attempt to bring to the public some of the glaring questions about 9/11, Rosie O’Donnell dared to question the official narrative on ABC’s The View.

In addition to going public with her skepticism of 9/11, Rosie recently wrote a blog entry encouraging her readers to research 9/11, in particular the building 7 demolition. Apparently questioning the official story was too much for Bill O’Reilly, who, never straying from his usual bullying tactics, predictably called for the network to fire Rosie, claiming she was irresponsible and disrespecting the people who died that fateful day.

If you are in support of Rosie O’Donnell’s comments please call ABC immediately to tell them and please pass this information along to others. Comments can be submitted via phone by dialing (818) 460-7477 then press #2 - then press #4 (for Daytime shows) then press #849 (for The View)

Insanity & Colmes Can't Seem To Smear Rosie

The Desperate Attempt Part 1

The Desperate Attempt Part 2