
America the Tyranny

America the Tyranny
Manuel Valenzuela

October 3, 2006

The Road to Authoritarianism

Behold and bear witness to what has become of America, in this era of uncertainty and bewilderment, in this time of fear and intimidation, that since towers were brought down and demolished has methodically fallen into the viper pit of neocon decadence, becoming, as it stands today, an authoritarian’s heaven and a corporatist’s promised land, its people ignorant, as always, to the barrage of waves systemically eroding centuries of rights, freedoms and liberties. From sea to shining sea, despotism is what today those who pay attention see.

The road to fascism is being paved at a clandestine yet alarming velocity, across valleys, prairies and forests, surrounding cites, towns and states, from Atlantic to Pacific, immersing 300 million individuals into a fog of engendered tyranny, who without a care or whisper or concern remain trapped by comfortable surroundings born through perpetual indebtedness. Even as their rights and freedoms and liberties are made to disappear, even as their Constitution is burned, even as their nation hangs on the precipice of despotism, even as their collective destiny is being destroyed those residing inside the belly of the beast hear no evil, see no evil and feel no evil, preferring to gossip about pedophile politicians and celebrity failings than informing themselves to the last throes of the American republic.

Audio: Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution

Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution

(March 20, 1962) - A recorded lecture in which the author of Brave New World discusses using terrorism to create willing slaves out of the population.

Also see:

  • The Psychology Behind Mass Subservience to Tyranny
    "Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harderthan a fear of sudden death."
    - Adolf Hitler
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