September 11 2001

Statement in Response to Bush Administration's Investigation of 'SiCKO'


May 10th, 2007 9:34 am

Statement in Response to Bush Administration's Investigation of 'SiCKO'

'SiCKO,' Michael Moore's new movie, will rip the band-aid off America's health care industry. Premiering at the Cannes Film Festival in just one week and opening across the U.S. on June 29th, 'SiCKO' will expose the corporations that place profit before care and the politicians who care only about money. Our health care system is broken and, all too often, deadly. The efforts of the Bush Administration to conduct a politically motivated investigation of Michael Moore and 'SiCKO' will not stop us from making sure the American people see this film.

Study links lung disease to WTC work


Ground Zero slide show:;_ylt=AiusE4l5YPax2SDQW4hYBjpH2ocA

Study links lung disease to WTC work

By AMY WESTFELDT, Associated Press WriterTue May 8, 9:40 PM ET

Rescue workers and firefighters contracted a serious lung-scarring disease called sarcoidosis at a much higher rate after the Sept. 11 attacks than before, said a study that is the first to link the disease to exposure to toxic dust at ground zero.

The study, published by nine doctors including the medical officer monitoring city firefighters, Dr. David Prezant, found that firefighters and rescue workers contracted sarcoidosis in the year after Sept. 11, 2001, at a rate more than five times higher than the years before the attacks.

Unlike previous studies that have linked exposure to the toxic dust cloud that enveloped lower Manhattan after the World Trade Center's collapse to many different respiratory illnesses, this study zeros in on one disease.

Archivists work to save 9/11 history

Somebody should test the composition of the dust mask residue.


Archivists work to save 9/11 history

By AMY WESTFELDT, Associated Press Writer

Sat Apr 28, 2:30 PM ET

It started with a clogged dust mask that fell onto the desk of Jan Ramirez on the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001. A friend had used the paper mask to breathe while fleeing downtown Manhattan as the air was filled with grit and smoke from the World Trade Center towers.

"That dust mask is going to be an important artifact some day," Ramirez recalled the friend telling her.

Today, the mask has become a museum piece, one small part of the largest records trove ever assembled to document a single event.

Millions of pieces of paper documenting government investigations, BlackBerry messages written by survivors as they fled, children's finger-paintings and family photographs are also part of the archive, preserved in many different places including state offices, museums and on the Internet.

Saving all things Sept. 11 was a mission embraced from the time of the attacks by professional archivists and grassroots collectors.

9/11 Survivor Speaks



9/11 Survivor Speaks

Apr 22, 2007 - The last person out of the North Tower on September 11th spoke to Central Illinoisans at the Lakeview Museum in Peoria. William Rodriguez shared with area residents his final moments in the North Tower just before it fell.

Rodriguez is at the tail end of his Midwest speaking tour. He hopes speaking out will change the way the 9/11 investigation is being handled.

"We have basically put out here the problems that we had with the 9/11 Commission, the problems that we had from the National Institute of Safety and Technology and now we are getting them addressed," Rodriguez said.

The Midwest Chapter of Citizens for Truth sponsored this event. From Peoria, Rodriguez plans to take his speaking tour back to New York and then worldwide.

Bereaved Children of 9/11 Victims Suffered High Rates of Psychiatric Illness


Source: NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center/Weill Cornell Medical College

Released: Mon 19-Mar-2007, 16:00 ET

Bereaved Children of 9/11 Victims Suffered High Rates of Psychiatric Illness

Medical News


Contact Information
Available for logged-in reporters only

The rate of psychiatric illness among children who lost a parent in the Sept. 11, 2001, World Trade Center attack doubled -- from about 32 to nearly 73 percent -- in the years following the event, according to a new study from researchers at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.

Newswise — The rate of psychiatric illness among children who lost a parent in the Sept. 11, 2001, World Trade Center attack doubled -- from about 32 to nearly 73 percent -- in the years following the event, according to a new study from researchers at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.

Firemen douse Rudy’s image as 9/11 hero


From The Sunday Times

March 18, 2007

Firemen douse Rudy’s image as 9/11 hero
Union bid to halt White House run

Sarah Baxter, New York

FIRE battalion chief Jim Riches brought up his son to be one of New York’s “bravest”, like him. The young Jim followed his father into the New York fire department and died at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

What followed turned his heartbroken father into a relentless opponent of Rudy Giuliani, then mayor of New York. With other families of 9/11 victims, Riches has vowed to torpedo Giuliani’s prospects of winning the White House by attacking his greatest source of strength, his reputation as a hero that day.

“We’re going to follow him around the country,” said Riches. “We want all of America to know he is not the man he says he is.”

Was 9/11 and the war a decoy?

Ok, so after doing about a year’s research on 9/11, and exploring many other aspects of the United States, I asked myself, "What does this all mean and how is it connected?" For some reason in the back of my mind I was trying to make sense of everything, but it seemed that there was some information that I just couldn't connect together. Now, anyone who researches 9/11 can come to the conclusion that the Government is withholding information, evidence, and is lying right to the face of the American people. Now if you look back in history and research some of the major events in history, you will find that the United States' Government has their hands in everything. From JFK to BFK to MLK to columbine, the 93 WTC bombings, 7/7 bombings in London, and many other events that changed the course of the United States. Then ask yourself, "If the government is withholding information about these events, don't we as a people have a right to know?" Then you got to ask yourself, what else does the Government know that we, the people, do not. Well, I found one such answer in my quest for normality.

9/11 — Who Put Thermate in the World Trade Center?

9/11 —
Who Put Thermate
in the World Trade Center?
by Christopher Bollyn
18 January 2007
Reporter Sans Frontières

When a former worker from the World Trade Center came forward recently with crucial and verifiable information about what was really on the 81st floor of the South Tower (WTC 2), he broke up a logjam of unanswered questions about the source of the molten metal seen falling from the tower before its collapse on 9/11.

Based on this important piece of information from a former IT professional who worked with computers in the Twin Towers, I was able to determine that the two airplanes that struck the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11 had directly impacted secure computer rooms in both buildings:
• the first on the 95th floor of the North Tower;
• the second on the 81st floor of the South Tower

For the full article go to

Check out this really funny work on denial

NEW Wiki dedicated to 9/11 Information and Human Rights Issues

I need your help, please.

I have created a community wiki called, which is dedicated to 9/11 information and human rights issues. The topics in the wiki will not be restricted to just those issues, but they will be the main issues covered.

What is a wiki anyway?

As you can read from the above definition, a wiki is usually a community project. I am posting this topic here because the people who belong to this group are exactly the type of people I would like to have help me.

I chose the wiki format because it is very easy to create and edit information. I am using the same wiki software used by and the same content license as well.

I decided to create the wiki because after posting information on my own website,, since 2002, I have discovered that it is physically impossible to dig up all of the available information posted on a single day that is worthy of mention. I am barely scratching the surface. To be quite honest, I am starting to get burned out. So, I am asking for your help.

Lies Lost in Time - Very Interesting IRON CLAD PROOF that Bush was lying...

"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

But we all forget so quick that Frank Cordor stole a Cessna on SEPTEMBER 11th, 1994 and tried to fly it into the White House. He crashed on the White House lawn and was killed instantly.

Did you hear that? SEPTEMBER 11th but…"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

Here we have an incident that happened on 9/11/94 where a man tries to crash a plane into the White House, but yet…"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

Here we have a person who turns a plane into a missile and tries to guide it into the most known government building, but…"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

Here we have the exact style of attack, a person taking an aircraft and using it as a suicide weapon on the exact same day, 911 but…"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

I am getting upset because these people are insulting my intelligence. They literally think we are that stupid to believe that…"I don't think anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying airplanes into buildings"

Screenplay about the PATRIOT Act, 9/11

The link goes to a part of the play that concerns September 11. Check out the synopsis too, while you're there. Pass it on.