Paul Thompson

History Commons Project, Update for July and August

Thanks, Joe for sending this in.

History Commons Project, Update for July and August

9/11 Project

The 9/11 Timeline has been growing by leaps and bounds. The number of entries posted per day has nearly doubled, and its contributors have been digging into several new areas of research. There are too many new entries to mention specifically, but some of the new categories include the following:

Al-Kifah/MAK - This category focuses mostly on the Al-Kifah Refugee Center and consists of some very astonishing material. This charity front was al-Qaeda's operational headquarters in the US in the late 1980s and early 1990s, yet at the same time it was closely tied to CIA efforts to win the wars in Afghanistan and Bosnia. These new entries raise disturbing questions about CIA collaboration with al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda in Balkans - This is not a new category per se, but it has been heavily updated, doubling in length. There is a little known scandal having to do with the Bosnia war in the early 1990s. In order to evade a UN arms embargo on Bosnia, the US turned a blind eye to an illegal weapons pipeline and may well have actually been involved with it. This pipeline involved al-Qaeda related charity fronts such as the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA), once again raising disturbing questions about collaboration with al-Qaeda. The project's current contributors hope to add substantially more material to this category in the near future.

CIA Hiding Alhazmi & Almihdhar - As time goes on, it is becoming increasingly clear that the CIA knew the 9/11 hijackers Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi had visas to the US, but purposely withheld this information from the FBI. Contributor KJF has added so many instances of this that we've created a new category for it.

Londonistan - UK Counterterrorism - We are just beginning to explore this topic but hope to have much more on it in the future. Britain has allowed so many radical militants to live openly in London that it is sometimes nicknamed Londonistan.
BIF - This new category focuses on the Benevolence International Foundation charity front. What's interesting about this charity is that it was closely tied to al-Qaeda, raised millions, and was based inside the US. Members of the 9/11 project are exploring why this charity was not shut down before 9/11.

US Government and 9/11 Criticism - This new category compiles most of the entries relating to what some call 9/11 "conspiracy theories."

Alleged Al-Qaeda Linked Attacks - The "War on Terrorism" section now includes a list of all the major alleged al-Qaeda linked attacks.

Terror Alerts - There have been many false alarms and overhyped alerts since 9/11. Mike, one of the History Commons' newest contributors, is in the process of listing them in this new category.

Bush's Aug. 6, 2001 PDB - Everything you want to know about President Bush's infamous briefing entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack in US" can be found here.

Bayoumi and Basan Saudi Connection - No new material here, but for your convenience, this new category brings together all the entries relating to Omar al-Bayoumi and Osama Basnan, associates of 9/11 hijackers Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi.
In addition to all these new categories, many other new entries have been added elsewhere. In particularly, contributor Matt continues to stay on top of Day of 9/11 events and has brought to light dozens of little known incidents from that day.

Join the effort

The History Commons project is an intelligence tool for civil society, allowing people at the grassroots-level to monitor and investigate the activities of governments and corporations. The History Commons project has the potential to become civil society's most important tool in keeping government officials and corporations in check. But we can't do this without your involvement and support.

The Cooperative Research team.

Sean Hannity Is Still Defending "The Path To 9/11"

Thanks to

Click Here (MOV)

On 9/12/2006, Paul Thompson appeared on the Randi Rhodes show, and ripped apart "The Path To 9/11".

Click Here (MP3 7.6MB)

It's The Real Thing (Rigorous Intuition Retrospective).

This is a pretty good retrospective and very appropriate response to those who want to ignore the 9/11 evidence that often gets ripped as LIHOP/limited hangout.

It's the Real Thing

He drank Coca-Cola, he was eating Wonder Bread,
Ate Burger Kings - he was well fed - Bob Dylan

I really want to leave this subject alone, and you probably wish I would, too, but unfortunately I have a few more things to winge about before moving on.

You may have seen this by now: the trailer for The Ultimate Con ("the 9/11 Documentary you can't debunk"). It's creator is "Lucus," about whom all I know is that he says "Dave Vonkleist, Jack Blood, and Alex Jones are going to help me promote it," which almost says enough for me right there. It's ten minutes of mostly "I heard explosions" footage shot during the attacks, though to its credit there are some clips I hadn't seen before, such as real-time reports of an alleged bomb-laden van in the WTC garage and rumours of suspected "devices."

The 9/11 Conspiracy Facts

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists”

- J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director 1923-1972

Working out how to start this post was pretty hard. As I am well aware, having been in the same position myself not too long ago, the idea that 9/11 was an inside job may seem too ludicrous to be countenanced. So let me start by saying 3 things: firstly, it is an idea that is now believed by 50 % of the 9/11 victim’s families

Paul Thompson's "Complete 911 Timeline" hits Digg front pages. More diggs wanted!

Somebody posted a link to Paul Thompson's "Complete 911 Timeline" to Digg. It currently stands at 138 diggs and 38 comments, and currently is displayed on the front pages of the "View All" as well as the "World & Business" categories. Let's help it along some more:



'Terror Timeline' author raises questions about 9-11

Terror Timeline' author raises questions about 9-11

Talk included film marathon critical of U.S. government

Sunday, September 10, 2006


PEORIA - With the fifth anniversary of Sept. 11 fast approaching, a series of films critical of the U.S. government's official version of the disaster were shown Saturday at the Peoria Public Library.

The film marathon, which attracted about 60 people, featured a talk by Paul Thompson, author of "The Terror Timeline," a book that pieces together news stories and government documents to raise questions about the government's possible prior knowledge of or involvement in the attacks.

After the talk was a screening of the recently released "9/11: Press for Truth," a film based on Thompson's book that also chronicled the campaign of four Sept. 11 widows who pushed for an investigation into the attacks, an effort that culminated in the 9/11 Commission report.

"We're just wanting to put the facts out there," Thompson said before his talk. His book and the related film question, among other things, whether and how the federal government ignored multiple warning signs to the attack.

Randi Rhodes Interviews Paul Thompson 9/7/2006

Thanks to

Click Here

Apparently he was on for at least an hour today.