Paul Craig Roberts

Meria Heller interviews Paul Craig Roberts today

Meria Heller will interview Paul Craig Roberts today, (8/22/2006), they will discuss Roberts' recent article; "What we know and dont know about 9/11".

The interview will play on the "Listen to Free Show" link starting later this afternoon, until Wednesday afternoon.

New Article by Paul Craig Roberts, Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on 9/11

What we know and don’t know about 9/11 - Paul Craig Roberts

I received a number of intelligent responses from readers of my August 14 column, “Gullible Americans,” The letters deserve a reply. Moreover, some contain important points that should be shared with a wider audience. Pundits such as myself are not the only people who have interesting things to say. Considering the number of letters and the time it would require to respond individually, I am replying instead in this column.

Most readers from whom I heard understand the difference between loyalty to country and loyalty to a government. They understand that to support a political party or a government that is destroying the US Constitution and America’s reputation in the world is, in fact, an act of treason. Therefore, I did not have to read the usual drivel about how doubting “our government” is un-American.
Despite the dark days in which we live, some readers find optimism in recent polls that show more than one-third of the US public now disbelieve the official account of 9/11 despite the Bush regime’s propaganda faithfully trumpeted by the US media. Bush’s own rock-bottom polls show that Americans, like the Russians of the Soviet era, can read between the lines of the propagandistic US media. Many Americans can still spot a liar and a cheat when they see one.