What Zero Dark Thirty gets wrong about Guantánamo lawyers

"In the continuing controversy over the treatment of torture in Zero Dark Thirty, a crucial scene has been overlooked – one that makes the film’s point of view clear, even if it’s less attention-grabbing than images of waterboarding. The scene comes late in the movie, after the CIA has surmised that Osama bin Laden is possibly hiding in Abbottabad, Pakistan. One government official wonders aloud whether a Guantánamo detainee might be able to confirm that location, to which a CIA operative replies, “Who the hell am I supposed to ask, some guy in Gitmo who’s all lawyered up?” He explains that any lawyer will simply tip off al-Qaeda.

Defense lawyers are used to being portrayed in the media as morally questionable hired guns, while their police and prosecutorial counterparts play committed heroes who avenge victims and put the bad guys away. Even in the left-leaning HBO series The Wire, which broke the mold of the police procedural, the main defense attorney unscrupulously helps gangsters hide criminal activity, while the head prosecutor is accurately described on Wikipedia as one of the show’s “most morally upright figures.”

James Holmes - Possible MKULTRA Scopolamine Links

James Holmes received an NIH (National Institutes of Health) scholarship to attend CU Anschutz campus. The CIA has been proven to have laundered money for MKULTRA through the NIH for their LSD experiments (source in MKULTRA FOIA document). Holmes was engaged in research regarding the olfactory system (sense of smell), did he get roped into testing some Scopolamine at some point? Apparently he volunteered to be part of an fMRI study at one point, although he backed out.

"James Holmes, the accused killer in the Aurora, Colorado Massacre, had been part of a University of Colorado-Denver research group carrying out innovative studies on the systems biology of olfaction. The scientists worked in the laboratory of Diego Restrepo, Ph.D. A National Institutes of Health (NIH) “Neuroscience Training Grant,” totaling $179,514, was awarded to Dr. Restrepo, team project leader, in 2012. Holmes had dropped out of the group and was in the process of withdrawing from the university."

CIA Media Infiltration & Operation Mockingbird

Abby Martin takes with a look at America's history of government infiltration in news media citing the CIA's secret cold-war program dubbed Operation Mockingbird.


Mr Morell was with George W Bush at a Florida primary school as the second plane hit the World Trade Center on September 11.

David Petraeus: Michael Morell, the 'career spook' replacing him

While General David Petraeus arrived at the CIA as a war hero under an intense public spot light, his replacement is a consummate man of the shadows.

 Michael Morell, the 'career spook' replacing him
Michael Morell who will replace General David Petraeus Photo: AP

Ray McGovern : "Has The CIA Gone Rogue?"

Retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern speaking to the Deerfield Progressive Forum

Over 700 pages of CIA 9/11-related records released

The CIA has released nearly 800 pages of newly declassified documents on Al Qaeda and the September 11 attacks.

The documents were released in response to an INTELWIRE Freedom of Information Act request for material referenced by the 9/11 Commission. Numerous documents were withheld, and those that were released have been heavily redacted. Despite this, it is highly unusual to receive any material from the CIA in response to a FOIA request, and they provide a fascinating look at the state of the agency's understanding of Al Qaeda over the years.


Al Qaeda Bomb Plot: Would-Be Underwear Bomber Worked for CIA

By Adam Goldman, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The CIA had al-Qaida fooled from the beginning.

Last month, U.S. intelligence learned that al-Qaida's Yemen branch hoped to launch a spectacular attack using a new, nearly undetectable bomb aboard an airliner bound for America, officials say.

But the man the terrorists were counting on to carry out the attack was actually working for the CIA and Saudi intelligence, U.S. and Yemeni officials told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

The dramatic sting operation thwarted the attack before it had a chance to succeed.

It was the latest misfire for al-Qaida, which has repeatedly come close to detonating a bomb aboard an airliner. For the United States it was a victory that delivered the bomb intact to U.S. intelligence.

The officials spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the operation. The cooperation of the would-be bomber was first reported Tuesday evening by the Los Angeles Times.

Media Roots Radio – FBI Staged Terror Plots, Bin Laden Death Victory Lap

MEDIA ROOTSAbby and Robbie Martin discuss FBI entrapment: how every "foiled" terror plot has either been facilitated or completely orchestrated by the US government, the gross misuse of taxpayer funds and the morality of entrapment methods; the anniversary of Bin Laden's death: the multiple reports of his death prior to the final report, the continuous alternations of the original narrative and government propaganda surrounding the death, Obama's victory lap at Bagram and corporate media cheerleading about the killing; cyber terrorism and CISPA; the hope for humanity's future: the need to shift our consciousness outside of the current paradigm, reinstate the enormous power that we all have to take charge of our minds and instill a better, more enlightened future.

Bin Laden Photo Release: We Are Damned if They Do, Damned if They Don't


Brian Romanoff        Nor Cal Truth        Apr 28, 2012 



The Bin Laden saga continues. 

Almost one year ago exactly, Obama came onto live TV late at night to announce that Usama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan raid by US Marines. 

FBI and CIA were too busy fighting each other to avert 9/11

Posted last week (3/28/12) on RT, It has been awhile since the old CIA/FBI Turf feud meme has been dusted off, but I haven't seen much discussion regarding this operation foxden so it seemed worth posting.


In 1999 the US had the opportunity to potentially stop the 9/11 attacks in New York City, but failed due to internal disputes between the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigations and National Security Agency.

In that same year the Taliban had settled on a license with an American company, Afghan Wireless Communications, to build a cell-phone and Internet system in Afghanistan.

The stealthy arrangement which was dubbed “Operation Foxden,” would have given access to the US government to monitor all al-Qaeda and Taliban phone calls and e-mails.

“Had this network been built with the technology that existed in 2000, it would have been a priceless intelligence asset,” said an unnamed former NSA official to David Rose a contributing editor for Vanity Fair.

Jon Gold's C-SPAN Collection

For the last year or so, one of my "pet projects" has been to search the video archives of C-SPAN for statements made about different people, different events, and make short movies out of them. They cover a multitude of topics, including NORAD's response, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the Israeli Art Students, Saudi Arabia, and many others. Here is my C-SPAN Movie Collection, in the order they were created.

Praise For The 9/11 Report

Kristen Breitweiser's Testimony Before The Joint Congressional Inquiry Into 9/11 - 9/18/2002

People Need To Be Held Accountable For 9/11

Opening Statement Of Eleanor Hill At The Joint Congressional Inquiry Into 9/11 - 9/18/2002

Peter Dale Scott: Launching the U.S. Terror War (Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus)

Launching the U.S. Terror War: the CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia
(full paper is available at the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

Bush’s Terror War and the Fixing of Intelligence

On September 11, 2001, within hours of the murderous 9/11 attacks, Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney had committed America to what they later called the “War on Terror.” It should more properly, I believe, be called the “Terror War,” one in which terror has been directed repeatedly against civilians by all participants, both states and non-state actors. It should also be seen as part of a larger, indeed global, process in which terror has been used against civilians in interrelated campaigns by all major powers, including China in Xinjiang and Russia in Chechnya, as well as the United States.2 Terror war in its global context should perhaps be seen as the latest stage of the age-long secular spread of transurban civilization into areas of mostly rural resistance -- areas where conventional forms of warfare, for either geographic or cultural reasons, prove inconclusive.

Terror War was formally declared by George W. Bush on the evening of September 11, 2001, with his statement to the American nation that "we will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them."3 But the notion that Bush’s terror war was in pursuit of actual terrorists lost credibility in 2003, when it was applied to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, a country known to have been targeted by terrorists but not to have harbored them.4 It lost still more credibility with the 2005 publication in Britain of the so-called Downing Street memo, in which the head of the British intelligence service MI6 reported after a visit to Washington in 2002 that "Bush wanted to remove Saddam Hussein, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."5 False stories followed in due course linking Iraq to WMD, anthrax, and Niger yellowcake (uranium).

This essay will demonstrate that before 9/11 a small element inside the CIA’s Bin Laden Unit and related agencies, the so-called Alec Station Group, were also busy, “fixing” intelligence by suppressing it, in a way which, accidentally or deliberately, enabled the Terror War. They did so by withholding evidence from the FBI before 9/11 about two of the eventual alleged hijackers on 9/11, Khalid Al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, thus ensuring that the FBI could not surveil the two men or their colleagues.