2006.12.15 | John Conner's 'Resistance Manifesto' signing

hi truthfor911.gather.com,

I just received the following update, gratefully:

From: theresistancemanifesto.com

Just a reminder, Friday December 15th is John Conner's book singing in Encinitas CA. 8:00pm. We'll either meet in Starbucks or in the study areas right next to the Starbucks.

Some haters at a sad blog claimed they were going to call BN and warn them about us to try and get them to throw us out, but hey ... we're just going to be hanging out in Starbucks for some coffee ... who are the wack jobs here?

Twenty free Manifestos will be given out to the first people to show up ... and if we get kicked out, we'll just hang out on the sidewalk or in the parking lot.

Also, check youtube in a day or so for a new college video. This time it was UCLA and before John could even crash some classes, he was questioned by the police and enrolled in some database. Some random student yelled "Nazis" to the cops as they were running his ID to check for warrants, and the dean of student affairs showed up, probably to make sure the cops didn't go tazer happy.

(recruiting for (st911.org), again ...)


John Conner Visits UCLA & is Questioned by Police

John gave them some dvds of loose change and shook their hands and thanked them for not tazing him when all was said and done. and coming soon to youtube: John Conner visits Hollywood. - The Resistance Manifesto Staff

'People should not fear the government, their government should fear it's people ...'



Major 'respek knuckles' to John Conner!

The following training video should be required viewing for this psychotropically disadvantaged attention deficient generation:


John Conner Crashes ANOTHER College (UCSD) With 9/11 Truth

Here's another one, recruiting for (st911.org) no less, for those copying and pasting at others:


John Conner Visits San Diego State University

And these are reference citation links:

this is what getting something done looks like, I hadn't seen it from my own perspective, so I am in debt to John Conner for showing me what it looks like ...

'People should not fear the government, their government should fear it's people ...'



freedomtofascism.com | Aaron Russo | America: Freedom to Fascism

Please watch Aaron Russo's 'America:Freedom to Fascism' and share this link with anyone you care about.


We still have a little time left to try and salvage our economy ...



st911.org | Fetzer | How can I help?

Plan a 9/11 Event!

If you would like advice about planning a 9/11 event with vidoes, speakers, or other arrangements, contact Leon Byerley, who has had success in doing this, by email at byerley (at) theriver (dot) com or by phone at (520) 326-1129.

Start A Chain Reaction!

Send the following links to at least two friends, asking them to send them to at least two friends as well. When all is said and done, everyone linked to anyone here will have them. Better yet, take 9/11 DVDs to your local community access television stations and ask them to play them. That should do the trick!


9/11 Eyewitness - Hoboken (video)


9/11 Mysteries (video)


Loose Change, 2nd Edition (Recut)


Terror Storm with Alex Jones (video)


9/11: A Conversation with Jim Fetzer (video)


9/11: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then | Jim Fetzer (video)

Thanks for your support and concern. We can do it together!

James H. Fetzer
Founder and Co-Chair
Scholars for 9/11 Truth (st911.org)

For more 9/11 events, visit 911Blogger.com
For more news, visit Citizens For Legitimate Government
For "The Dynamic Duo" with Jim Fetzer and Kevin Barrett
(M-F 3-5 PM / CT) visit Genesis Communications Network gcnlive.com

'get out the guerilla, spread the wØrd ...'

