Prominent 9/11 Truther, David Shayler, Former British Intelligence, Says NO PLANES @ WTC

CB Brooklyn : PLEASE go home

CB Brooklyn : PLEASE go home : start your own no plane club and blab to your heart's content over there. PLEASE. we are not interested in your theories.

Give it

Give it up.

"...In a telephone interview, Morales defended Haupt’s opinion: “What he thinks is his opinion, but he also makes it clear that he separates opinion from conclusion. He’s not prepared to make a scientific conclusion or at least a quasiscientific conclusion. His strong point, which I tend more to agree with, is that the footage, the various mainstream media footage, seems to have been doctored...”

"......I ask Shayler if it's true he has become a "no planer" ...
"Yes, I believe no planes were involved in 9/11."
"...Watch the footage frame by frame and you will see a cigar-shaped missile hitting the World Trade Center."

"...Nico Haupt,...stands up in St. Mark's Church in the Bowery. He holds aloft two blue Oreos boxes taped to resemble the twin towers. A pen juts out, kind of like a Boeing airplane.
For an hour he's shown videos of planes hitting the towers. If you note the glinting sunlight and angle of wings and you're honest about vectors ..., you'll realize there were no planes .

Truth movement veterans distance themselves from Haupt, who has a bit of a temper. But Reynolds, the former Labor Department economist, also is a "no-planer."
"There were no planes, there were no hijackers," Reynolds insists. "I know, I know, I'm out of the mainstream, but that's the way it is..."

Government Operatives attempting to hijack 9/11 truth


This is absolutely unacceptable. We must not let these government operatives hijack this movement.

Stop giving attention to the "no plane theories" disinfo agents like Nico Haupt, Morgan Reynolds, David Shayler, killtown, and others who are sabotaging this movement, either by sheer stupidity or intentionally as government moles.

its been said a couple times

its been said a couple times that noone advocates the hologram theory anymore, so im just quoting this to show that is what Shayler stated he believed:
"The only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes,"

Shayler might not have

Shayler might not have investigated the science behind it, so instead used general everyday-type terms. But this info could provide some clues as to what happened:

it doesnt work in real world

That technology is not capable of casting shadows on itself, based on position of sun(The real one) in realtime and its the same with light reflections. I know its hard to understand it, but try it.

Every banned no-planer = 1000 new Truthers !!!

"Then things really go off

"Then things really go off the rails. I ask Shayler if it's true he has become a "no planer" - that is, someone who believes that no planes at all were involved in the 9/11 atrocity. Machon looks uncomfortable. "Oh, fuck it, I'm just going to say this," he tells her. "Yes, I believe no planes were involved in 9/11." But we all saw with our own eyes the two planes crash into the WTC. "The only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms
made to look like planes," he says. "Watch the footage frame by frame and you will see a cigar-shaped missile hitting the World Trade Center." He must notice that my jaw has dropped. "I know it sounds weird, but this is what I believe."

The 7/7 photo "forgery"

What about 7/7? Some in the 9/11 Truth Campaign aren't "really into 7/7", in Belinda's words. But Shayler is. He recently finished making 7/7: mind the gap, a film in which he suggests that, given the late running of trains on that fateful day last year, the four bombers could not have blown themselves up in London at the times claimed. He also believes that the closed-circuit TV image of the four men entering Luton Station is a "Photoshop job - a forgery, and a bad one at that". He goes so far as to argue that those who forged the photo did it badly in order to send a signal to the rest of us. "This could be elements in the New World Order saying, 'Look, we're sick of lying. We've had enough.'"

So have I. The thought of behind-the-scenes suits being cajoled by their evil paymasters to create an image of four rucksack-wearing terrorists in order to cover up their own bombing of London is just too ludicrous. These 9/11 truth campaigners merely add a supposedly scientific gloss to already existing conspiracy theories, trying to make the ridiculous seem respectable. In the process, they actually do a disservice to "historical truth". History gets reduced to a mysterious force beyond our control, and politics - real politics - is imagined to be the preserve of unknown, faceless puppet-masters whom we can never hope to influence. And the rest of us are reduced to the status of helpless spectators, searching amid the rubble of 9/11 and the aftermath of 7/7 for signs of truth and meaning."

^ If this isn’t slander, and if he actually said that shit then the only explanation for me is that Shayler and his girlfriend probably never left the intelligence services. You don't say shit like that to a reporter unless your trying to discredit yourself, and the "movement" that you say you represent. This doesn’t lend any credibility to "no planes", all it does it show who's genuine and whose disinfo. If this is true then I’m disappointed in Shayler, but at least it separates the wheat from the chaff.

he can believe what he

he can believe what he likes, but NO PLANES nonsence. stuff your disinfo. shayler prob still works for MI5/6 or has lost his mind. your prob COINTELPRO. your gonna lose buddy. the tide is turning.


"The only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms
made to look like planes," he says.

What sort of b.s. logic is that? How about the only explaination is that they were f*cking planes? Why surround missiles with holograms or utilize "tv fakery" when real planes work just fine???

These "cartoon huggers" are severe disinfo! They should all go to hell.

Go away !!! is still free, dont wait and register it !
You can post your B.S. there.

Every banned no-planer = 1000 new Truthers !!!

Nico Haupt, you should leave this site if you really care about

the continued success of the 9/11 truth movement. Seriously, dude, stick your disinformation crap somewhere else. Your contributions are only HURTING THIS MOVEMENT. Now, leave this site, you shill.
Stop giving attention to the "no plane theory" disinfo agents like Nico Haupt, Morgan Reynolds, Shayler, killtown, CB_Brooklyn, webfairy, Holmgren, and others who are sabotaging this movement, either by sheer stupidity or intentionally.