Everything You Need to Know about Disinformation in 2 Minutes


The topic of disinformation is a very complicated one. Essays, lengthy papers and whole treatises have been written on the subject. But the very length of most discussions overwhelms people, so that they never get an accurate picture of what disinformation looks like.

So I thought I'd take a crack at a very simple definition of disinformation, something that is short enough to read in two minutes.

Disinformation is:

* Repeating the same false claims over and over even when people have proven that such claims are contrary to the evidence (for example, the claim that no planes hit the Twin Towers)

* Spending more energy causing in-fighting and disruptions then helping to promote the truth, and causing dedicated activists to waste time rebutting obviously false claims and theories

* Unnecessarily alienating large sections of the population by attacking victims' families, certain religious or ethnic groups, or political parties with no reason

* Calling someone names instead of addressing that person's theories or claimed facts

* Making knowingly false statements about someone

* Threatening people or their families with violence, job loss, or other forms of intimidation or harassment

* Acting as provocateurs to disrupt peaceful groups or gatherings

People who repeatedly do one of the above things even after people have pointed out what they are doing, are spreading disinformation -- consciously or unconsciously. Indeed, because disinformation may be an unconscious activity, I prefer to call it "disruption". These actions disrupt the ability to spread 9/11 truth and to obtain justice against all of those who carried out the attack.

No matter how much seemingly good 9/11 truth work someone has done in the past, if someone starts causing more disruption than good, than he or she should not be followed any more. This is especially true if people have pointed out that person's disruptive behavior, but he or she has carried on disrupting 9/11 truth work anyway.

Thank you for this

Thank you for this reminder.
Short, sweet and to the point.
Truth Revolution: The Eleventh of Every Month

Fear, uncertainty and doubt

Fear, uncertainty and doubt
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) is a tactic of rhetoric used in sales, marketing and public relations.[1][2] FUD is generally a strategic attempt to influence public perception by disseminating negative (and vague) information. An individual firm, for example, might use FUD to invite unfavorable opinions and speculation about a competitor's product; to increase the general estimation of switching costs among current customers; or to maintain leverage over a current business partner who could potentially become a rival.

The term originated to describe disinformation tactics in the computer hardware industry and has since been used more broadly.[3] FUD is a manifestation of the appeal to fear.


Rosie O'Donnell got no respect.

* Calling someone names instead of addressing that person's theories or claimed facts (the media's response to Rosie O'Donnell is a real great example of this)

www.Rosie.com to show her some support and ask for her continued participation in the movement.

Great summary and digestible format George W.

It is uncomfortable to have to deal with genocide or other facts and crimes that occur in foreign lands. It is uncomfortable to have to deal with molestation or other forms of suffering, abuse, and poverty that can occur right in your own neighborhood. It is uncomfortable to have to realize that your own government might be responsible for the worst acts of terrorism you've ever been aware of or even witnessed. The cost of not dealing with these things that are uncomfortable can be almost unbearable. Deal with as much of it as you can. Others depend on it, and you may too.


Nothing like straight talk to keep things in perspective.

Disruption, etc.

Disinfo is a means toward the goals of a movement's enemies, which I have come to think of in terms of the 4 D's--distract, disrupt, divide, derail.

add discredit and you got

add discredit and you got 5
Truth Revolution: The Eleventh of Every Month

The "LOL²A" principle

Thanks for these D’s. It inspired me to post an answer to a comment on the second comment to Professor Barry R. Komisaruk’s article “A View on 09/11/01” http://media.www.rutgersobserver.com/media/storage/paper822/news/2007/09/11/Observations/A.View.On.091101-2967793.shtml

Disinfo : contains 5 D's : distract, disrupt, divide, discredit and derail. These are tactics of "Appeal to Fear". They have no place if your objective is to perfect the Universe.

By the way, the Swiss economist René Egli made an interesting theorem that "The Effect of Perfecting the Universe" = [LO] x [L]² x [A] !

In this economist's formula [LO] stands for [LOsslassen, or your capacity of letting go of all fear],

[L]² stands for [Liebe, or the LOVE that you hold in your heart, which increases the effect of what you do in a logarithmic way] to the squared power, and

[A] stands for [Aktion!] as any wishful thinking will not have lasting effects until we dig in with our human incarnated might and take ACTION!

When I observe David Ray Griffin giving his talks and writing his books and essays on today's burning issues, I consider him a wonderful example of the "LOL²A" principle, and I have no doubt many more will soon notice this, perhaps soon earning him world-wide recognition through the Nobel Peace Prize!

He is an inspiring voice to help weed out much fear and misunderstanding out of today's world!

I thus suggest that those serious in giving a helping hand to this currently slightly troubled world meditate on their actions to make sure they contain less D's and more "LOL²A"!


Dr Beeth in Brussels

Show "false factual claims" by doughnut

I agree with some of your points....

I understand the possibility (more the reality) that this movement has been infiltrated on some level, but I am generally not in favor of bashing, nor promoting theories. I think theories are great for people who seek truth to help them map-out their worldview, but the reality is that we will never get a majority of the population to agree w/ any one theory until we have hardcore proof. The only thing, imo, worth pushing is the fact that we need a new investigation... That is much easier to sell, and it can be done--as DRG has done so well--by pointing out the glaring deficiencies of the 911 Com. I think we would be better served by activism rather than criticism. Just my 2 cents.

In other words

to make it even shorter & simpler, just study the Neofascist Bush administration because all 7 things listed here they do in spades everyday.

9/11 Truth and Division

9/11 Truth and Division: Disinformation, Agent Provocateurs, and False Adversaries

Understanding the psychology of disruption

While it is human to be upset or angry, those who disrupt intentionally want you to ignore their destructive behavior so that they can keep doing it. They want to fight you—they do not want to have dialog. Their only purpose is to disrupt. Their chief weapons are divisive labels, controversial issues, and ad-hominem.

The 9/11 truth movement is what its members make it to be. Either we can work together by critiquing each other in a civil and respectful manner, or we can fight with ourselves until the end of time while the crimes of 9/11 go unanswered. Staying silent on this problem will not provide a solution. The disrupters are here, and they are not going away.

The agent provocateur is as virulent a form of disinformation that exists within the 9/11 truth movement. Whether by intent or ego, those who emphasize attacking individuals rather than critiquing ideas in a respectful manner are working against the 9/11 truth movement, not for it.

From my Reevaluation Counceling Days (RC)

Releasing anger can be productive if one person is transmitting and another person is receiving. Two people angry at each other at the same time is destructive.

When transmitting this information, be prepared for the recipient to direct anger towards you. If you can allow them to get their anger out and not take it personally, you will have done them a great service. If you get angry and defensive then little good will come from the encounter.

There is a term for this type of informal peer to peer therapy but it can be accurately described as "non-judgemental listening".

If you feel like you're in danger, then disengage, but otherwise begin repeating back what the person says to you. "You think I'm crazy for not believing in the terrorists, I hear you and I hear that you're angry/afraid" . . mirroring is what it is called.

The official 9/11 story is lodged in people's brains and they will fight its removal as if it were an addiction. The attacks were the shock and awe and the official narrative is the security blanket.

Building 7

As the song states . . . 9/11, 9/11, what went down with building 7?

If we focused all of our energies telling the story of building 7 . .

Firefighters report its coming down
Owner of building admits to having "pulled" it
Dan Rather and Peter Jennings remark that it looks like a CD
BBC, CNN and Fox report its collapse prematurely (Aaron Brown says, "Building 7 is . . . uh . . uh . . has collapsed or is collapsing")

There is much more.

The Building 7 People's Commission?

There are some great building 7 short videos some of you guys have put together.

The "LOL²A" principle

Thanks for these D’s. It inspired me to post an answer to a comment on the second comment to Professor Barry R. Komisaruk’s article “A View on 09/11/01” http://media.www.rutgersobserver.com/media/storage/paper822/news/2007/09/11/Observations/A.View.On.091101-2967793.shtml

Disinfo : contains 5 D's : distract, disrupt, divide, discredit and derail. These are tactics of "Appeal to Fear". They have no place if your objective is to perfect the Universe.

By the way, the Swiss economist René Egli made an interesting theorem that "The Effect of Perfecting the Universe" = [LO] x [L]² x [A] !

In this economist's formula [LO] stands for [LOsslassen, or your capacity of letting go of all fear],

[L]² stands for [Liebe, or the LOVE that you hold in your heart, which increases the effect of what you do in a logarithmic way] to the squared power, and

[A] stands for [Aktion!] as any wishful thinking will not have lasting effects until we dig in with our human incarnated might and take ACTION!

When I observe David Ray Griffin giving his talks and writing his books and essays on today's burning issues, I consider him a wonderful example of the "LOL²A" principle, and I have no doubt many more will soon notice this, perhaps soon earning him world-wide recognition through the Nobel Peace Prize!

He is an inspiring voice to help weed out much fear and misunderstanding out of today's world!

I thus suggest that those serious in giving a helping hand to this currently slightly troubled world meditate on their actions to make sure they contain less D's and more "LOL²A"!


Dr Beeth in Brussels