Barry Komisaruk, PhD, Rutgers Dean and Professor Questions 9/11

Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD, Rutgers University Board of Governors Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the Graduate School, wrote an op-ed piece for the Rutgers Observer questioning the official account of 9/11. It appeared in the print and online version of the newspaper on the sixth anniversary of 9/11.

A View on 09/11/01

Six years later, the impact is still felt. The implications are still more troubling. My vivid recollections are the sudden silent disappearance from my vantage point from Smith Hall on Warren Street of the towers, replaced by a giant plume of white smoke, and my thought of the futility of the UMDNJ's calling and mobilizing all health care personnel; no person in the buildings could survive the collapse.

Some months later over breakfast with a colleague, I reacted in disbelief when he said, "You know, there was no debris from a jetliner crash evident in photos of the Pentagon that day." His claim started me to read extensively about the events of the day.

Based upon my reading, published evidence leads me to a terribly disturbing conclusion as to the veracity of the official government accounts. ...

Complete article is available at

There's More!

9/24/2007 Komisaruk disputes reader's submission on 9/11

In response to my essay entitled, "A View on 9/11/01," that was published in the Observer on September 11, a rebuttal was later published on Sept.17 by an unnamed writer. The following is my response to that writer's essay, addressing each of the main criticisms in sequence.

In rebuttal to my claim that "no commercial jetliner debris - no engines, tail section, luggage, bodies, are visible in photos of the Pentagon just after whatever collided with it," the writer claims that "…photographs of large amounts of wreckage and debris matching a 757 have become available…"

I challenge the writer to make them available to the public, because they have not become available through any source known to me. Do the photos to which the writer refers show the massive steel engines, landing gear, tail section of a commercial jetliner, the luggage, or the human toll?

The 9/11 Truth B-Team

Professors Question 9/11

No one "saw" a missile

"The eyewitness reports of "an American Airlines Boeing 757" as it approached the Pentagon are matched by an equal number of eyewitness accounts that it was a missile that hit the Pentagon."

Sorry, there is not one person who said they "saw" a missile. If you can find one, show me it.

The real question is how a commercial plane even hit the Pentagon in the first place on the ground floor at the most defended target in the world with a pilot who had never flown the plane before.

Mineta: "During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President...the plane is 50 miles out...the plane is 30 miles out....and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president "do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??"

"The real question is how a

"The real question is how a commercial plane even hit the Pentagon in the first place on the ground floor at the most defended target in the world with a pilot who had never flown the plane before."

How does a Boeing 757 hit the ground floor of anything? Oh, never mind...