This September 11 - Rally for Truth, Peace and Impeachment in DC

Come to Washington this September for the historic union of the 9/11Truth, Peace and Impeachment movements. March with us as we honor the victims of 9/11 and the thousands of casualties of the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Demand that Congress investigate the omissions and distortions in the 9/11 report, end the so-called "war on terror," impeach the criminals in the White House and restore our constitutional rights.
Come for the Truth, stay for the Peace and Justice!
Tuesday, September 11: Noon - Rally at Lafayette Park,
Pennsylvania Ave., in front of the White House.
Cross country walkers arrive:
Mario Penlaver with "March of the People" walking from Chicago for Impeachment
Bro. Elliot from Denver for Peace, 9/11truth and Bill McDannell who walked from San Diego to "End the wars."

Special Musical Guest: The Ben Marble Band.

Speakers Include:
Adam Kokesh, former Marine combat vet, director Iraq Veterans Against the War
Webster Tarpley, historian and author of, "9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA"
Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone, hosts of the radio program, "Taking Aim"
David Lindorff, co-author of "The Case for Impeachment"
Bob Bowman,Lt. Col USAF(ret.), former head of Star Wars program.
Carlo Hawk Walker, native American, Vietnam veteran and peace maker.
Rev. Graylan Hagler, Pastor, Plymouth Congregational Church, Washington, DC
William Pepper, Barrister and Lawyer, author of "An Act of State" and "Orders to Kill"

3:30pm - March single file up Pennsylvania Ave. to the Capitol. (bring signs, 9/11 signs provided)
5pm - Reception - Stewart Mott House, (see map) 122 Maryland Ave. NE
7pm - Panel Discussion - Stewart Mott House - Webster Tarpley, Ralph Schoenman, Dave Lindorff and William Pepper

Wednesday, September 12: Lobby Training
9am-12noon - Susan Udry, lobby leader for United for Peace and Justice; Tina Richards, military family lobbyist for ending the war; Dr. Bob Bowman; Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.
Church of the Reformation, 212 East Capitol St, Washington, DC
All-Day - Lobby your representatives.

Thursday, September 13: Lobby Day
All day : Lobby Support from "home base" at the Mott House
7pm - movie at the Stewart Mott House(see map) a special preview showing of The Reflecting Pool

Friday, September 14: Evening Speakers at the Mott House
6pm - Reception and mixer
7pm-9pm Speakers at the Stewart Mott House: Joan Mellen, Temple University Professor and author of A Farewell to Justice and John Judge, researcher/investigator, Co-Founder of 9/11 Citizens Watch and Founder of 9/11 Research Project - speaking on "From the Inception of the National Security State to the Counter-Terrorism State".

Washington, DC

dc911truth holds rallies, tabling and other public events in the DC metro area. Check the calendar of events on the right side of the page for upcoming actions.

dc911truth will continue our efforts to educate the public about the hidden history of 9/11/2001 as we forge ahead. We hold meetings every week which are open to the public. If you live in the DC area you are invited to join us for a lively discussion of the issues.