Rodriguez at the Lakewood Theater - Dallas, TX - 8/9/07

William Rodriguez brought his firsthand 9/11 experience to the landmark Lakewood Theater in Dallas, TX last night. Organized by North Texans for 911 Truth, Rodriguez led the audience through his remarkable day at the Towers, and spoke about his last European tour, which wound up being a mini-World Tour, as he was invited to Malaysia just last weekend to speak to many top politicians in that country, as well as a very interested citizenry.

Rodriguez spoke well of his UK experience (his second tour of the UK in the past year) and reported on how his banned media appearance in Grange turned into a media coup, as he drew the largest crowd of the tour. Rodriguez made it onto George Galloway's The Real Deal, along the way, and did a couple radio spots as well.

It really is a positive and powerful experience to see and hear Rodriguez convey his message of bravery, survival and perseverance as a champion of the survivors of the WTC destruction. If you have only seen Rodriguez on video, and the opportunity to see him live comes your way, I highly recommend taking advantage of the opportunity to meet this remarkable and very personable man. (A reminder: Rodriguez is in Austin tonight.)

Following Rodriguez, Josh Reeves premiered his documentary, New World Rising, which was well-received, and which I need to take a closer look at now that I have a DVD copy. :)

And he will be.... Houston on Saturday, the 11th....

9/11 Truth ends the 9/11 Wars

I seems

that William has become the NWO boys worst nightmare. Watch your back pal.

Not just a witness, but....

....a dramatically heroic one as well.....

9/11 Truth ends the 9/11 Wars

I attended the Austin event this evening.

William spoke for about an hour and a half. He was introduced by Matt Dayton of PNACitizen and Kevin Smith of Infowars. Rodriguez described his firsthand experience of explosions in the WTC, his prying open of a freight elevator shaft and then finding a ladder and rescuing trapped people, his use of his master key to open locked doors, looking down from the building at the people who had fallen to their death on the concrete below, seeing a lady he knew severed in half, the deaths of many first responders and rescue dogs who breathed the toxic dust, and other gruesome events of that day. He worked humor into all this, and he seemed generally upbeat and emphasized the importance that everyone question what their government tells them and do their own research because he lived the event and the government's description of that day contains many lies.

Dallas Event

We publicized this event to the UNSUSPECTING public, avoiding any controversy and as a result had KLIF 570 AM TALK
radio there at the theater to interview William. KLIF is the NEOCON Megaphone Mouthpiece Catapulter of Propaganda in Dallas/Ft Worth. I n the twenty minute "drive-time" interview Willie was able to get in the seven second time difference between the EXPLOSIONS IN THE SUB-LEVELS BEFORE the Plane hitting. It was awesome.

He also did a 30 minute television spot for UNIVISION- Worldwide Spanish language Television.

His presentation was POWERFUL and he received a standing ovation from the 200+ assembled.

William Rodriguez is an incredibly hard workin' man with a mission. I hope everyone appreciates his contribution to the Truth Movement. If he comes to your part of the world, you must see him in person. THANK YOU WILLIAM RODODRIGUEZ!

Willie was followed by an abbreviated version of Josh Reeves first film:911:New World Rising:Global domination in the 21st century. The film has three parts 1) The Towers 2) The Suspects, and 3) Activism. This shortened version was excellent. The Full Version on DVD will be a welcome addition to the Body of Truth Tools and Evidence for spreading the TRUTH.

Watch for its release on DVD and get a copy.