Offers a 911blogger Message Board: "The Blogger Board" has stepped up to offer a dedicated section of their message board as our official message board. This means that instead of having to deal with the moderated queue here, you have the option of posting immediately at the forum. Truthaction has several members with moderation privileges, and unlike the comments section here, the message board is a real message board, and is easier to navigate. We encourage users to take advantage of this option.

The Blogger Board

Register a handle at, and when you see a News story or Blog entry at that you want to comment on, start a new thread with the same title in the 911blogger forum and post away.

We want to thank YT and everyone at for offering this service, and don't be surprised if YT has you out meeting up with other 9/11 activists after hanging out at for a while.

The team members at want to focus on 9/11 News, OpEds, and original content, and regret that we can't be all things to everyone in the 911blogger community. Hopefully, a moderated forum will be good for everyone.

Good idea!

On the 11th day, of every month.