WTC panel agrees that toxic substances from 9/11 causes cancer

For the first time, WTC rescue heroes diagnosed with cancer will be able to collect benefits from the Victims Compensation Fund (VCF). On Wednesday, the World Trade Center Scientific Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) voted to recommend a list of different cancers to be added under the Zadroga Act.

The Zadroga Act, signed by President Obama in January 2011, reopened the VCF for an additional five years. This measure, named in honor of Detective James Zadroga, allows those who lived or worked near the WTC to file claims for compensation if their health was negatively affected. Cancer, however, had never been a part of this list due to a lack of hard scientific evidence linking the disease to the 9/11 attacks. Now, after analyzing recent studies, the advisory panel has agreed to add over 30 types of cancer to the list. The exact list is still being discussed, but respiratory, stomach, skin, liver, thyroid, blood and other types of cancers are expected to be on the final list. Pancreatic, brain and prostate cancer however, are not being recommended. When the recommendation is finalized, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has 60 days to accept, deny or revise their decision. A final list is expected by June 2nd.