Deadline Live: Jack Blood Interviews a 9/11 Survivor and OKC Survivors Simultaneously, On Anniversary of OKC Bombing 4/19/2010

Jack Blood of "Deadline Live," brings together the survivors of two different government-sponsored false flag events in a conference call / interview to discuss the similarities of those events - most glaringly of course, the tragedy of losing family members to the machinations of government turned rogue.

9/11 family member Bob McIlvaine, whose son Bobby was killed on 9/11, is accompanied by OKC survivor V.Z. Lawton, and Jannie Coverdale who lost her two grandsons Aaron and Elijah in the Oklahoma City Bombing on Apiril 19, 1995.

The interview is in hour two of the April 19 2010 broadcast. Hour one consists of a tribute to the victims of Waco, The Oklahoma Bombing and 911 Family Members. The alphabet agency directed massacre at Waco of course happened on this same day. Audio clips from the film, "Waco, the Big Lie" are played.

Waco, the Big Lie: