Bush, Cheney and the Neocons On Trial March 8th, 2010 for 9/11 and War Crimes

Splitting the Sky (John Boncore), a native Mohawk, activist, researcher, author, and long time figure in the resistance movement, attempted to arrest George W. Bush in Calgary on March 17th, 2009 for war crimes and crimes against humanity, when the authorities failed to do so, as required by Canadian and International Law. In this lecture, he discusses the reasons why he felt compelled and obligated to attempt this arrest, as well as some of the evidence against Bush, Cheney and other members of the former Bush regime, which he plans to present in his own defence to the charges of "obstruction" which he faces in March 2010. He has pleaded not guilty and will invoke a defence of "Civil Resistance".

In addition to war crimes, Splitting the Sky will also present evidence implicating Bush, Cheney and other Neocons in the attacks of September 11th, 2001.

He has been granted a five day trial to make his case.

Ramsey Clark, Cynthia McKinney, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Prof. Peter Dale Scott, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Prof.Anthony J. Hall stand, Gail Davidson of Lawyers Against the War and many others support Splitting the Sky, and stand ready to testify on his behalf.

This presentation was recorded live at the Truth Convergence 2009, which took place at Vancouver Island University on November 29th, 2009, in Nanaimo,BC, Canada.

Video source:

or http://www.vimeo.com/8467683
(**with alternative embedding code in case the above does not work on this blog)

About Splitting the Sky: