Sept 11 Treason + Vaccine

Flyby News (notes and items listed) in today's issue, follows. Note the affidavit by Dr. Len Horowitz appealing to the FBI to investigate swine flu deception and connection to 9/11 criminals.

Also, political prisoner, Native American, Leonard Peltier, writes on his parole denial.

Flyby News -
Editor - Jonathan Mark
September 19, 2009 - Sept 11 Treason + Vaccine * Peltier

"The world is a dangerous place,
not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on
and do nothing."

-- Albert Einstein

1) September 11 Breakthrough for Treason
- - NYC CAN's Historic MARCH
- - Senior Officials Question 9/11
- - The Mysterious Collapse of WTC 7
- - Dr. Steve Jones - DVD - Nanothermite -
- - 9/11: Blueprint for Truth World Premiere
- - Sibel Edmonds & Nuclear Trafficking
- - Why Propaganda Trumps Truth
- - Charlie Sheen - President Obama
- - Barack Obama Abandons Missile
- - U.S. Death Squads Roam The Globe
- - Ex-CIA Chiefs Halt Interrogations Probe
- - "Anthrax Wars" with filmmaker
- - Reviews An American Coup
- - Evidence of Treason...
2) US Under Vaccine Attack
- - Horowitz – Charges Filed With FBI
- - FBI Request for Investigation Letter
- - Vaccine May Be More Dangerous
- - Ten Swine Flu Lies by Media
3) Leonard Peltier: Obama’s Prisoner
- - Leonards Statement on Parole Denial
- - Jehan Abdur-Raheem on parole denial
- - A Safe Substitute for Alcohol?

Editor’s Notes:

Item 3 begins with Leonard Peltier’s statement about being denied Parole. Following that is another response on this by Jehan Abdur-Raheem. 9/11 Truth is key for peace, which exposes the Emperor with no clothes on. The war on terror is based on fraud, lies and deceit. Don’t let the distraction of health care get you confused, and allow swine flu inoculations take you down. Be awake, ready, and take actions to uphold and defend principles of the US Constitution. Dr. Leonard Horowitz is requesting you to copy, paste, and forward his letter (item 2) to your local FBI headquarters, and to others in your network. Check out the evidence in Dr. Horowitz's AFFIDAVIT. Working together there is a chance we can obtain an injunction to stop the deadly H1N1 Swine Flu vaccinations. And don’t miss the latest book by David Ray Griffin, “The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False,” published by Interlink Books.

“Each time a man stands up for an ideal,
or acts to improve the lot of others, or
strikes out against injustice, he sends
forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing
each other from a million different centers
of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest
walls of oppression and resistance.”

Robert F. Kennedy
Capetown, June 6th 1966

Valley 9/11 Truth
film screening:
Dark Legacy.
George Bush and the Assassination of JFK
Wednesday, September 23, 2009; 7:00 PM
Media Ed. Foundation, Northampton, MA

For full issue with articles, go to
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