The Power of the Human Spirit

There are those among us who believe the human spirit is damaged goods. They seek to "replace" it with something they consider superior: science and technology. You see, there is something untamable about humanity, and the "elite" do not like that. Staying easily in power requires ruling over a domesticated population, which is inherently contrary to our nature.

Intellectuals who paint humans as the problem are blind in their own wisdom. By cheerleading the destruction of their own kind, they ask to be robbed of the very things worth living for: the little things--perhaps that many of us neglect to appreciate as we should.

Wickedness and destruction are not the calling of man. Our spirit has the power to overcome all enemies, both domestic and foreign. We possess many flaws, but they will never outweigh the gifts we possess as the stewards of our kind and our world. Because of that, in the endgame, humanity overcomes.