Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,


All 9/11 Truthers have 3 members of Congress that represent them. You have 1 House of Representative member that represents you from the district you live in and you have 2 Senators that are representing your state. For about $20.00 you can send all three of them a letter, like the one below, using Priority Mail with a U.S. Postal Service Signature Confirmation Receipt that has a signature confirmation number you can track on the internet.

Here's a letter I sent to my House of Representative member, Congresswoman Gwen Moore, who represents District 4, which includes Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where I live:

To Congresswoman Gwen Moore, January 31st, 2008

I'm writing to inform you about a serious concern I have regarding our national security. This very serious concern has to do with the validity of our government's official account of 9/11/01 called The 9/11 Commission Report. This report is now being questioned by millions of Americans. Many well known patriotic American citizens have and are now questioning this report and many of the families of the victims have questioned this report. Some members on the 9/11 Commission have also questioned their access to vital information while on the 9/11 Commission. Here are some of the articles listing the American citizens who have given statements that question the validity of this report:
December 4th, 2007
Eight Senior Republican Appointees Challenge Official Account of 9/11 - "Not
Possible", "a Whitewash", "False"
September 23rd, 2007
Seven CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report
December 13th, 2007
Seven Senior Federal Engineers and Scientist
Call For New 9/11 Investigation
January 5th, 2008
Eight U.S. State Dept. Veterans Challenge Official Count of 9/11/01
January 14th, 2008 Twenty-Five US Military Officers Challenge Official Count of 9/11/01
The following passage is from the website Many 9/11 survivors and many 9/11 victim family members have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Several even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11.

The public statements of many survivors contradict the Commission Report. And the words and actions of some of the victims on that terrible day are in conflict with the Commission Report. This section is a collection of their statements. This website is not an organization and it should be made clear that none of these individuals are affiliated with this website.

Listed below are statements by more than 200 9/11 survivors, victims and family members that contradict or are critical of the 9/11 Commission Report. Their collective voices give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed.

These individuals cannot be simply dismissed as irresponsible believers in some 9/11 conspiracy theory. Their statements are based on their intimate familiarity with and intense study of the events of 9/11. Their criticism of the Commission Report is not inherently irresponsible or illogical. In fact, it is based on their desire to honor the victims of that terrible day by finding the truth and bringing to justice those responsible for these terrible acts. Here's the site to read the listed statements:
As stated earlier, we also have members of the 9/11 Commission who are questioning their access to vital information, while on the 9/11 Commission, as stated in this article: Former 9/11 Commission Member, Senator Max Cleland resigned from the 9/11 Commission. In November 2003, after the White House set conditions for the examination of documents Cleland said, “If this decision stands, I, as a member of the commission, cannot look any American in the eye, especially family members of victims, and say the commission had full access. This investigation is now compromised.”

Anyone with reasonable intellect and sound judgment should be able to see that Americans were not told the truth about 9/11. All that is necessary is to take the time to research this event using alternative media and the internet to evaluate the evidence that contradicts the 9/11 Commission Report. This includes reading all kinds of articles, some of them are documented news reports and some of them are scientific in nature. You can watch 9/11 Truth documentaries on the internet or on DVD’s. You can also listen to or read speeches, lectures and statements by credible American citizens. Finally, you can observe pictures and video reports on the internet and listen to alternative media internet radio shows that contradict the government’s official account of 9/11/01.
We need a citizen’s independent investigation created to verify that the American public wasn’t told the truth about the events of 9/11/01. I'm asking you to call for this type of investigation. We don’t need history to repeat itself by having those that are suspected of treason create their own investigative commission, selecting most of the ones they want to be on the commission and then producing a report such as the 9/11 Commission Report.
At the present time there are millions of American citizens that are questioning the validity of our government’s official account of 9/11/01. The security of our nation and its people are at great risk now, and in the future, if we don't get to the truth about 9/11/01. You took an oath to protect the American citizens from enemies foreign and domestic. The critical information that is being provided to you in this letter, regarding the validity of our government's official account of 9/11/01, should give you enough incentive to look further and investigate/research this information. I have links to over 100 sites that have researched and investigated 9/11. Go to: and click on these links for extensive information that questions the validity of our government's official account of 9/11/01. When your investigative research is completed I expect you to call for a citizen's independent investigation of 9/11/01. The 9/11 Commission Report is now shown to be flawed and questionable. Only a citizen's independent investigation, with full subpoena powers, will give the most comprehensive and accurate account of the events, before, during and after September 11th, 2001.

As a constituent of the State of Wisconsin , and as a veteran who served his country honorably in Vietnam , I will be expecting a response to this letter in a reasonable amount of time. This letter will be documented (copied), a sort of historical record, to verify that you were informed of this critical and serious concern regarding our national security. You have now been informed that the validity of our government’s official account of 9/11/01 is both flawed and questionable and that a citizen’s independent investigation is being called for by one of your constituents. This letter will be e-mailed and delivered by registered mail to your congressional office. I will finish this letter with a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. "There comes a time when silence is betrayal".
Matthew Naus e-mail: Retired Grade School Teacher & Vietnam Veteran
Founder Of: Take A Stand For 9/11 Truth Website( Co-Founder Of: Veterans For 9/11 Truth Website (

It's vitally important that we notify those that represent us in Congress and maintain a historical record of our attempts to notify and inform them of the flawed 9/11 Commission Report.

I have started a historical record of the contacts we make and the responses we get back from our Congressional members on my website, but I need your help to complete it. We need to have a record of all our Congressional members that have been notified and it has to come from the constituents from each state. If you can send letters to your congressional members of your state and keep copies of any e-mail letter, and more importantly, the U.S. Mail letter you sent showing the signature confirmation receipt then we have proof that they were notified. On my site: C:\Program Files\Yahoo SiteBuilder\sites\\sitebuilder\preview\CertifiedMailReceipts.html I put a picture of the envelope I sent in the U.S. Mail, that contained a copy of the letter above, showing the signature confirmation receipt. I also have a picture of the same letter when I sent it through the contact e-mail my congressional member uses. Again, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to document our attempts to notify and inform our Congressional members. If you decide to do this please send me your documentation and I will add it to the historical record I'm maintaining on

Take Care Matt
Founder Of: Take A Stand For 9/11 Truth

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