Meanwhile in Turkey

... they caught the real false flag state terrorists and arrested them, and what's more, it actually made it into the local press. But WE IN THE WEST MUST NOT BE INFORMED, because it clearly shows how 911 and other "muslim terror" is actually a Western Intelligence operation and an INSIDE JOB.

Look, not a single western newspaper reports it

Here is more info, as it becomes available!

Don't forget, Turkey is a WESTERN ALLY it was set up to have Western Structures in SECURITY.

Earlier in 1998, Israeli, Turkish and American military forces engaged in exercises in the Mediterranean, according to Reuters and Agencie France Press. "'[These exercises] signal to the radical states in the region that there is a strong alliance between Israel, Turkey and the United States which they must fear."
Reports also indicated that the CIA and Pentagon intelligence organizations had regularly chaired meetings of Turkish and Israeli officers in Tel Aviv for years.

Deep State

Derin devlet (literally meaning Deep state in Turkish), is believed by many to be an influential and informal anti-democratic coalition within the Turkish political system, composed of high-level elements within the Turkish military, security and intelligence services, the judicial branch, and important commanders of organized crime. The ideology of the "deep state" is seen by leftists as being anti-worker or ultra-nationalist; by Islamists as being anti-Islamic and secularist; and by ethnic Kurds as being anti-Kurdish.

The theory of the "deep state" has been widespread in Turkey since the early 1970s. At the beginning the discussion on a secret formation within the State focused on the term Counter-Guerrilla (in Turkish: kontr-gerilla). Drawing on the analogy with Italy, the name Gladio is sometimes used as well.

Many authors believe in an organized and institutionalized form of the deep state and have pointed at the