Eco $ Abyss * 1959 * Impeach * DeathPen

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
December 18, 2007 - Eco $ Abyss * 1959 * Impeach * DeathPen

"The only security of all is in a free press.
The force of public opinion cannot be resisted
when permitted freely to be expressed.
The agitation it produces must be submitted to.
It is necessary, to keep the waters pure."

- - Thomas Jefferson
to Lafayette, 1823. ME 15:491

1) Staring into the Abyss ~ Banking System Collapsing
- - The Planned Collapse of America
- - Morgan Stanley Issues Full US Recession Alert
- - Iran drops US dollar
- - Threat-Theft on George Bush Sr. in World Reports
2) Fascism Raises Its Ugly Head &What To Do
- - Naomi Wolf: What is Probably in the Missing Tapes
- - Italians Block Construction of U.S. Base
- - Senate Bill 1959 to Criminalize Thoughts, Blogs, Books, Free Speech
- - Obama Runs from Questions on free speech & Nuclear Waste
- - Stop Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain
- - [Some]American Jews on War and Peace
-- Leonard Peltier: A POW of America's Energy Wars
- - Impeachment Hearings Newspapers Some Dems
- - Bill Moyers interviews Keith Olbermann
3) Torture Coming To Its Dying End
- - ABC News Interview With an Executioner
- - New Jersey Abolishes Death Penalty
- - Jehan Abdur-Raheem – A Muslim in Isolation Row
- - Free Leonard Peltier, Lori Berenson, Richard Sitcha

“The Government must suspend a set of key banking regulations
at the heart of the current financial crisis or risk seeing the economy spiral
towards a future that could make 1929 look like a walk in the park".

- - Peter Spencer
One of Britain's leading economists ,
Published Saturday, 16 December 2007

Editor’s Notes:

There are quite some jitters taking place with all the corruption, and baseless banking systems ready to explode as the environment gets trashed, and sustainability looks like a pipe dream. In 5 more winter solstices it comes to an end and beginning of an ancient Mayan 25,800-year calendar cycle. Yet, in the moment the future is born, and time for taking some positive actions is of an essence. Please note the letter from Jehan, since 2005 he has been in isolation, declared ‘an influential Muslim.” Influential, alright, as a decent human being coming from an inner place of love, not hate or fear.

The Boston Tea Party 9/11 Convention was a great success. I will update after recorded presentations are posted. The event was moderated by Ray McGovern, and included presentations by Stephen Jones, Kevin Ryan (co-editors of, Richard Gage, AIA Architect, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Dr Bob Bowman, Donna Marsh O'Conner, Joel S. Hirshhorn, Ph.D., Barbara Honegger, Kevin Barrett, Justin A. Martell and Michael Jackman (Student Scholars, founders). Jim Hogue as Ethan Allen and more. The 9/11 truth community is slowly reaching mainstream status by focusing on the strongest evidence that challenges most anyone with a reasonable and open mind that truth and science are our biggest allies for justice and freedom.

In addition to linking to a Bill Moyers interview with Keith Olbermann, this was added to the 'notes' for Bill Moyers Journal reports on the 'politically powerful group Christians United for Israel, whose leader, Pastor John Hagee, advocates for a preemptive strike against Iran.' You can either Watch Video or Transcript! But also check the following for a Moyers' interview with Ronald J. Sider and MJ Rosenberg. This makes the case for an ethical Jew and Evangelical Christian perspective. The real concern are the crazies in any or all religions, and the silence of the majority. Please keep reaching out to make a difference, and for a harmonious solstice for all our relations.

9/11 * Family Members * First Responders * Experts * Speak Out
November 3, 2007 - West Hartford, CT
Media and Video Postings Here!

Grassroots Actions ~ Resources

John Heartson
John Coster and Mary Serreze
Evolution Cafe
Thursday, December 20, 2007; 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Friday, December 21, 2007; 8:00 pm to midnight
{with additional performers TBA}
The Pushkin
to benefit
Valley 9/11 Truth and Flyby News
{Prior to December 21 music, join us at
Lupinwood for a Solstice Sharing Potluck}

For issue with articles and links, see:
December 18, 2007 - Eco $ Abyss * 1959 * Impeach * DeathPen
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