Writers Wanted: Gilmore Commission at Rand wrote Terror Legislation

The following speech was made by Rep. Bennie Thompson [D-MS], chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.
Bennie Thompson refers to the Gilmore Commission, whose last report was issued in 2003. Don't know where he came up with the 1993-98 timespan. The Gilmore Commission information is located at the RAND website.

THIS MEANS HR 1955 WAS WRITTEN BY THE RAND CORPORATION AS WELL AS ALL OTHER TERROR LEGISLATION THAT HAS BEEN ENACTED IN THE UNITED STATES. I do not have the time or writing skills to do this issue justice. i hope someone can pick up this ball and run with it.

Bennie Thompson's speech:
"Madam Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 1955, the Violent Radicalization of Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007.

The centerpiece of this bill is the creation of a national commission. It is a step in the right direction. National commissions have a long and successful history in this country. The Gilmore Commission, of which our chairwoman was a member, which functioned from 1993 to 1998, made 164 recommendations regarding the domestic response to terrorism. Of those 164 recommendations, all have been adopted in whole or in part by the Congress and the Federal Government.

Another commission, the National Commission on Terrorism, which operated in the early 1990s, was on the cutting edge of the terrorism debate. That commission provided the Nation with the blueprint of how to address the threat of terrorism long before the September 11 attacks.

The more recent 9/11 Commission set the tenor of our administrative and legislative response to the September 11 attack. That commission's recommendations were the bedrock of legislation I offered that was enacted into law this summer.

The commission established in H.R. 1955 will help build on the work of past commissions and help our Nation come up with strategies for new threats. The bill also requires our government to reach out to other nations that have experienced home grown terrorism. Learning from other nations about what works and what doesn't will better position us to prevent the spread of violent ideology in our country.

The bill also creates a center of excellence to conduct research that is desperately needed in determining the root cause of violent radicalization.