Unanswered Questions

September 10, 2007 by Conrad Gilbert

Sept. 11, 2001, was a day that shaped the consciousness of our time. We saw the planes hit the World Trade Center buildings and shortly afterwards saw the buildings collapse, searing into our collective consciousness a memory we share with the world. It was logical to assume that the buildings came down because of the impact and subsequent burning of the buildings. Immediately after that we were told that 19 terrorists guided by Osama Bin Laden were responsible. We have believed that is what happened because nothing else seemed able to explain such madness.

But now, six years later, this most public event remains shrouded in questions about what really happened, not only on the day the Trade Center towers came down, but in the months and years before and after the event. In fact, so many questions have been raised, and not answered, that the official version of what happened seems entirely implausible.

Theories abound about what happened, ranging from the government being intimately involved in the planning and execution of the event, to the government having intelligence that something was going to happen but taking no action to prevent it, to the government being caught unaware but incompetent in reacting. All these theories and more, have adherents and volumes of literature supporting them. And, of course, there is the official version.

Casting doubt on the government's official version as detailed in the 9/11 Commission Report requires you to put yourself in an uncomfortable position. Friends and family will ridicule and dismiss you as a conspiracy nut. But anyone who seriously looks at the documentation about 9/11 will come away with questions, which, as difficult as they are to face, need to be posed.

Some of these include:

1) Why is there no evidence that a commercial airliner hit the Pentagon? Why has no conclusive video been released? Why was the video from remote cameras at the neighboring hotel confiscated immediately after the explosion? Why was the hole in the wall of the Pentagon, clearly visible from military photographs, so small? Why were no engines or recognizable debris ever recovered?

2) Why did WTC 7, the 40-story building next to the Twin Towers, collapse on the afternoon of 9/11, even though it was never hit by an airplane?

more: http://tangibleinfo.blogspot.com/2007/09/unanswered-questions.html