Another 911 - Another Israeli Spy Ring

Another 911 - Another Israeli Spy Ring ?

On 9-11, the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered in the US was in the process of being rounded up, and that evidence linking these arrested Israeli spies to 911 has been classified by the US Government! Nearly 200 Mossad agents were arrested in the US in that time frame (five on the day of the attack) - ALL were subsequently deported without charges.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9 - 11.

Mall kiosk workers detained

Fayetteville Observer / | December 7, 2006
By Laura Arenschield

Sixteen people employed at Cross Creek Mall kiosks were detained Tuesday morning by immigration officials who say they were illegally working in the United States.

Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents started investigating the employees earlier this week after Fayetteville police received a tip the employees could be involved in terrorism, said Tom O'Connell, resident agent in charge of ICE's office in Cary.

O'Connell said immigration agents do not believe any of them are terrorists.

Jamie Smith, public information officer for the Fayetteville Police Department, said the department received the tip last week. Police called ICE agents and the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, which includes federal and local law enforcement agents.

O'Connell said the investigation was quick. He said the 16 came to U.S. airports in New York, Los Angeles and Atlanta about a week ago and traveled to Fayetteville. They were let into the country because they held tourist visas, which allow them to travel here but prohibit them from being employed.

Because ICE found out they were working, O'Connell said, all 16 will be deported.

Everybody's visa was valid, O'Connell said Wednesday. But when you come into the U.S. as a tourist, the ... document that you are admitted on says you are not allowed to work.

The employees worked for a number of companies, including BonBon Inc., Miracle of the Dead Sea, Aroma Therapy, Zoom Helicopter, Flashing Roller, E. Naftali and Wilcat.

O'Connell said agents are still investigating at least one of the companies owners.

None of the owners could be reached Wednesday afternoon.

Fifteen of the 16 who were detained are from Israel, O'Connell said. Those include: Amir Bibi, 23; Amit Waknin, 22; Ofir Bibi, 25; Elad Tsihi, 25; Mordechai Moran Bibi, 22; Elad Deutsch, 22; Shahar Zaitie, 22; Yosef Aviad Levy, 21; Israel Hay Amron, 24; Avishay Bibi, 18; Dana Yeheskel, 24; Ronit Raveh, 20; Eliran Siboni, 22; Beny Morsiano, 25; and Shai Misk, 23.

Ali Bilat, 23, of Turkey also was detained.

O'Connell said the 16 were employed by companies that own the kiosks, but were not paid by the hour or through a salary. He said employers typically paid the employees a percentage of what they sold at kiosks during a shift.

Tammy Hopkins, marketing manager for Cross Creek Mall, said mall managers did not know the kiosk employees were working illegally.

The expectation is that any business operator complies with federal, state and local guidelines, she said. Obviously these operators did not comply.

Hopkins said owners who did not comply with the law would not be allowed to continue doing business at Cross Creek Mall.

Staff writer Laura Arenschield can be reached at or 486-3572.

Note - According to the above article, federal and local law officials began investigating the employees after receiving a tip that they could be involved in terrorism and they did a quick investigation. Shortly after 911, Fox News in their 4 part series they did titled "Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11", reported that dozens of arrests and detentions of Israelis, working at American mall kiosks, where they had been selling toys, were made, and investigators suspect that it was a front, in the largest spy ring ever uncovered in America. So why would they do a quick investigation on someone that could be involved in terrorism, especially when this method of operation, involving espionage, has been documented to have been used before? Why was suspicion dismissed immediately? Did they really investigate the Israelis as they claimed? How many other malls around the country are these people working out of?

Earning Your Keep The American Way

The Media Line | February 11, 2007
By Jessica Steinberg

There are several certainties in the lives of most Israeli teenagers: They will graduate high school and enter the army, then travel the world and go to college. But before and after they embark on these life rituals, they want to earn money – lots of it. And one of the ways to do that is by working for a network of Israeli-owned kiosks that line the main drags of most malls in the United States.

“You can earn a lot of money,” says Eitan Stone, who runs Ima Inc., a firm that sells Corioliss, a line of hair straighteners, at mall wagons in southern California. “If you come and you like to talk on the phone a lot and go shopping, you won’t save much. But if you come and work 11 hours a day and don’t take long breaks, you can earn a lot on commission.”

Stone first came to the U.S. in 2003 via Nashville, Tennessee to work with his cousin. They then moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, and quickly made enough money to open their own wagons.

“The wagons are demonstration booths selling products with a gimmick,” explains Stone. “You show the product and the customer falls in love with it. Then you go to the sales stage to get them to buy it.”

For Israelis looking to make a lot of money in a few months, the kiosks are a short-term leasing business that requires temporary workers on a rotation basis. Depending on the mall and the area, wagon rentals range from $3,000 a month to $8,000 per month during high season or in high-end malls. Those who want to make even more can invest a minimum of $10,000 and rent the wagons for three months.

And who better to hire than fellow Israelis? Many young Israelis are ready to travel the world, both before and after the army. For some, it’s a way of taking a breather after the tensions and hardships of army life. For others, it’s a way of stockpiling cash that will be available for travel and university once they’re done. Moreover, the fellow Sabras running the network of wagons take care of all their needs, renting them fully furnished apartments with big screen televisions, Internet access and a car for their personal use.

“It’s not a Mafia,” says Stone. “We do it all for them because they can come without a dollar in their pockets. They don’t mind sharing a two-bedroom apartment with three other people because they’re used to being with a lot of people from the army and from their trips.”

With more than six months to go before being inducted into the army, 17-year-old Adina Brinn worked in three different malls in Indianapolis, earning $10,000 in five months of work, before heading home to Maale Adumim, a neighborhood outside of Jerusalem.

“I was between high school and the army, and I didn’t want to sit at home and do nothing with my life,” says Brinn, who is scheduled to start basic training this month.

After checking out several companies on-line (,, she went to talk to one of the recruiters in Tel Aviv with her father. A few weeks later, Brinn was on a flight to Las Vegas for a month of training and then ended up in Indianapolis, where she rotated among the Castleton, Greenwood and Circle Center malls selling Israeli body care products and sharing an apartment with other Israelis in the same job.

“It’s hard work, both physically and mentally,” says Brinn. “You’re by yourself and you don’t know anyone. But it’s also impossible not to make money.”

Not according to Ilan Bar-El, 24, who spent November and December selling motion pictures, lighted moving pictures of nature scenes, in Freehold, New Jersey and made around $7,000, which is much less than he had hoped. His younger brother, who sold aromatherapy pillows in another New Jersey mall, made $11,500 in a month and a half of 17-hour workdays.

“My cart just didn’t go,” says Bar-El. “Everyone else with different products made money.”

Then again, motion pictures are considered “inactive” sales, products that don’t require actively going after potential customers. In “active” sales, explains Bar-El, the salesperson holds the product, such as Dead Sea hand cream, and draws the potential customer to the cart by saying they have something amazing for their dry hands. According to Bar-El, 70 percent of the women will follow the salesperson back to the cart, and if it’s pre-Christmas season, it’s easy to sell anything.

“You’re hustling, that’s what most people dislike,” he says, adding that he chose the motion pictures because of the lack of hustling required.

Brinn, who was selling Dead Sea products in Indianapolis in the months before Christmas says “it felt weird to be selling products for wrinkles to people who are 50, and I wasn’t even 18 yet.” She also found that she got a lot of support – and sales – from customers when they learned that she was from Israel.

What benefits salespeople such as Bar-El and Brinn is that they were born in Israel to parents who are American, which means they have American citizenship and that makes them more attractive to their employers. Brinn and Bar-El were both instructed by their employers that as employees with American citizenship, they would operate the kiosks by themselves whenever they suspected an immigration raid at the mall.

“They always try to have enough people with American citizenship, especially after one of the competing companies had one person who got in trouble,” says Brinn. “They were always really organized about it, and had meetings once a week to see how everyone was feeling. I always felt very safe.”

Most Israelis who come to work at the kiosks arrive on tourist visas, which make it illegal for them to work in the U.S. In fact, there has been more than one incident in which immigration police have rounded up kiosk employees and sent them home on the next airplane.

Six years ago, in the months after 9/11, at least 60 young Israelis were arrested and detained on immigration charges. The Israelis, most of whom worked selling toys, trinkets and other kiosk goods in shopping malls in Ohio, Missouri, Texas and California, were held without bond for a month or longer and then deported.

In early December, 16 Israelis employed at the Cross Creek Mall kiosks in Fayetteville, North Carolina were detained by immigration officials, who said they were working illegally in the U.S. Local law enforcement officials began investigating the employees after receiving a tip that they could be involved in terrorism, according to the, the online version of the Fayetteville Observer newspaper. That suspicion was dismissed immediately, but all 16 held tourist visas that allowed them to travel but not to be employed.

Small cities are a big problem for the firms that employ Israelis on tourist visas, and there is always a wave of arrests in the pre-Christmas season, says Stone, who adds that he no longer employs Israelis without American citizenship and his employees pay taxes. “If immigration is going to do something, they do it then, because the carts are out in full force,” he says. “A smaller place like St. Louis is a problem, but in California where there are millions of illegal Mexicans, no one’s going to come after some illegal Israelis.” In the New Jersey mall where Bar-El worked, there were 50 Israelis and no one “got busted,” he says.

“The cart is such a small part of America that they don’t really bother you,” he adds. “Besides, America without immigrants wouldn’t be America.”
Permanent Link:

The High-Fivers
More proof the Israelis were shadowing the 9/11 hijackers

Fox News 4 Part Series
Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11