Help knarlyknight, the guy is surrounded!

Some discussions at have involved one blogger (knarlyknight) defending 911 skepticism against a group of intelligent, misinformed believers of the official conspiracy theory. I think he's done a great job, but maybe he could use some help or expressions of support from experienced 911bloggers?

Anyone willing to drop by, read the comments, and make a few comments of their own in the spirit of 911 truth?

I realize this is a low gain approach to activism, but it seems that knarlyknight is making some inroads there. Getting the folks from onto the 911 truth side would be good. Go to the comment section under the most recent blog: How Bad Is It?

At the least it is entertaining to observe how he takes the discussion from war and deception and relates it back to 911 truth and then holds his own against all the others who do not agree. Some of the older entries are also good that way, especially the one titled Dyer On Loose Change.