Finally, something you can do, a little bit of help for Mr. Paul Thompson

Help Needed
By Paul Thompson
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As big as the timeline is, it continues to rapidly grow. The 9/11 story is incredibly complicated, and I don’t plan to stop until every last fact has been tracked down. I have the problem now of having too many new articles to absorb them all. If anyone would like to help me digest some of this material so more entries can be completed faster, please let me know (paulthompson22b@ I’ll send you some articles to read and summarize. This will be most appreciated, and properly credited.

Also, I have an ever growing mountain of articles lacking external links. If someone is good at finding articles, I can send you plenty to find.



These Pravda articles look extremely fascinating, but they need to be found first and then translated from Russian. There are many references to them on the web, but the Pravda English archives don’t have them.

Title: Will the Dollar and America Fall Down on August 19? Source: Pravda Date: July 12, 2001 Subject: interview with Putin advisor Tatyana Koryagina

Title: Dollar and the U.S. Could Fall at Any Moment Source: Pravda Date: July 17, 2001 Subject: Interview with Chairman of Duma Commission Dr. Sergei Glazyev

Title: Dollar and U.S. Will Fall Source: Pravda Date: July 31—August 1, 2001 Subject: interview with Malaysian ambassador

Title: Who Will Strike America in It’s Back Source: Pravda Date: unknown, after 9/11 Subject: quoting Tatyana Koryagina


Title: Mohammed Atta was a Secret Service Agent, Say Egyptian Officials Source: La Repubblica (Italian newspaper) Date: September 11, 2002


Title: unknown Source: Associated Press Date: September 15, 2001 Contents: “Charles Grapentine, the manager of Sandpiper Apartments on Airport Avenue in Venice, said he remembers seeing Atta at the complex for about three weeks in April. He said Atta was living in the apartment of Amanda Keller.”

Title: unknown Source: Jane’s Terrorism and Security Monitor Date: October 2001 Contents: about a 27-year-old Moroccan student arrested last year in Brazil who may have had foreknowledge of 9/11

Title: unknown Source: Jane’s Terrorism and Security Monitor Date: shortly before October 5, 1999 Contents: US intelligence is worried bin Laden is planning a major terrorist attack on US soil. They are said to be particularly concerned about some kind of attack on New York, and they have recommended stepped-up security at the New York Stock Exchange and the Federal Reserve. (mentioned in [NewsMax, 10/5/99])


Any help in finding any of the below is most appreciated. My biggest interest right now is finding out more about the alternate identities of the 9/11 hijackers. For instance, the Telegraph said:

“The FBI had published [Saeed Alghamdi’s] personal details but with a photograph of somebody else, presumably a hijacker who had “stolen” his identity. CNN, however, showed a picture of the real Mr. Alghamdi.” [Telegraph, 9/23/01] Another Saudi pilot, Said Hussein al-Ghamdi, whose photograph was broadcast on CNN when it portrayed him as a hijacker, is living in Tunis. [London Times, 9/20/01]

Does anyone have the CNN picture? I can’t find it. I’d like to find other pictures of the hijackers that don’t appear to be the same as their official FBI photos. See the article on Ziad Jarrah for some examples of these alternate pictures depicting other people that I’ve found. I’ve come across mentions of pictures in newspaper articles in the Middle East and Africa. If anyone has the texts or pictures from articles like this, I’d appreciate it. Most of the articles I’m speaking of would be in Arabic I assume, so translation would be key as well. Here are two specifically I’m very keen on finding.

Title: unknown Source: Saudi Gazette Date: September 18, 2001 Subject: Marwan al-Shehhi is still alive in Morocco

Title: unknown Source: The Khaleej Times Date: September 20, 2001 Subject: Marwan al-Shehhi is still alive in Morocco


I’d love to link to short video clips or get transcripts to these programs.

Source: NBC TV Date: September 15, 2001 Subject: in an interview, Russian President Vladimir Putin says he “I ordered my intelligence to warn President Bush in the strongest terms that 25 terrorists were getting ready to attack the US, including important government buildings like the Pentagon.”

The Independent [Independent, 8/13/02] reported: “there was one brief report on CBS television before the crash that two F-16 fighters were tailing Flight 93.” Does anyone have that?

A recent Al-Jazeera video featuring interviews with Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh has made a lot of news lately. Does anyone have a copy of this video and/or a transcript? HIGH PRIORITY!

Also, in April 2001 Al-Jazeera aired a tape that included a farewell message from hijacker Ahmed Alhaznawi An excerpt is available with “realpass” at: but I don’t have the pass.

You could always donate a little bit of money to the 911 Timeline cause at Cooperative Research