painter's blog

Why "giggle"? An open letter to the editors and administrators of History Is A Weapon dot com

Why "giggle"? An open letter to the editors and administrators of History as a Weapon dot com:


This morning I followed a link to the 1928 book "Propaganda," by Edward Bernays hosted on your web site ( ) from a post in a forum I help administer. I was delighted to find a copy of this book on-line which details early thinking in the uses of propaganda for manipulating "the public mind." I was also delighted to find your site which, although I'm new to it, is obviously a repository of, as you describe it on your welcome page, "an online Left reader focusing largely on American resistance history." ( )

However, as I began to familiarize myself with your site, contemplating spreading the news of its existence to my associates, in the context of addressing what an interested person should do if they have a suggestion for content in your FAQ, I came upon the following comment: "Of course, we reserve the right to giggle that you suggest we post 9/11 conspiracy articles." ( )

Put Your Name And A Comment In The Congressional Record


Put Your Name in the Congressional Record in Support of Impeachment

Rep. Dennis Kucinich wants to put the name of everyone who supports Dick Cheney's impeachment in the Congressional Record!

The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session and is fully searchable.

Every day that Congress is in session, Rep. Kucinich will submit 5 single-spaced pages of names with states, which is the daily limit under House rules. To be included, all you need to do is submit this petition.

If you follow the link provided you'll find a form requesting your name, address, AND A BRIEF PERSONAL COMMENT. Here is YOUR opportunity to put your name on record throughout history as not only supporting impeachment but, for example, expressing the woeful inadequacy of the investigation of 9/11.