nausea7543's blog

9/11 Truth Street Action Milwaukee, WI

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,
We had fun in the sun day in downtown Milwaukee, WI where we passed out hundreds of DVDs countless flyers and a bunch of Rock Creek Free Press newspapers for our 11th of the month street action. We hung around a French street festival called Bastille Days where there were thousands of people to encounter. A good day for 9/11 Truth and for the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Here's a Youtube showing our efforts:

Take Care Matt

Is 9/11 Truth Growing? Check This Out! 1000's Want 9/11 Questions Meetup Groups Near Them

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,

There are now something like 113 Meetup 9/11 Questions Groups in 90 cities and 5 countries. But did you know there is a Meetup list with 1000 places where people are looking for a 9/11 Questions Meetup Group. They list the first 1000 but there are more according to Meetup because it is so popular. I think its safe to say that we're succeeding in getting the truth out about 9/11 all over the world. Keep up the 9/11 Truth Activism were making a difference and the powers that be know it.

Here's the beginning of the 1000 listed places I found on the Meetup Home Site:

All 9/11 Questions cities
These are overwhelmingly popular around the world, so we've only listed the 1,000 most popular locations.

New York, New York
Dallas, Texas
Austin, Texas
San Diego, California
Chicago, Illinois
Denver, Colorado
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Portland, Oregon
Fort Worth, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
Cincinnati, Ohio
Indianapolis, Indiana
Los Angeles, California
San Francisco, California
Houston, Texas
Toronto, Ontario
Seattle, Washington
Atlanta, Georgia
Columbus, Ohio
Kansas City, Missouri

NY Times Reporter Asks Obama How Enchanting His First 100 Days Was. Hard Questions LOL

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,

We better become the media when you have a NY Times reporter asking Obama how enchanting his first 100 days have been. They ask harder questions at the Miss USA Pageant. For example they asked Miss California about her views on same sex marriage.

Hey! NY Times reporter how about asking the president this: Are we a nation of laws and do we abide by our constitution? Yes or NO. How about asking our president this question: Will our Attorney General investigate those that came up with the idea of using torture and then instituted the torture according to the torture memos which includes those that committed the torture? We don't need a another commission to find out the facts. We need a real crime investigation to indict and prosecute those that formulated the use of torture and then used torture. We already have the facts that torture was used according to the torture memos and Cheney's admission.

I think this NY Times reporter is so soft he has cases of Charmin stored at his residence for his bodily place where the sun doesn't shine. LOL

Take Care Matt

"MEET THE TRUTH" Local Access TV Program In West Allis, Wisconsin

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,
In West Allis, Wisconsin a suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin we started a television program called "MEET THE TRUTH".
We work with the West Allis Media Center which is open to the public. By becoming a member, you can produce your own shows and they are aired at least twice a week. There are many communities throughout the United States that have public access media centers. This is just one way of reaching the masses with 9/11 Truth. Most of these centers allow you to use their media equipment once your trained. You can also use equipment outside the studio and then edit it to view on your program. It takes a little time to learn the equipment and to work with the editing process, but it's well worth the effort when you see the quality of your programs. Here's a picture of our table and backdrop we use for the show.


News Anouncement: New 9/11 Truth Website called "Religious Leaders For 9/11 Truth"

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,
I received this e-mail today with this announcement:

A new organization called "Religious Leaders for 9 /11 Truth" has been formed. A small group of charter members has posted a statement of concern and a petition for a new investigation of 9/11 at (David Ray Griffin has been serving as an advisor to this organization.)

These religious leaders---who include lay as well as professional religious leaders---have recognized the significant moral challenge posed by the discrepancy between the official account of 9/11 and extensive evidence, based on independent research, that has shown this official account to be false.

Watch Obama Closely! Listen To His Words Carefully In His Inaugural Address

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers
Matthew Naus:
I read Obama's speech carefully two times. One short paragraph near the end of his speech stuck with me because of that old saying "read between the lines".

Here's that paragraph in his inaugural address:

Barack Obama:
To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.

Matthew Naus:
I also noticed that he only used the word "true" once and the word "truths" once in his inaugural address along with the word "honesty".

Here's where I found those words in a part of his inaugural address:

Barack Obama:
Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends -- honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism -- these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history.

3rd Annual Milwaukee/Lake Michigan Tea Party For 9/11 Truth

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,
We barbequed the 9/11 Commission Report for the 3rd year in a row and we dumped the ashes in Lake Michigan. We had some fun throwing combat boots at a Bush/Neo-Con target and we even had a visit by the local law enforcement.


Take Care Matt

We Know We Have A False Flag With 9/11 Now We Need A Universal 9/11 Truth Flag

Hello Truthseekers, Truthtellers & Members of v911t,

I have two examples (designs) for a universal 9/11 Truth Flag. (attachments) I believe a universal flag (symbol) is needed for the 9/11 Truth Movement. I would like to see others contribute their examples (designs) and then in some way (vote) come to an agreement on one flag that can become the universal flag used throughout the United States and anywhere in the world to symbolize the 9/11 "Truth" movement and even the "Truth" movement in general with all the deceptions and false flags we have been given over the past years.
Please respond to this idea of a universal 9/11 Truth Flag and think about contributing examples (designs) on a jpeg. I'm not sure how this Flag idea will fly (LOL) with all the different 9/11 Truth sites and how we can come to an agreement, but I think it's worth putting the idea out there to see how it's accepted.

I Pledge Allegiance To The Truth

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,
Here's a short poem I wrote with the help of the Pledge Of Allegiance.

Title: I Pledge Allegiance To The Truth

I Pledge Allegiance To The Truth
That The United States of America’s
Covert Intelligence Agencies (CIA) Will Be Stopped
From Creating Another FALSE FLAG.

And To The Republic For Which It Stands
One Nation Under God, Indivisible
With Liberty and Justice For All
Human Beings From Any Nation
That Has Suffered Due To
The United States of America’s
Covert Intelligence Agencies (CIA) Use Of A

Take Care Matt

We The People Will Get the Truth Out About 9/11

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,

Cynthia McKinney Speech At Fighting Bob Fest Baraboo, WI

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers

Cynthia McKinney spoke at the Fighting Bob Fest in Baraboo, WI on Saturday, Sept. 6th 2008. In her speech she mentions 9/11 Truth as part of her platform running as the Green Party presidential candidate. I put part of her speech on Youtube, and a great part it was. She also visited the Wisconsin Green Party Booth and our own Wisconsin Coalition For 9/11 Truth Booth (9/11 Truth groups from Milwaukee, Racine & Madison, WI) which you can see near the end of the 6 minute Youtube. Cynthia McKinney is the only presidential candidate speaking for the truth about 9/11 and speaking truth to power. She's a couragous woman who follows in the footsteps of Fighting Bob Lafollett which this political festival honors. Enjoy !

Take Care Matt

Nist Final Report Uses Fire/ Single Column Failure(column 79)/Thermal Expansion?

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,

Nist Final Report WTC7 Uses Fire/ Single Column Failure (column 79)/ Thermal Expansion as the reason for the collapse of WTC7. So here we are again repeating history. We went from the single bullet (Kennedy Assassination) to the single column. I guess if the "single theory" worked in the past they figured it could work again. NOT!

Take Care Matt

Feds paid $498,750 paid to Urban Moving Systems in 2001

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,
$498,750 paid to the Five Dancing Israelis
Federal Assistance to Recipient URBAN MOVING SYSTEMS INC in NJ, FY 2001, summary

Federal Assistance to Recipient URBAN MOVING SYSTEMS INC in NJ, FY 2001, summary
Posted Jun 18, 2008 09:07 AM PST

Urban Moving Systems got the entire $498,750 in the year 2001.

For the newcomers, Urban Moving Systems was used as a cover by the Mossad Agents arrested high-fiving each other and video-taping the collapse of the WTC. Following 9-11, the owner of Urban Moving Systems, Dominic Suiter, abandoned his home and business and fled back to Israel.