Mike Marino's blog

ARMY Scares Houston With Unannounced "DRILL"

Ready or not here they come.... not in BEVERLY HILLS (yet). The U.S. ARMY might be coming to a neighborhood near you soon.
ABC TV Reports

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- The sight of Army helicopters and the sound of gunfire created a lot of concern Monday afternoon in one Houston neighborhood.

With military helicopters flying above her Houston neighborhood, Frances Jerrals didn't know what to think.

"When you see this, you think the worst. When you hear this, you think the worst," Jerrals said.

We received a lot of phones calls, Tweets and Facebook posts from worried neighbors, wondering what was going on.


Gunshots !! Helicopters ..... What's Happening?


Southeast HOUSTON.... GUNSHIPS FIRING... people scared... "What's Happening??"

KTRK-TV in Houston reported that the U.S. Army along with other agencies took over the Carnegie Vanguard High School in Houston on Monday. Alarmed residents called police and complained about gunshots and helicopters.

The Army did not give any details on what the training was for, according to the news station, and a Google News search produced no announcement of the exercise.


Courtesy of Info Wars

Michael Moore: "I support... hope for A New Investigation"

We Are Change spoke with Mr. Moore and he agrees that we need a New Investigation and he wants to see the Videos from the PENTAGON.

We Are Change
Los Angeles

Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer Accuses CIA Director of MISLEADING...

A decorated ex-clandestine operative for the Pentagon offers new revelations about the role the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) played in the shut-down of the military's notorious Able Danger program, alleged to have identified five of the 9/11 hijackers inside America more than a year before the attacks.

Offering new revelations about the CIA's role in shutting down military intelligence penetration of al-Qaeda, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer joins a growing list of government officials accusing former CIA director George Tenet of misleading federal investigators and sharing some degree of blame for the 9/11 attacks.

Truth Out

NDAA Renewed : Indefinite Detention of Americans Included

We have been lied to about every major event in recent times, and now again

Obama signed the NDAA 2013 without objecting to the indefinite imprisonment of Americans.

President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 giving his stamp of approval to a Pentagon spending Bill ($633 Billion) that will keep Guantanamo Bay open and make indefinite detention for US citizens as likely as ever.

This time last year, President Obama said that he had “serious reservations” about certain provisions of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. But he signed it anyway. This year, the same provisions over which he was so reserved remain in the 2013 version of the bill, along with a number of brand-new problematic amendments. The president threatened a veto on the new bill’s prohibitions on closing Guantánamo Bay detention center. But he didn’t veto; he signed the bill again on Thursday.

This coupled with the "Homeland" Security buying more deadly Bullets... it was announced that the Department of Homeland Security has awarded a company a contract worth over $45,000 dollars to provide the DHS with 200,000 more rounds of bullets.

NDAA, Drones, DHS Buys 1.2B+ Rounds of Ammo, "Patriot Act"

There is a storm brewing that will be colder than the "Little Ice Age" being predicted in the years ahead. Sen Lindsey Graham (R-SC) explained that the bill (i.e.S. 1867, National Defense Authorization Act, will "basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield" and people can be imprisoned without charge or trial "American citizen or not. The NDAA is now law.

30,000 Remotely controlled Armed Military aircraft, DRONES, are beginning to enter our sky along with the ever present Chemtrails.

If that doesn't give you chills then consider that the Department of Homeland security has ordered around 1.2 billion bullets in the last six months alone, and a new solicitation for over 200 million more rounds of ammunition, some of which are designated to be used by snipers.

A series of new solicitations posted on the FedBizOpps website show that the DHS is looking to purchase 200 million rounds of .223 rifle ammunition over the next four years, as well as 176000 rounds of .308 calibre,168 grain hollow point boat tail. Hollow point bullets are not for target practice. They explode on impact and shred anything they hit.

" ... Save Us From Self-Inflicted Wounds." Senate Chaplain

Rare Senate Session between Christmas and New Year's

The Senate today opened its first session in the days between Christmas and New Years since 1962 with an ominous prayer, as Congress and President Obama scramble to come up with a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff.

“Let us feel your presence today on Capitol Hill,” Senate Chaplain Barry Black prayed, opening up the day in the Senate. “As we gather with so much work undone, guide our lawmakers with your wisdom. Lord, show them the right thing to do and give them the courage to do it.”

With just a matter of hours before the nation goes over the so-called fiscal cliff without a deal, Black prayed for “shelter” in the “midst of the storm, regardless of how high the waters rise,” for the legislators.

“When they feel exhausted, remind them of the great sufficiency of your grace, look with favor on our nation and save us from self-inflicted wounds,” he said.

ABC News

Patriots Question 9/11

“Site 911" (??) Underground Bunker To Be Built In Israel

Walter Pincus reported in The Washington Post a few days ago that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has put out a Request for Proposals, seeking contractors with Top-Secret clearances to develop a $100-million underground military facility for the Israeli Army. Here’s the project description:

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to supervise construction of a five-story underground facility for an Israel Defense Forces complex, oddly named “Site 911,” at an Israeli Air Force base near Tel Aviv.

Expected to take more than two years to build, at a cost of up to $100 million, the facility is to have classrooms on Level 1, an auditorium on Level 3, a laboratory, shock-resistant doors, protection from nonionizing radiation and very tight security. Clearances will be required for all construction workers, guards will be at the fence and barriers will separate it from the rest of the base.

The article also notes that in the past the Corps has built facilities for Israel’s nuclear missiles.


Right to Know the Truth

For everybody in California... as you know
Proposition 37 for GMO Foods to be labeled has received
wide support and their Logo can be modified for our message.


This can be Printed at copy shops and Posted before the Election.
Use it as you can.


Mike Marino

Building 7 / Mr. Silverstein Wants MORE $$$

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday questioned whether United Airlines could be held responsible for suspected airport security lapses that allowed hijackers onto the American Airlines plane that slammed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Thursday's hearing before U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein in Manhattan stems from one of the few remaining lawsuits arising from the hijacked plane attacks, which killed more than 3,000 people in New York, the Pentagon outside Washington, and Pennsylvania.

While most of the cases have settled, Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of the World Trade Center property, is pursuing negligence claims against United Airlines, now United Continental Holdings Inc, and American Airlines. Silverstein says they should both be held liable for loss of property and business.

The Chicago Tribune
Basil Katz, Reuters

PIERS MORGAN Owes Jesse Ventura A Public Apology

In a "LIVE" broadcast Monday night on CNN former Governor Jesse VENTURA informed the apparently ignorant Piers MORGAN on the fact that the BBC TV announced that BUILDING 7 had collapsed before it actually came down at about 5:20pm on 9/11/01. Piers said, "You need to have a break Jesse."

It's time for PIERS to have a break and look at the videotape:

Now it's time for Piers Morgan to apologize to Mr. Ventura who was correct in what he told him about the BBC "news" Broadcast that remains unexplained to this day.

And then address the 28 second statement by Larry Silverstein who said in the 2002 PBS Special, AMERICA Rebuilds, "... maybe the smartest thing to do is PULL IT"

See the full version of the Mini Documentary made by Architects and Engineers For 9/11 Truth on BUILDING 7 that has been seen by Millions of people on PBS TV Nationwide.

Shari Bernson Colorado Public TV : 9/11 EXPERTS SPEAK OUT

Shari Bernson, Director of Development at Colorado Public Television in DENVER announced that they are the first Broadcast Station in the country to air the Architects and Engineers For 9/11 Truth new gripping documentary, 9/11 Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out featuring more than 40 experts who say a new investigation is urgently needed.

Richard Gage, AIA founder of Architects and Engineers For 9/11 Truth was in the studio during the Airing and the broadcast was "LIVE" Streamed at:


As of 3 days ago Shari reported that there had been 27,000 hits on the Colorado Public TV webpage which is more than any program ever received before. People from around the country are logging on to see it.

See also the 15 minute version of What Happened to Building 7?, aka, Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 featuring the former President of the Screen Actors Guild, Ed ASNER:
http://architects-engineers.org/ A shorter version has been airing on PBS TV nationwide for several months and an estimated 12 million people had seen it by Sept. 1st.

Hear Shari tell it on the phone: