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FRONTLINE presents BUSH'S WAR March 24 & 25, 2008, at 9 P.M. ET on PBS


FRONTLINE presents BUSH'S WAR March 24 & 25, 2008, at 9 P.M. ET on PBS

From the horror of 9/11 to the invasion of Iraq; the truth about WMD to the rise of an insurgency; the scandal of Abu Ghraib to the strategy of the surge -- for six years, FRONTLINE has revealed the defining stories of the war on terror in meticulous detail, and the political dramas that played out at the highest levels of power and influence.

Now, on the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion, the full saga unfolds in the two-part FRONTLINE special Bush's War, airing Monday, March 24, 2008, from 9 to 11:30 P.M. and Tuesday, March 25, from 9 to 11 P.M. ET on PBS (check local listings). Veteran FRONTLINE producer Michael Kirk (The Lost Year in Iraq, The Dark Side) draws on one of the richest archives in broadcast journalism -- more than 40 FRONTLINE reports on the war on terror. Combined with fresh reporting and new interviews, Bush's War will be the definitive documentary analysis of one of the most challenging periods in the nation's history.

5 YEARS TOO MANY Rallys- Opportunity to EDUCATE!

Participate in a Rally near you TODAY, the fifth anniversary of the Iraq Invasion and occupation. Over 660 scheduled.


5 years too many:

Code Pink:


McCain says al Qaeda might try to tip U.S. election By Steve Holland Fri Mar 14 (Reuters)

McCain says al Qaeda might try to tip U.S. election

By Steve Holland Fri Mar 14, 12:22 PM ET

SPRINGFIELD, Pennsylvania (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain said on Friday he fears that al Qaeda or another extremist group might attempt spectacular attacks in Iraq to try to tilt the U.S. election against him.

McCain, at a town hall meeting in this Philadelphia suburb, was asked if he had concerns that anti-American militants in Iraq might ratchet up their activities in Iraq to try to increase casualties in September or October and tip the November election against him.

"Yes, I worry about it," McCain said. "And I know they pay attention because of the intercepts we have of their communications ... The hardest thing in warfare is to counter someone or a group of individuals who are willing to take their own lives in order to take others."

Obama denounces pastor's 9/11 comments

Obama denounces pastor's 9/11 comments

By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Friday denounced inflammatory remarks from his pastor, who has railed against the United States and accused its leaders of bringing on the Sept. 11 attacks by spreading terrorism.
As video of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright has widely aired on television and the Internet, Obama responded by posting a blog about his relationship with Wright and his church, Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, on the Huffington Post.
Obama wrote that he's looked to Wright for spiritual advice, not political guidance, and he's been pained and angered to learn of some of his pastor's comments for which he had not been present. Obama's statement did not say whether Wright would remain on his African American Religious Leadership Committee, and campaign officials wouldn't say either.

Wiretap Whistleblower & Stopping Domestic Violence PBS "NOW" Week of 3.14.08

Week of 3.14.08
Wiretap Whistleblower &
Stopping Domestic Violence
More From NOW: Wiretap Whistleblower | Candidate Positions on Surveillance | Telecom Money in Congress | Protecting Your Privacy
Topic Search: Civil Liberties & Technology
[Streaming video of this program will be available online after broadcast]

Should telecommunication companies receive retroactive immunity for their role in helping the government eavesdrop on American phone calls and e-mails? As Congress and President Bush duel over the answer to that question, NOW on PBS interviews a whistleblower with exclusive insight into the role played by one of those companies.

TAXI TO THE DARKSIDE- Entire Film 1 hr 19 min

TAXI TO THE DARKSIDE- Entire Film 1 hr 19 min

Douglas Feith's Blame Game March 11, 2008

March 11, 2008

Douglas Feith's Blame Game
by Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Satyam Khanna, Matt Corley, Ali Frick, Benjamin Armbruster, and Matt Duss

Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan When: Thursday March 13 to Sunday March 16

Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan
Winter Soldier Video
Your donation will help make Winter Soldier a success!DonateNow

In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

In 1971, a courageous group of veterans exposed the criminal nature of the Vietnam War in an event called Winter Soldier. Once again, we will demand that the voices of veterans are heard.

Once again, we are fighting for the soul of our country. We will demonstrate our patriotism by speaking out with honor and integrity instead of blindly following failed policy. Winter Soldier is a difficult but essential service to our country.

Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan will feature testimony from U.S. veterans who served in those occupations, giving an accurate account of what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground.

$300 Million From Chavez To Farc A Fake By Greg Palast 07/03/08 "ICH" -- -- Do you believe this?

$300 Million From Chavez To Farc A Fake
Here’s the written evidence

By Greg Palast

07/03/08 "ICH" -- -- Do you believe this?

This past weekend, Colombia invaded Ecuador, killed a guerrilla chief in the jungle, opened his laptop – and what did the Colombians find? A message to Hugo Chavez that he sent the FARC guerrillas $300 million – which they’re using to obtain uranium to make a dirty bomb!

That’s what George Bush tells us. And he got that from his buddy, the strange right-wing President of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe.

So: After the fact, Colombia justifies its attempt to provoke a border war as a way to stop the threat of WMDs! Uh, where have we heard that before?

The US press snorted up this line about Chavez’ $300 million to “terrorists” quicker than the young Bush inhaling Colombia’s powdered export.

What the US press did not do is look at the evidence, the email in the magic laptop. (Presumably, the FARC leader’s last words were, “Listen, my password is ….”)

Killing Chills Spain's Election,8599,1720463,00.html

Killing Chills Spain's Election
Socialist party flags lie on empty seats at a bullring outside Madrid, where the Socialist Party was planning to hold their closing electoral campaign March 7, 2008.
Mondelo / EPA

Just two days before Spain's national election, terrorism forced its way back onto the political stage when a gunman killed former Socialist official Isaias Carrasco at midday near his home in the Basque town of Arrasate. As Carrasco's wife and daughter stood watching, a single gunman shot the former regional councilman several times from behind, then fled the scene with a waiting driver. Though no claim of responsibility has yet been made, a Spanish Interior Ministry spokesperson said the government was "certain" the attack had been carried out by the Basque separatist group ETA. Carrasco's murder would be the third committed by ETA since the organization officially declared an end to a ceasefire it called in March 2006.


A Fable: What the President's response to 9/11 might have been by L.M. Arndt March 4, 2008

March 4, 2008 at 10:57:21

Headlined on 3/4/08:
A Fable: What the President's response to 9/11 might have been

by L.M. Arndt Page 1 of 2 page(s)

The President never made it to the classroom that morning, and so he missed the reading of “The Pet Goat.” When the Secret Service agent gave him the news that a plane had hit one of the World Trade Center towers, he immediately had an aide contact the school to say that the President would be delayed.

It might not amount to anything. Planes had crashed into buildings before, usually totalling the plane but creating relatively little damage to the building. Still, with the bits and pieces of information that had been coming in over the past several months, including hints of an attack – well, any such event had to be taken seriously.

More messages soon removed all doubt. Two other planes had been highjacked. One of them had hit the second tower. Both towers were on fire. Clouds of black smoke were pouring from the impact sites.

POLITICS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE MATRIX II: One Game, Two Game Boards by Steve Bhaerman March 3, 2008


March 3, 2008

by Steve Bhaerman

The feedback I got on last week's Ralph Nader piece has helped me clarify some distinctions. Hopefully, these will make some difference in tomorrow's March 4th primaries as we "March Forth" into a new era of awakening, awareness and functionality. I apologize in advance for the length of this piece, but because of the time urgency, this is a bit more stream of consciousness than I would have liked. As the old saying goes, "I would have written a shorter letter but I didn't have the time."

Incompetence Vs Professionalism & 911 By Douglas Herman 3-3-8

Incompetence Vs Professionalism & 911

By Douglas Herman

Professionalism-- Definition: 1. professional standards: the skill, competence, or character expected of a member of a highly trained profession.

Lately a number of diverse characters from the mainstream have come forth (years later) to decry the so-called incompetence of those involved at the highest echelons of the US government during September 11, 2001.

These diverse characters, from ultra-conservative US Representative, Dana Rohrabacher to New York Times reporter, Phillip Shenon, author of The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 911 Investigation, have lately decried this alleged high level incompetence. Shenon's book gained considerable mainstream publicity, far more media exposure than any book by David Ray Griffin, a longtime critic of the administration's role in 911.

Senator Bob Kerrey-to go public with his announcement calling for a PERMANENT 9/11 COMMITTEE

Air America Radio's, Richard Greene announces congressional action to
hold a permamanent 9/11 Commission for ongoing investigations into the
events on and prior 9/11/2001

Senator Bob Kerrey - who has ties to Air America, recently revealed his
upcoming action to Air America Radio Host, Richard Greene who's show CLOUT is part of the station's daily lineup.

Sen. Kerrey will appear on an upcoming airing of CLOUT to go public with his announcement calling for a PERMANENT 9/11 COMMITTEE.

VIDEO of Richard Greene's announcement

Hsaive's 9/11Truth Video has been picked up by Robert Greenwalds's BRAVE NEW FILMS

Hsaive's 9/11Truth Video has been picked up by Robert Greenwalds's BRAVE NEW FILMS
"We create and host the best political videos on the web to inspire you to pssst... DO SOMETHING! Ad-free"

Who is Robert Greenwald?

# "The ACLU Freedom Files" (executive producer) (19 episodes, 2005-2007) (co-executive producer) (1 episode, 2007)
- Freedom from Abuse of Power: Torture and Unlawful Imprisonment (2007) TV episode (executive producer)
- Freedom from Government Spying: Surveillance (2007) TV episode (executive producer)
- Freedom to Dream: Rights of Immigrants (2007) TV episode (executive producer)
- Freedom to Know: Sex Education (2007) TV episode (executive producer)
- Freedom to Learn: School to Prison Pipeline (2007) TV episode (executive producer)
(14 more)
# Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (2006) (producer)
# The Big Buy: Tom DeLay's Stolen Congress (2006) (producer)
# "Sierra Club Chronicles" (2006) TV series (executive producer) (unknown episodes) (producer) (unknown episodes)
# Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005) (V) (producer)