Drummerboy's blog

Crucial Week for Impeachment

February 15, 2008

Crucial Week for Impeachment

By David Swanson

Something very important happened in Congress on Thursday. After 7 years of cowering in fear of every dictatorial demand from Bush and Cheney, House Democrats finally rose up and said NO.

First, House Democrats refused to give immunity to the telecom giants for illegally wiretapping the calls and emails of every American - despite two Bush press conference hissyfits and endless Corporate Media lies.

Second, House Democrats declared Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten to be in contempt of Congress for rejecting subpoenas to testify about the U.S. Attorney scandal, despite an faux-angry walkout by Republicans. Watch Rep. Robert Wexler's excellent floor speech:

Could this be the start of holding George Bush and Dick Cheney accountable for their innumerable High Crimes?

The main problem we face is time. Since this is an election year, Congress will stop legislating and start campaigning full-time in May. Since impeachment hearings take time, those hearings must begin now.

Senate and Neocons Agree to Carve Up Bill of Rights

From the site Another day in the empire.


15th of February '08

It’s now official, the entire Senate is criminally complicit in undermining the Fourth Amendment.

“Senate Democrats and Republicans reached agreement with the Bush administration yesterday on the terms of new legislation to control the federal government’s domestic surveillance program, which includes a highly controversial grant of legal immunity to telecommunications companies that have assisted the program, according to congressional sources,” reports the CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post.

A french site is starting a petition asking new investigation

There's a french (from France) site that is taking the initiative to push forward a petition around the world asking for a new investigation of 9-11. I think that could be a good thing to go there and sign it. Above all this, it would be nice if a judicial movement was coming from outside USA.
This is the URL.


Go there.

A 911 truck loaded of patriotism.

Has anyone heard about John. He must be visiting this 911blogger site. But if he doesn't can someone try to join him and invite him to join us and tell the story behing this masterpiece. Here's a ppt presentation showing the work dedictaded to the lost lifes.