Buru Dragon's blog

Lt. Col. Guy Razer Informs NIST About Building 7

From Veterans for 9/11 Truth


20 year fighter pilot and munitions expert Lt. Col. Guy Razer informs NIST about the Controlled Demolition of WTC 7

Breaking: August 8, 2007 Fighter Pilot Guy Razer confronts NIST Face to Face!

NIST Acknowledges Receipt of Controlled Demolition Evidence.
Listen to Interviews with Lt. Col. Guy Razer:
http://www.v911t.org/M/Lt. Col. Guy Razer 07192007.mp3

What Is The Deal With Purdue?

Creating alternate realities, simulating crises and gauging human responses to propaganda. A real life Sim City psyop. Brought to us in part by professor Alok Chaturvedi of Purdue University. The same University that also brought us the bogus 9/11 simulation.


What is it with Purdue?


Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale

"The DOD is developing a parallel to Planet Earth, with billions of individual "nodes" to reflect every man, woman, and child this side of the dividing line between reality and AR.

Called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS), it will be a "synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information", according to a concept paper for the project.

"SWS provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP)," the paper reads, so that military leaders can "develop and test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners"


A suggestion for 9/11 Bloggers

I’m sure that many casual viewers of the History channel aren’t (for the most part) privy to the central truths of the alternative 9/11 movement. They also probably aren’t aware of the highly biased agenda of Popular Mechanics. Maybe we should join the History channel forums and inform them (without using profanity and what not)? Let’s see if the moderators there ban us, censor us or actually allow for the free and open discussion of the relevant topics. It would be a good litmus test of their true nature.

Popular Mechanics Bias

As you can see, PM has a history of defending Bush no matter what the issue. All of the horror stories that we heard about Katrina were apparently lies as well according to PM. Is the mainstream media comprised of conspiracy theorists as well?


Popular Mechanics Takes on Katrina Myths

Yet even more proof that PM is a shamefully biased propaganda outfit and anyone who uses them as a reference has no credibility. Their only concern is exonerating the Bush administration. Facts and reality are discarded along the way. Next PM will probably be telling us that the WMD’s really were in Iraq.

Ratcheting Up The Fear

We recently had Chertoff’s baseless “gut feeling“, Santorum’s blatant fear-mongering, the re-release of an old Bin Laden tape as “new” and now Bush has finally joined the bandwagon of fear.


Bush Warns A new of Terror Threat

"President Bush sought Tuesday to strengthen the connection between the terrorist network al-Qaida and the unceasing Iraq war, prodding people to remember the threat of attack at home.

By stressing al-Qaida's burgeoning operation in Iraq, Bush again aimed to frame the war in the public's mind as a matter of protecting the United States. Yet the war itself has turned into a valuable recruiting tool for al-Qaida, senior intelligence officials concede."


"Al-Qaida, led by Osama bin Laden, orchestrated the terrorist strikes on the United States by turning hijacked airplanes into killing machines. That was almost six years ago.

‘Traveler’ jogs down conspiracy lane

Did anyone happen to catch this episode?


Not so long ago, movies that depicted the modern world as oppressive and Big Brotherly were set in the future. The new ABC action drama “Traveler” isn’t placed any further into the future than, say, a minute from now. But that doesn’t stop its heroes from being persecuted by such dark forces as bad guys pretending to be FBI agents, and perhaps by real FBI agents who are part of the bad-guy establishment—and by some vast, sinister conspiracy.

Within the first 15 minutes of tonight’s pilot episode (curiously, the show doesn’t air a second episode until May 30), Will Traveler and two of his college buddies are on the lam. Pals Jay and Tyler are forced into running for their lives, but Will is missing, perhaps having been reduced to a heap of cinders by a bomb he might have set off himself.

Virgin Atlantic Caves In To Neo-con Pressure

This is exactly what we can expect to see when the time for the theater release comes around. Where are all of the so-called "freedom of speech conservatives" who defended Don Imus to the grave? Where were they for Rosie? Where were they for Loose Change? Freedom of speech isn't just about protecting that which you agree with. It's especially about defending that which you don't agree with. That is the whole point. Conservatives only want that freedom for themselves and no one else. Bill O'reilly recently said that we're living in a dangerous climate where everything you say can and will be used against you. He said this in reference to Imus while while spending a ridiculous amount of time attacking Rosie in exactly that manner. Even the vile mouthed Ann Coulter and Dennis Miller got tired of it. Guys like O’reilly will claim that movies like Loose Change hurt the victims families (even though most agree with us) and yet he continues to promote and support Ann Coulter who has made many disparaging remarks about the Jersey girls calling them "bimbos".

Fox News is nothing more than a Operation Mockingbird, CIA front, propaganda machine that caters to the dregs of society. Think about the credibility of their guests? Oliver North, Gordon Liddy, Robert Novak, toe-sucker Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, the Popular Mechanics goons etc. The pre-requisite for a Fox regular is either being a traitor, a liar, a government shill or a criminal it seems? It's time to organize and wage a war against Fox which is this generation's 'Tokyo Rose', the 'Pravda' of the US. They put party and politics before the people. Another favorite Fox target is the wealthy foreigner George Soros who they say is using his money to meddle with our elections. How is that any different from what the Australian Rupert Murdoch is doing with Fox?

These kinds of Gestapo tactics will not stop! All that we can do is counter them.


This is Nick Rizzuto the Producer of Andrew Wilkow’s show. I’ve spoken to Virgin Atlantic’s Press folks, a gentleman named Paul Charles. After a heated 20 minute conversation where I threatened to spread this information throughout the conservative media and promised them a media firestorm and PR poison, they have decided not to show the film.

UFO Style 9/11 Propaganda

This is no ground breaking revelation or anything by any means but it’s an angle that I found to be very interesting nonetheless. It’s the stark similarities between the government’s approach to dealing with UFO sightings and alternative 9/11 theories.

This afternoon on the History Channel I watched a program called “UFO Files: When UFO’s Arrive”. Surprisingly as of late there has been a litany of UFO related programming scattered all over cable television lately. Anyway, they delved in to the now famous H.G. Wells fictional radio broadcast in 1938 by Orson Wells of a UFO invasion which inadvertently stirred up such a panic amongst the populace. This incident apparently inspired the government to adopt a policy of total secrecy regarding the UFO phenomenon.

Also mentioned was the followings Brookings Institution report which suggested that such knowledge of the unfamiliar could literally lead to the 'disintegration of society'.

