Eman's blog

911 Photos on Huffington Post

When I see 911 anything on Huffington Post, I perk up. They are not prone to stories for the cause. However, here is a link http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/10/new-911-aerial-photos-rel_n_457163.html, to a story about the policeman that took these newly released photos, and a new 911 Museum opening where many will be on display.

Jim Hoffman's Plausible Destruction Scenario

Jim Hoffman has written this article,

This is brilliant insight into a critical problem explaining the destruction on 911.
How does nanothermite get everywhere in the two towers?
And, how do you detonate it with flawless split second accuracy?

The article outlines probable ways the demolitions may have happened.
What struck me was the sheer brilliance of using ceiling tiles laced with nanothermite
and RF transmitter detonators. The ceiling tiles were already placed throughout the buildings,
and with layers of nanothermite sandwiched between each one, their abundance can
reasonably account for the massive explosions and the pools of molten iron months after the demolition.

I understood about cutter charges and painting the thermite on core columns, but I could
not get the thoroughness of the explosions on all the floors. Laced ceiling tiles explains it.

As a plan, can you think of a better way to prepare the buildings for demolition without a hint of suspicion?