avid's blog

NY Times on Demolition

Sunday's edition of the New York Times (8/2/09) featured a full page on professionals in building demolition, with many facts relevant to 9/11 truth (but without mention of that phrase). Some of the facts disclosed included the following:

In NYC demolition remains unregulated, and organized crime dominates.

Safety regulations are routinely cast aside.

Companies count on making money from selling off scrap.

For extensive details, see "Demolition Man," by William K. Rashbaum and Charles V. Bagli.

Progress Despite Blackout

Vincent Bugliosi's book, "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder," has remained on the New York Times bestseller list for the last five weeks in spite of strong MSM suppression. Bugliosi has registered complaint about this silent treatment, indicating that none of his previous bestsellers had ever suffered such a blackout. If the steps this recognized legal powerhouse is taking to help initiate prosecution prove successful, the subsequent court proceedings should offer up a wealth of factual information bearing on a plethora of critical occasions, including 9/11. Though outwardly not in the camp of the 9/11 truth movement, the book deserves support and dissemination as a major step toward truth combined with useful education in the law.

Perception Management

Consider the vast difference between PM and PR, urges David Baldacci in his current best-selling thriller, "The Whole Truth." In the Author's Note at the end of the book he writes that perception managers are not spin doctors because they don't spin facts. "They create facts and then sell them to the world as truth" (with emphasis on "create"). The story revolves around a weapons manufacturer/war profiteer who enlists the professional services of a perception management company. Various schemes are developed to engender antagonism between Russia and China, both of whom become customers of the weapons contractor. If you plan to read this novel, expect total immersion of your attention in the fascinating action. Beyond the high entertainment value, however, Baldacci has a point to make, and he spells it out very clearly in his Author's Note: "Many of the techniques [of perception management] outlined in the story are standard operating procedures for these folks....

"The Black Hat" (but no Cordel Walker)

The New York Times review (2/4/08) of Philip Shenon's book, The Commission, referred to Philip Zelikow as the Black Hat of the story. This book contains a wealth of detail on behind-the-scenes relationships and processes within the 9/11 Commission. In my opinion, the writing will be best savored, evaluated, and utilized within the 9/11 truth community. To underestimate it or refuse to read it because of some basic faults would deprive one so deciding a generous experience in their search for truth.

Items of Evidence

While reviewing clippings, certain excerpts seemed worthy of special note and preservation. An article by Anthony DePalma (New York Times, 5/14/07, "Ground Zero Illnesses Clouding Giuliani's Legacy") says: "From the beginning there was no doubt that Mr. Giuliani and his team ruled the hellish disaster site. Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the army Corps of Engineers and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, all with extensive disaster response experience, arrived almost immediately, only to be placed on the sideline. One Army Corps official said Mr. Giuliani acted like a 'benevolent dictator.' Despite the presence of these federal experts, Mr. Giuliani assigned the ground zero cleanup to a largely unknown city agency, the Department of Design and Construction. Kenneth Holden, the department's commissioner until January, 2004 said in a deposition in the federal lawsuit against the city that he initially expected FEMA or the Army Corps to try to take over the cleanup operation. Mr. Giuliani never let them."

"The Shell Game" reviewed

"The Shell Game" by Steve Alten merits the gratitude of anyone desirous of 9/11 truth and a healthy environment for all. This informative, suspenseful, and timely story incorporates a vast amount of relevant factual information. It is not Islamophobic: "Becoming a Muslim does not convert one into a terrorist (far from it)," because "Islam is a religion struggling between two identities: moderation and extremism" (page 157). Several literary devices enable the author to interweave facts of contemporary history with the story line and thus inform as well as entertain the reader in agreeable fashion. One device is to include three quotations, long or short, at the beginning of each chapter, taken from a wide variety of source material. Another technique to help educate the reader comes from the presentation, intermittently, of authentic facts as quoted pages from a fictional book written by one of the main characters. Thirdly, the story itself unfolds within a matrix of factual detail grippingly enlivened by the story for vivid aasimilation. There is no question, in my opinion, that Dr.