AJFan's blog

We need to yank the crazies out of Washington before they push the button

Paul Craig Roberts thinks our leaders are insane and should be yanked out Washington before they blow up the whole world and "end life on earth as we know it".


Infowars.com | The Alex Jones Show

There aren't many Sibel Edmonds or Daniel Ellsbergs

August 8, 2008

Investigative reporter Joe Lauria discusses the series he co-wrote for the London Times about the Sibel Edmonds case, including the 30 year Washington connection to the A.Q. Kahn nuclear black-market operation, the difficulty in corroborating stories about such a secretive subject, the inability of American mainstream media to diverge from the status quo, how the Tinner family fits into the story and the history of the military-industrial-congressional complex as told in the new book he’s co-authored with former senator Mike Gravel, A Political Odyssey.


Because I know lies when I see them and when I smell them

August 8, 2008


4:22 .77MB

Green 960 AM | The Peter B Collins Show


Because . . . there are many Americans who think that those of us who asked questions about what happened on September 11 and how it happened and who did it and who's responsible . . . are somehow lunatics.

And I understand the arguments about the gang that can't shoot straight and how do you pull off a perfect conspiracy where nobody blabs . . . seven years later. Yes that's a serious question and it's a burden to overcome but it's actually a distraction too from what we know.

Because I know lies when I see them and when I smell them

August 8, 2008


4:22 .77MB

Green 960 AM | The Peter B Collins Show


Because . . . there are many Americans who think that those of us who asked questions about what happened on September 11 and how it happened and who did it and who's responsible . . . are somehow lunatics.

And I understand the arguments about the gang that can't shoot straight and how do you pull off a perfect conspiracy where nobody blabs . . . seven years later. Yes that's a serious question and it's a burden to overcome but it's actually a distraction too from what we know.

9/11 was an inside job read the sticker

August 4, 2008

Jason Robo tells Alex Jones his side of the story.


17:40 3.01MB

Infowars | The Alex Jones Show

College student with 9/11 conspiracy sticker forces delay of Boston flight

The Boston Globe | July 31, 2008

A former Worcester man was arraigned today on disorderly conduct charges after he allegedly slapped a 9/11 conspiracy sticker in a plane lavatory before running off the aircraft just before takeoff.

Jason Robo had boarded Delta flight 1165 for Salt Late City just after 5 p.m. Wednesday when the crew noticed he was acting nervously, said David Procopio, a State Police spokesman. Robo was spotted entering one of the bathrooms, and, after he left, a crew member found what appeared to be a handmade sticker that read: 9/11 was an inside job.

The thought of provoking Sadamn Hussein into a war should have never crossed his mind

August 1, 2008

Alex Jones talks with former LA County district attorney and author Vincent Bugliosi, who recently appeared before the House Judiciary Committee on the impeachment of Bush.


1:03:48 10.9MB

Infowars | The Alex Jones Show

William Pepper returns to the Alex Jones Show

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

William Pepper and Alex Jones discuss MLK, RFK and the current state of our republic.


45:24 7.79MB

Infowars | Alex Jones Show

It was obvious to any physicist how the buildings came down

After talking about the hydrogen economy and the space race, Professor Muller (at about 7:30) is led by Boston Public Radio host Tom Ashbrook to the subject of what future presidents should know about the physics of terrorism; specifically, how did those buildings come down? (hint: it was too many calories!)

10 minute clip (mp3)

Physics for Future Presidents
Aired: Monday, July 21, 2008 11-12PM ET (on National Petroleum Radio)

By host Tom Ashbrook

In January next year, a new American president will step into the Oval Office and into a mess of challenges from energy crisis and terrorism to global climate change.

Berkeley physics professor Richard Muller has a few things he'd like that president to know about the science around those challenges.

Half a Million Plastic Coffins?

Neithercorp Forum
July 18, 2008

Yep, these are cheap plastic coffins. Hundreds of thousands of them. Don’t believe it?
Why coffins? Why in the middle of Georgia?

Well, apparently the Government is expecting a half million people to die relatively soon, and the Atlanta Airport is a major airline traffic hub, probably the biggest in the country, which means Georgia is a prime base to conduct military operations and coordination. It is also the home of the CDC, the Center for Disease Control. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but usually you don’t buy 500,000 plastic coffins "just in case something happens," you buy them because you know something is going to happen. These air tight seal containers would be perfect to bury victims of plague or biological warfare in, wouldn’t they?

Sticks and stones may break my bones . .

A conspiracy of dunces
London Telegraph | 12:01am BST 12/07/2008

Do you agree with Stephen Pile's view of the week's TV?

Where do we start?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Alex Jones and Jason Bermas discuss BBC's "The Third Tower" after having a day to watch the video and are left wondering just where to start unraveling the mountain of disinformation and distortion whipped up by the perps media hacks

17:21 2.98MB

Infowars | The Alex Jones Show

Additional Jason Bermas Audio

BBC keeps digging, the hole gets bigger

Monday, July 7, 2008
Links to YouTube Video
Alex Jones and Jason Bermas break down the recent BBC hit piece which labors to explain how the BBC reported the collapse of building 7 23 minutes prior to its actual collapse on September 11, 2001

14:49 3.39MB

Infowars | The Alex Jones Show

Additional Jason Bermas Audio

The Man General Franks called "The dumbest guy on the face of the planet"

Douglas Feith Tells 60 Minutes Attack On Iraq Was Anticipatory Self-Defense; Not 9/11 Retaliation

Updated July 7, 2008 | CBS 60 Minutes

Feith says there have been lots of errors in judgment, but not by him. He is generous in his criticism of Secretary of State Colin Powell, CIA Director George Tenet and General Tommy Franks. And they have returned the favor, plus interest.

UK Independent Review of "The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 - The Third Tower

The Weekend's TV: The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 – The Third Tower, Sun, BBC2
George Gently, Sun, BBC2

Yet more tall stories with no foundation

Reviewed by Thomas Sutcliffe


Monday, 7 July 2008