Wilson's blog

Jim Hoffman Interview on University of Winnipeg radio station CKUW

Indepedent journalist Jonathan Wilson will be airing a pre-recorded interview with Jim Hoffman on his show 'People of Interest' Monday May 19th. They will be talking about the controlled demolition on 9/11 as well as the recently published article in civil engineering and the importance of getting this information to a wider audience. 'People of Interest' airs every monday in Winnipeg 8-9am. The interview is 30 minutes long and will be aired at aprox. 8:15am central standard time. Anyone can listen by streaming from www.ckuw.ca or the program can be downloaded after it airs on www.ckuw.ca by going to the program schedule.

Globalization and the widening gap

This essay will be analyzing the perceived benefits and detractors that globalization has on human populations and the planet. The issue of when globalization occurred and how it is defined is the first issue that will be explored as there are a few conflicting interpretations. Many people feel that globalization has had a positive effect on the world by connecting far away communities and expanding business opportunities. Others argue globalization has a negative effect overall because it allows the more powerful nations to exploit foreign populations for labor and resources and gives multinational corporations an unfair advantage over small business. The role of the IMF and the World Bank in the global market will also be explored as these organizations are key regulators of the global economy. This essay will argue that the negative impacts of globalization far outweigh those that are positive and the current system serves the interest of those with the most power and influence at the expense of those without, which is the vast majority.

Covert Operations And The Repression Of Political Dissent

Covert Operations And The Repression Of Political Dissent

by Jonathan Wilson

This essay will be covering the topic of government agency use of covert operations as a form of social control. Specifically, the focus will be on the use of covert operations that are intended to sabotage activist movements, organizations and influential individuals for the purpose of reducing or removing their ability to influence public sentiment. This essay will be using research to emphasise the point that while these actions are condoned and justified under the guise of protecting the public, catching criminals, and enforcing the law, the real purpose of these actions is purely ideological. It appears that the real goal is to protect the status quo, and suppress or discredit any people or groups that promote ideas or information that could undermine the legitimacy of the state in the eyes of the general public. This is evident in that most of the organizations and individuals targeted are not engaging in illegal behavior. Ironically it is the government agencies that are breaking the law with the tactics they use in these covert operations. But, for the most part, these agencies are able to shield themselves from public and judicial oversight through the secrecy of their actions. As sociologist Gary T Marx (1974) observes "because of the secretive nature of the actions, civil liberties appear to remain intact".

The agency that is most widely known for the planning and operations of these covert tactic in North America is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. J. Edgar Hoover was appointed the director of the Bureau of Investigations or (BoI) in 1924 after working for the General Intelligence Department (GID) where he had already honed his tactics of ideological suppression using a network of paid informers to infiltrate organizations that were deemed politically undesirable.(Churchill, Wall 1990). Once becoming director Hoover was able to expand the bureau's resources very quickly, more than tripling the number of offices and personnel by the end of the 1920's.(www.fbi.gov 2007). Hoover quickly crafted the Bureau's policy and thinking around his own beliefs, setting up a standardized training for agents.(Churchill, Wall 1990). Former agent Jack Levine who was interviewed in the book The FBI Nobody Knows (Cook 1964) said the recruits were "heavily indoctrinated with radical right wing propaganda."(pg. 3). Hoover was also very concerned about the Bureau image and would only cooperate with media who would portray them in a favorable light, essentially having newspapers regurgitating as fact the FBI assessments of itself and other matters. Any negative press was deemed un-American. By 1938 the F.B.I. had launched illegal investigations of supposed subversion in the steel, coal, fur, newspaper industries, educational institutions, organized labor, youth groups governmental affairs, and the armed forces.(Churchill, Wall 1990) Oddly enough, the Bureau neglected to investigate any of the corporations that were providing support and supplies to the Nazis during WW2. Hoover remained the Director of the F.B.I. all the way until his death in 1972. (Churchill, Wall 1990).

Barrie Zwicker and Lesley Hughes to speak Thursday September 6th, Winnipeg MB Canada

Thursday on the 3rd floor of Mondragon (91 Albert street.) for 7:30 PM, featuring Author, Media Critic Barrie Zwicker & Fromer CBC jounalist, Editor of Canadian Dimension (www.canadiandimension.com) Leslie Hughes will be discussing 9/11.

This is a prime location to get together and plan possible actions for the anniversary!