Newcastle Herald on 9/11 "Pivotal Moment in History Remains Unclear" by Greg Ray

Newcastle Herald

Source - Newcastle Herald 9 11 Article pdf

Pivotal Moment in History Remains Unclear - Greg Ray

IT’S been said that nobody who researches the subject of the so-called September 11 terror attacks in the United States ever ends up
believing the official story about what happened.

If that’s true, it puts the event in the same class as the 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Both events have been regarded as pivotal hinges of history, both are surrounded by intense controversy and neither are satisfactorily explained by official accounts.

After many years, enough of the raw emotion has gone out of the JFK killing for more people to be able to acknowledge that the official ‘‘lone gunman’’ story is rubbish. But even though that story is as demonstrably full of holes as the proverbial Swiss cheese, I’m not sure that a definitive truthful account will ever emerge.

A decade after the September 11 attacks it still isn’t fashionable in many circles to draw attention to the defects in the official account of circumstances surrounding the disaster. That’s a shame, because this event has had immense consequences.

I’m always leery of official stories. That’s just as true whether it’s about the alleged risk posed to the public by ornamental fig trees, the sudden urgent need for a new dam that everybody said just months before might never be needed or airplanes whacking into buildings thousands of miles away.

I’m always irritated to be presented with some pat story whose proponents want everybody to believe them but who resist scrutiny of the basis of their claims.

And that was always the big problem with September 11. As soon as it happened, the authorities were ready with the story that a bunch of half-trained amateur pilots, at least some of whose names weren’t even on the passenger lists of the planes they allegedly hijacked, flat-footed the entire US defence apparatus.

Two skyscrapers that were specifically designed to withstand aircraft strikes pancaked to ground zero after being hit. The explanation
was that burning jet fuel melted the structural steel – including the colossal columns that ran up the middle of the buildings –and lower floors gave way as higher ones crashed onto them.

But hundreds of engineers and scientists say that story defies belief. They say jet fuel doesn’t burn at temperatures hot enough to melt the steel that was in the buildings.

Scores of people said on the day of the disaster that they heard explosions in the lower parts of the building. Firefighters, in particular, swore black and blue that they heard and saw these explosions close up and even TV reporters could be seen breathlessly describing them as they happened.

I’ve read volumes on this topic since I last expressed some doubts about the official story (and copped it from people who insisted the
official story must be true).

My reading has only served to increase my doubts.

I’m not saying all we’ve been told about the attacks is untrue. But I feel that big parts of the story are probably false and that other big parts remain untold.

Greg Ray, a senior journalist with the Newcastle Herald for more than 25 years
You may contact Greg at

Greg Ray is a real journalist please take a time to thank him!

Kind regards John

Done. I just sent him a very

Done. I just sent him a very short very polite email thanking him. I hope he doesn't suffer any 'blow back' from having supported us.

Should be fine...

He's done one other article asking questions a few years back, I'll think he will be fine. Mind you the story was not online until I uplifted it and now it's got a life of it's own :-) What's a man to do but to spread the news when it's actually true?

Regards John

Not online?

It was only published in the paper version of the Herald?

No not online...pdf link from original copy at visibility911..

...from link above at...

Scroll down to article.

The website I listed is the home of the paper but this article was not made available there?

I have been is correspondence with the author also.

Regards John

No source link to the article

Can someone provide a link to the source article?
All links seem dead and google does not produce the lead to the original article no matter how I search.


Letter to Newcastle Herald, to the Day Editor

(Sent to: )

It appears that Greg Ray has written a brave, honest and insightful analysis, titled: "Pivotal Moment in History Remains Unclear".

However, I cannot verify online whether this was a legitimate Newcastle Herald article, as the only source is a pdf from another site:

Would you please verify if this was printed in your paper or not; or better yet, ensure that a digital version is posted to your website?



Response received

They've confirmed it as their article, but I can only assume they are too chicken to post it on-line. Here is the response to my email letter (I have replaced my name with "XXXXXX":

From: Sue Fryer []
Sent: September-14-11 4:36 PM
Subject: Emailing: NCH011NHER__09SEP11

The attached article was written by Greg Ray, a staff reporter, and appeared in September 9, 2011 edition of the Newcastle Herald, on page 11.
Thanking you,
Sue Fryer

Thanks Greg

Very proud of this article published in my hometown newspaper. In discussions with Greg Ray, I’ve found him to be intelligent and very informed about 9/11 Truth and related topics. He is a highly respected journalist and author and his latest book is a big hit - “Newcastle: The Missing Years” - a collection of historically significant photographs combined with Greg’s narrative.

Hopefully the following comments from Greg will make my life in Newcastle a little bit easier:

“A decade after the September 11 attacks it still isn’t fashionable in many circles to draw attention to the defects in the official account of circumstances surrounding the disaster. That’s a shame, because this event has had immense consequences … I’ve read volumes on this topic since I last expressed some doubts about the official story (and copped it from people who insisted the official story must be true).”

Will be shouting Greg a beer or two and will thank him sincerely for this wonderful article.

A message from Naomi Breeze Australian Activist.

Very proud of this article published in my hometown newspaper. In my discussions with Greg Ray, I’ve found him to be intelligent and informed. He is a highly respected journalist and author. His current book is a big hit - “Newcastle: The Missing Years” - a collection of historically significant photographs combined with Greg’s narrative.

Hopefully the following comments from Greg will make my life in Newcastle a little bit easier:

“A decade after the September 11 attacks it still isn’t fashionable in many circles to draw attention to the defects in the official account of circumstances surrounding the disaster. That’s a shame, because this event has had immense consequences … I’ve read volumes on this topic since I last expressed some doubts about the official story (and copped it from people who insisted the official story must be true).”

Will be shouting Greg a beer or two and will thank him sincerely for this wonderful article.

Thanks Mum (Mom)

Thought I would share the email my awesome mum (mom) sent to Greg Ray:

"I want to congratulate you on your super article in last week's Herald re the 9/11 official story and the questions it should raise with everyone who needs the truth about this very sad moment in world history.

It was courageous journalism, as most media are too scared or intimidated or just not permitted by their bosses to write about the real facts of the twin towers collapse, the 3rd building collapse ( it wasn't even hit by a plane?), the pentagon crash and the plane that crashed in the field (the coroner found no body parts).

The questions you raised re the comments of the firefighters, the architects and engineers and scientists - these questions need to be asked by everyone. The information is all there for people to make up their own minds if only they would take the time to look into facts of 9/11.

I shall keep this short - I could go on and on.

Very proud of your fine journalism in the past, but this is the best and bravest yet. Well done - keep up the good work.


good points here, except for the errors

First, it's encouraging to see a journalist expressing criticism of the OCT, and an MSM for publishing views like this.

However, it diminishes Ray's cred that his criticism includes some easily debunked claims:

"at least some of whose names weren’t even on the passenger lists of the planes they allegedly hijacked"

Victim's lists published by media left those named as hijackers off; copies of passenger lists and manifests have been made public that include these names: Someone might claim they're fake, or there's no evidence they're authentic; it's fine to be skeptical, but being skeptical isn't evidence; there's no evidence they're fake, or not authentic

"The explanation was that burning jet fuel melted the structural steel – including the colossal columns that ran up the middle of the buildings –and lower floors gave way as higher ones crashed onto them."

This was a claim made early on by some media, prior to any investigation, that the jet fuel fires had melted steel. It is not a claim made by any official investigation. It is, however, a valid question as to why video shows molten metal, that can't be aluminum, pouring out of the side of the WTC prior to collapse; why numerous witnesses observed molten STEEL in the WTC wreckage, and why there's evidence of molten iron documented in the FEMA, USGS and RJ Lee reports - when the official reports acknowledge the fires didn't get hot enough to melt steel.

"Scores of people said on the day of the disaster that they heard explosions in the lower parts of the building."

In the LOWER PARTS? SCORES? Is there anyone other than Willie Rodriguez who says this? Yes, there are lots of people, incl. irst responders are on record reporting explosions, and explosive sounds have been captured on some video.

There are many hundreds of reasons to doubt the OCT. A great deal of evidence points to a limited number of possible perpetrators, and even specific people, none of whom are acknowledged by the Establishment as having links to Al Qaeda:

There are probably just as many bogus claims that have been made about 9/11, that provide fish for the debunkers to shoot in a barrel, and make unwary 9/11 skeptics look foolish in the eyes of the public.