
Summary of FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds' August 8, 2009 deposition under oath

August 8, 2009 Sibel Edmonds testified to her knowledge of foreign agencies' and US officials' corruption and abuse of power; espionage, obstruction of FBI investigations, trafficking in arms and nuclear secrets, blackmail, bribery, money laundering, 9/11 foreknowledge and facilitation of terrorist activities. As Edmonds had been subpoenaed by David Krikorian to testify in connection with the Schmidt v. Krikorian lawsuit, the questioning focused on her knowledge as it related to Krikorian's allegations that Jean Schmidt had accepted 'blood money' in exchange for favors to the Turkish lobby. This is a summary of the first part of Edmonds's deposition; I wrote it as an entry for, so it is in the present tense.

For more info on Sibel Edmonds, see the following: her website - letters, legal documents and media coverage related to her whistleblowing her blog - mostly related to Establishment and MSM corruption coverage and investigative reporting by Luke Ryland Sibel Edmonds Timeline - Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD

Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD
October 21, 2009|by Bryant Jordan

After seven years of forced silence, a government whistleblower is opening up on what she learned while working as a Turkish translator for the FBI in the wake of 9/11.

In sworn testimony to attorneys on Aug. 8, Sibel Edmonds described a Pentagon where key personnel helped pass defense secrets to foreign agents or provided them names of knowledgeable officials who were vulnerable to blackmail or co-option.

And firmly rooted in this espionage program in the 1990s, according to Edmonds’ deposition, were two men who, with the election of George W. Bush as president in 2000, found themselves in the Pentagon: Douglas Feith, who would head the Office of Special Plans, and Richard Perle, who would become chairman of the Defense Advisory Board.

BradBlog: Upcoming Cover Story on Edmonds 'Outs' Video-taped, 'Blackmailed' Dem Congresswoman; Alleges State Dept. Mole at NYT

By Brad Friedman on 9/21/2009 10:17AM
Exclusive: Upcoming Cover Story on Edmonds 'Outs' Video-taped, 'Blackmailed' Dem Congresswoman; Alleges State Dept. Mole at NYTimes; MUCH MORE...

'American Conservative' mag's description of interview with previously-gagged FBI whistleblower as 'explosive' may prove to be a gross understatement
Blackmail, bribery, infiltration, theft and sale of nuke secrets by Turkey, Israel explained in clearer detail than ever before...

On Friday, we reported on the coming exclusive American Conservative cover story interview with formerly-gagged FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds by quoting the magazine's own teaser description of the piece as "explosive". Over the weekend, we received an embargoed look at the final version of the AmCon interview by former CIA officer Phil Giraldi, and yes, "explosive", may be a vast understatement. At least if the U.S. corporate media bothers to notice it this time.

Sibel Edmonds vs. the Nuclear Terrorists (full text/linked)

This the full text/linked version of the outline i previously posted- visit the opednews link for the html links in the article body

This is a primer on Sibel Edmonds; her story will be of interest to anyone concerned about US national security and sovereignty; terrorism; 9/11 truth; and abuse of power by public officials. All claims of fact in this article can be sourced in the Sibel Edmonds:US Government Timeline and the Media Coverage Timeline at the bottom of the article. Her allegations listed in this article, and the documents/articles linked in the timelines are not exhaustive.